Kevin Speaks. Nothing... | Jul 2, 2024 001

July 05, 2024 00:26:25
Kevin Speaks.  Nothing... | Jul 2, 2024 001
The NerdGen Report
Kevin Speaks. Nothing... | Jul 2, 2024 001

Jul 05 2024 | 00:26:25


Show Notes


In this conversation, Pablo Ignacio and Brian Schulz discuss the possibility of Taron Edgerton playing Wolverine, the upcoming Wonder Man show, and Kevin Feige's comments about the Fantastic Four. They speculate on the direction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the potential impact of the multiverse. They also express their concerns about the overcrowding of characters and the need for Marvel to deliver quality content. Overall, they are curious to see how these projects will unfold and hope for fresh and innovative storytelling.


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Pablo Ignacio (00:00) The idea, can you hear me fine? Just fine? Okay. All right. Because I don't have my regular mic today. I thought I could use it, but I couldn't. If someone invented the type of fabric that when you take a picture of it, Brian, it reflects like a shiny thing. It won't reflect of what, so you can't see it. You know what I'm saying? Brian Schulz (00:02) Yeah, yeah, it's all good. It'd be like, it'd be like, it'd be like the helicarrier's shield. Right? Right? Like it's not, it looks to us like it's invisible, but it's not. Yeah. Pablo Ignacio (00:34) something yes Because you're right, it's like people, you're going into the movie with a bad rep already without having a movie yet, without us seeing anything yet. Brian Schulz (00:51) Yeah. Although actually, you know, I was thinking now, now I think about a closer for a person. You see, mission impossible dead reckoning. Pablo Ignacio (01:00) Was that the last one? No, no I had it. Brian Schulz (01:01) The most recent one. you should see it. So the villain in that one, it's like, he's like allied with this artificial intelligence. And there's a sequence where they're in an airport and the artificial intelligence is erasing him from the security cameras as he's moving. So like you see him as an audience, but then they cut to like the security footage and there's like no one there. And so that's what you're talking about. It's like he'd be deleted from, you know, what's the footage you wouldn't see it. Yeah, exactly. Pablo Ignacio (01:25) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because it's just, the only way you don't see set pictures or if you do see set pictures, they're very, very far away, is if they're outside of the United States in some country they haven't visited yet or, you know, dislocations. Brian Schulz (01:48) Yeah, actually, it's funny you say that. I just rewatched Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Ring the other day. That's like one of the few movies where the set picks work because the whole thing shot in New Zealand. So it's all natural. Like everything looks spectacular without you having to do anything to it. Yeah, exactly. Pablo Ignacio (02:00) Yeah, we'll do anything. Just pay that flight. Just pay that flight. Let's get into it. Welcome back everyone to the Nerd Genre Report. Brian, Kevin Feige. He just confirmed what was already speculated some time ago, Brian. He just confirmed it. So to no one's surprise, to my surprise, I wasn't surprised that I wasn't surprised. Because we already knew this. I am curious and interested in seeing what this alternate world looks like at the Fantastic Four living. But I also find, Brian, that this multiverse scapegoat cheapens it because, like Tracy said a long time ago, the multiverse is an open door to do whatever it is that you want. So I'm not, my curiosity is just to see what I'm going to see and I'm not really high on it because of all the other stuff behind it, Brian. but I am curious to see what the fantastic for this ensemble, which has been. packed fully picked brain. I'm curious to see what this fantastic four family looks like. Brian Schulz (03:45) A lot here, and actually let's not bury the lead. So these comments from Kevin Feige came as part of the launch of the official Marvel podcast, which when I read it, I was like, Marvel didn't have a podcast before now? That actually kind of blew me away that they didn't have that. So he's the first guest. So of course we will be subscribing and dare I say, mouseaganda in full effect. Now we get into actual podcasts. So it's a damage control podcast coming. Pablo Ignacio (04:09) I'm sorry. Yo, Grant, I was just thinking the same thing right now when you said it. I was like, man, they gotta have a mouthpiece to control the masaganda. Brian Schulz (04:18) I'm sorry. Yeah, I need like, I need the George Costanza, we're taking it up a notch. Yeah, so, but he, but he says, so about the Fantastic Four, so let me read you the quote and then let's get into what you're talking about. Quote, I'm excited, extremely excited because these characters are mainstays, legendary pillars of the Marvel universe that we've ever got to play with or explore in any significant way outside of multiverse madness and some fun teases. And then he says, talking about your point about New York City in the 1960s, quote, it's a period piece. Pablo Ignacio (04:27) Hehehehe Brian Schulz (04:51) And there's another piece of art we released with Johnny Storm flying in the air, making the four symbol. And there was a cityscape in the corner of that image. And a lot of smart people noticed the cityscape didn't look exactly like the New York we know and the New York that existed in the 1960s in our world. And so those are smart observations, I'll say. End quote. He went on to say the film is set for a July shoot. Specifically, it starts the Monday after Comic -Con. So that tells you in Hall H, there'll be something pretty big to launch Fantastic Four officially, presumably with the cast and Matt Shack. So there it is, alternate universe, New York City, 1960. Now, let me ask you a question as I throw this back to you. Could there be a bait and switch going on here? Which is, we know that Marvel is trying to reset and reboot itself on the fly as it is. Who is to say what is the main universe and what is the alternate universe going forward? Would be my question. And does it matter? Pablo Ignacio (05:55) I mean, there's been this theory, Brian, about... what movie is happening in what universe. The only thing I can say about that is if they're playing that sort of game, Brian. it better play out well because at the end of the day, if we're not satisfied, if we're not wowed with regards to the reveal of how all of this transpires, it's gonna fall flat. So I don't, I'm not necessarily right now buying into this whole thing. Once I see it, I'll probably, the way I'm going into this, Brian, and the only way I think I can go into this movie, Brian, is by going into it as if this movie was its own thing. That's the only way I'm going in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Brian Schulz (07:01) I think that's what they want you to do. I mean, I think that's what they want you to do. I guess my question is they already have so many overlapping universes that we've seen and could be seeing, right? There's the 616, which is what we lived in exclusively. And then there was Multiverse of Madness where we physically saw a few different ones. We now know in Deadpool and Wolverine, you're clearly going to be seeing Hugh Jackman's alternate universe, which we don't know for sure that that's a 20th century Foxverse or not. Pablo Ignacio (07:13) Yeah. Brian Schulz (07:29) we assume maybe it is, but we've already been told that movie will not undo the impact of Logan. So that implies there's already multiple Hugh Jackman Wolverine universes floating around. So it's starting to get awfully confusing. And I was thinking about this in the context of Loki because Loki was the only thing we've seen do this really well. And one of the ways that I think they did it was they really limited how many of the universes you spent time in. Like if you think about it, they would show you the timeline. So they'd show you all these branches. Pablo Ignacio (07:57) BLEH Brian Schulz (07:59) but you didn't actually spend an adventure in most of those. You basically lived through one character moving into a very select few spots. And that allowed the show, I think, to retain its stakes and stay very focused even as they were taking on this very confusing thing. Pablo Ignacio (08:18) But does it remind you also sort of the beginning stages of this multiverse sort of thinking in terms of thinking of all of these different types of places is in Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness when they're going through all these different multiverses. So they're just letting us know, yeah, all of these exist and who knows who we're getting from where. I mean, Brian, it's just, I get it. It's just too much. Brian Schulz (08:41) Right. Pablo Ignacio (08:48) I think. Brian Schulz (08:48) Yeah, that's why I'm wondering, I guess that's why I'm posing the Fantastic Four question because it's, we know they're the first family. We're being told it's another place from our world, but I guess I'm submitting the idea that somewhere through the secret wars process or Deadpool and Wolverine, Marvel's actually gonna attempt to destroy the multiverse to effectively remove a lot of that confusion. And so I am speculating, what if the Fantastic Four New York is our new actual central universe. They're just not calling it that yet. And that's their way to also like box up the infinity saga, but then open the door to bring back some of their original characters playing different things, right? Maybe they're playing the same character, but in a totally different way now or something that they think doesn't compete. I'm not saying that's right. I'm just speculating as to how they're trying to simplify even as they expand. Pablo Ignacio (09:46) That is a very interesting possibility, Brian, in terms of making, destroying the multiverse and creating this whole new thing that we don't really recognize too much, but yet is interesting. And it's, again, closest to chapter on all we've done, and now this is where we're going. My only thing, and the only thing I think about is, when Galactus comes, are we gonna get to see Galactus destroy a planet or no? At all. Brian Schulz (10:16) I say yes. Pablo Ignacio (10:16) If we do, okay, but it's gonna be some prior, it's gonna be some sort of beginning thing. We're not gonna see it towards the end or anything like that. Because my thought that Galactus was gonna destroy this planet Earth, that Fantastic Four is on, and they were gonna escape or something like that. That was some things that people were talking about, but your theory may. Reed Rich is the smartest man on Earth, and if he can pull this off. Brian Schulz (10:33) Okay. Pablo Ignacio (10:47) That sounds interesting, Brian. I'm telling you, I'm high on Pedro Pascal. Brian Schulz (10:52) Well, I'm just also saying it allows them to make these movies a little bit out of order too. I was trying to figure this out because I was saying, okay, so if you say the Fantastic Four universe is actually the future main universe, and it's gonna take everything from Deadpool and Wolverine through Secret Wars to rectify the rest of the multiverse, then by the time you get to whatever year it is and you're starting to make movies again, you could then say credibly, We've already given you the historical. Fantastic Four was the historical. This was the look back in the universe that we all now are focused on going forward. I mean, it's all speculation, but I'm just, I'm trying to make this like sensible to your point, because if it's not, if they're going to continue to allow all these strands to exist and characters to cross over, like it's one of my complaints with how they did the Beast crossover. It to me was like, I get what you're doing from a commercial standpoint because you have this Fox universe and you're trying to pay some homage to it. And you have this plan to basically get rid of your old mutants before you start the new ones. But I almost feel like what they inadvertently did was they just made the doorway like that much wider, right? It's like, they just were like, Hey, we're just going to start. We're going to install another character, a whole nother strand. And it's like, at some point, I think to your point, it's too much and nothing of what you see in these movies has any weight. If people's mindset is, yeah, but there's always another door. Like then you're just like the key maker, right? In the matrix, always another way, always another way. Like, and no one ever dies and there's no, and you could say no one ever dies in the comics. I get it. But the comics that are done well are able to make those deaths matter in the moment and then make the resurrections matter when they come later. And like, I feel like we don't really have any track record of that in this case. Pablo Ignacio (12:36) Yeah. Yeah, like one of these. Brian, anything else before we move on to Wonder Man? Brian Schulz (12:50) No, I, like I said, I am fascinated by this podcast and to see who comes on and what they talk about. And so I would say I recommend everyone find it, subscribe to it and let's see what's coming. But, Hall H this summer, clearly I would guess this will be the centerpiece. Like what else could be bigger than this? That Marvel would, Marvel has confirmed to have a Hall H presentation this year. So what could be bigger than Fantastic Four that they would already have to talk about it? I mean, I think this is bigger than Brave New World. I think it's bigger than Thunderbolts. I think it's bigger than anything TV. Pablo Ignacio (13:20) Yeah, but I expect to see some of what Thunderbolts may have to offer, some of what Captain America may have to offer. I saw also Wonder Man, perhaps some first looks at that, because that's been shooting. So we're going to see. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Brian Schulz (13:25) yeah. But this is the finale. This is the last part of the presentation, I would think. Unless there's an actual Avengers tease, but I don't know what that would be. Pablo Ignacio (13:44) Brian, do you wanna talk about Wonder Man or do you wanna talk about Woo Woo? Brian Schulz (13:52) well, we can talk about both. you want to, where do you want to go? Pablo Ignacio (13:55) Let's briefly talk about Wonder Man. Brian Schulz (13:59) Yeah. Okay. So same interview. Let me just give you the quote. We've heard almost nothing about this project other than Yaya Abdul -Mateen is the star. And then tragically, I think one of the stunt people, one of the performers was killed during the filming. That's really been the two things we've heard. There were rumors it was canceled. It clearly is not. because Kevin Feige in this interview, quote, when you stop trying to innovate, that's when you start to atrophy. I think it's important to tell new and unique stories in new and interesting ways. And we have a show coming up. We've talked very little about called wonder man that I won't talk about much today either, except to say it's extremely different than anything we've done before. And it's a very exciting to be part of a company for 25 years or more still, and still be able to do new things and take new characters and storylines to new places. That's what's exciting. End quote. Wonder man just to review is produced, not directed by Shang -Chi director, Destin cred. Pablo Ignacio (14:57) All we can say is, I mean, it sounds a lot similar to a lot of the things that they have created that were horrible. So it was like, Brian, what else do I expect him to say? You know, I can't only take him at his word and then when the final result is revealed, then you're judged by that. You know, I always kept saying, it was Kevin Feige that was high on the marbles. Brian Schulz (15:24) That's a line that's going to hang around his neck for a long time is comparing that to the gathering at Avengers 1. That's a tough. Pablo Ignacio (15:30) I was like, dude, how are you gonna say that, man? How are you gonna say that to... Like if I had Kevin Feige in front of me, I would like... Say that to me again with a straight face. Brian Schulz (15:43) Maybe he's the life model decoy. But Wonder Man, so Wonder Man is happening, whether we like it or not. We look at our show on the TV review, because we talked about it. I mean, I think for him to say this in the first episode of its official podcast, for them, if they were to go back on that and cancel the show now, it would be a pretty big egg on the face. So it's happening. We're getting it. Pablo Ignacio (15:46) Word, right? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. But I think real quick, Brian, I think Wonder Man will spawn, although we're still getting it, but will spawn some sort of perhaps introduction into Vision Quest. Brian Schulz (16:20) Okay. I could see, yes, I could see that the characters do have that connection. My point was just going to be when they announced Wonder Man, I think they were still in a phase in a place where the Marvel label sold the character, if that makes sense. Like it was like when they had that like goodwill coming off of Endgame, that was a period where if you saw the Marvel label and it was from Marvel Studios, You rested assured you were in for quality entertainment. And so they announced this show kind of during that period. We were getting it at a time where they don't really have that benefit anymore. And now I feel like they're at a point where they need the characters to, and the shows themselves to do the selling because the Marvel label is a little bit tainted. And that's where my doubt about this show comes in. Cause I'm just sort of like, do people care about a Warner Man show? Pablo Ignacio (17:21) The only people that can sell this show is the people. if the show is good. If the show is good, the people will get the word out. And if they're interested, it'll show. If they're not, it'll tell us this. People just don't care anymore, I think. Brian Schulz (17:43) Yeah. But I think the bar for that's really high. Like I think like, I think about how the boys carved out its niche, right? A less, a much lesser known property that became sort of prestige TV. And maybe now it's I guess they're, they're, they've one more season after this one. That's it. But that's what it kind of feels like these shows need to have. Like they need to deliver something where the critical buzz and the early audience reaction is like, Kevin wasn't exaggerating. This is very different Marvel in a very good way and it's appointment viewing not because it's a comic book property, it's appointment viewing because it's great television. I will be very skeptical that this show is that. Pablo Ignacio (18:24) Yeah. I think someone outside of chemistry should be speaking. Chemistry shouldn't talk anymore. After what you said about the Marvels, you shouldn't talk anymore. And your push for this Young Avengers, stop talking. This is Ron Bergen, the what's the guy, hey champs, stop talking. Take a few, you know, chill out. That's, this is for him. Stop. Brian, what do you think about this Tyron Eggerton possibility of him being Wolverine? Obviously this is something that people have been speculating for quite some time. Even Tyron Eggerton has spoken a bit about it. And the list, Brian, of people who, like the top, I read a top 10 list. I think John Campion, no, no, it wasn't John Campion. Somewhere, I saw a list. Brian Schulz (19:01) Yeah. Pablo Ignacio (19:28) And the list did not have anyone I would put on the list. They had Daniel, the same old people, Tom Harden, Daniel. It's like, are these the only people that exist? And it's funny, I saw Zach McGowan on some other show. He was on some roster or list. I was like, dude, that's it, you blew it. Why you signing up to do, you know what I'm saying? He could have been, he could have been it. But now that is over because it seems like, yeah, they're looking at a comic book accurate type individual in terms of woven size, Brian. Brian Schulz (19:59) Missed you all that, yeah. Pablo Ignacio (20:14) And what I'm hoping, Brian, that this dude don't look like Menudo. He can't look young and, you know, he has to look, Wolverine has a certain look. He can look like new kids on the block. I'm sorry. Brian Schulz (20:32) So look, I mean, Tyron Edgerton has been rumored for a long time. There's also rumors that, you know, I think there's also a rumor that he's in Deadpool Wolverine, but in the cameo version, right? Like not as the next guy necessarily. We don't know, but that's been... Pablo Ignacio (20:45) But they've been saying that the next Wolverine will, perhaps, yes. Brian Schulz (20:49) is in the movie, is in the movie. Anyway, his quote was very diplomatic. He recently told Variety, quote, I love Marvel, I love the movies and I would love the excuse to get in shape. I'd love to be a part of it. Whether Wolverine is realistic or not, I don't know, end quote. So, you know, that's not a denial, but I don't know, it doesn't tell you anything. But you're right, we've had the same list for a long time. And it's ironic because it's almost like they... Well, I think part of the problem is when people are fan casting, people fan cast people they know. So finding the next Hugh Jackman for a fan is almost impossible because he was completely unknown. But in some ways, that worked out really well. And I would probably encourage Marvel to do the same again, bring someone with no baggage who actually legitimately auditioned. And they were like, holy crap, that guy is 5 '5 and is snarling and fierce and like, Pablo Ignacio (21:23) Yeah certainly. Brian Schulz (21:46) You know, he's already got 30 pounds of muscle on him. He's ready to roll. Like, I don't know who that is, but I'm just saying like, don't rule that person out just because you can get your hands on a bigger name today. Pablo Ignacio (21:57) They should do, let me give them a Disney, let me give Disney a show. They wouldn't do it, but it's interesting. An American Idol type show trying to get Wolverine. Brian Schulz (22:07) my God. Pablo Ignacio (22:10) Just find them. Find them. I know it's tough. Brian Schulz (22:13) That show would be great right up until some fan actually kills somebody in an audition with a claw. And the show is over. Pablo Ignacio (22:18) You to sow my savagery. Did I get the part? Brian Schulz (22:24) Yeah Pablo Ignacio (22:34) My only, the only thing that doesn't scare me too much is his ability to act, right? His performing abilities. And whether or not they're going to leave him as is or... make him grizzled enough. You know what I'm saying, Brian? Brian Schulz (22:57) I'll make one more argument for the unknown because we already have heard, right? That the initial writer and let's first off, given everything we said about Blade, let's not assume the initial writers pitch is going to be the one that they make because we've seen that happen before where it changes very quickly. But given that Michael Leslie has said he literally wants the exact same lineup in live action as we got in X -Men 97, I would point out Wolverine is very much a secondary character in X -Men 97. Pablo Ignacio (23:13) Yeah. Brian Schulz (23:27) So people who are fan casting Wolverine, are you sure you even know that Wolverine is top build for what Marvel has in mind? Who's to say he's not gonna be coming off the bench as opposed to what he has been for the past 25 years? Which I would actually applaud if they tried that. Pablo Ignacio (23:44) Me too, because then you can put him in his own series. Brian Schulz (23:47) Exactly. And you don't have to build everything around him. Exactly. Pablo Ignacio (23:51) You know what I'm saying? Don't put him out one year and then you gotta wait for this dude two or three years. You can put him right after. If he portrays the character as we know the character to be Brian, and you put him in his own series afterwards, that's like. Matt Reeves the Penguin? There it is right there. There's no overthinking this. There it is. Brian Schulz (24:24) Yeah. And Colin Farrell is a bigger name actor, but he disappeared into the Penguin. If he showed people on the street, hey, this is the Penguin. It didn't tell you who was playing him. Most people probably wouldn't pick up on who that was until it was after the fact. So there's nothing to say that you can't have a Wolverine who's in the movie for 10 minutes, steals it, and then goes off and does the show and you're hyped to see what his deal is. So yeah, I think people need to be open to all possibilities is I guess what I would say. Pablo Ignacio (24:54) You know what, I think there is a possibility there, because I can see Brian, a young Hugh Jackman in him, just a shorter version, if they pull it off right. But we'll see. Let us know in the comments section below what you guys think of what we've talked about. We've talked about Tyron Eggerton, Wolverine. We talked about Wonder Man, and we talked about Fantastic Four. Let us know in the comments section below what you guys think of what Kevin has said regarding Fantastic Four. And Wonder Man, do you even care about Wonder Man really? Like nobody really has been talking about it other than tragedy. But you know what I'm saying? There's no news that excites you other than you're getting a Wonder Man show and possibly I think there's gonna be a connection to Vision Quest because Vision Quest on its own really doesn't, again, garner any interest. And then, Teron Edgerton as Wolverine. This is the possibility. This is who people are speculating Wolverine to be. I mean, hey, if they can make him old by, they can keep him for a long time. You know what I'm saying? Brian Schulz (26:16) Yeah, absolutely. Pablo Ignacio (26:19) We'll see you next time on the Nerd Jam Report.

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