The Batman 2 Expectations | Jul 15, 2024 001

Episode 3 July 17, 2024 00:16:35
The Batman 2 Expectations | Jul 15, 2024 001
The NerdGen Report
The Batman 2 Expectations | Jul 15, 2024 001

Jul 17 2024 | 00:16:35


Show Notes

They discuss their expectations for the Batman 2 movie. They discuss the need for the film to explore Bruce Wayne's character development and his journey to becoming Batman. They also discuss the movie's potential villains, focusing on the Court of Owls and the desire to avoid using the Joker again. The hosts debate the possibility of introducing Robin and the importance of shortening the movie's runtime. They also mention their plans to revisit Batman: The Animated Series episodes in preparation for The Caped Crusader.

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36 Overdraft (00:03) What up everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Nerd Jam Report. I'm your host Pablo and joining me as always is Mr. Brian Shows. Brian, the Batman 2, Brian, is scheduled to be filming next year, early next year, right? 2025? Yep. According to Andy Serkis. Yes. And what we speculate to be a response to all the, I guess, negative news regarding the delay or the start. filming for the Batman 2 because it's been a while already. So we certainly want to see it. But what does the Batman 2 have to deliver in terms of what story it needs to tell next or what themes they should focus on Brian in order for this movie to be successful? We've been talking already for a very long time. In the past, we've had several conversations of what about what we would like to see. But We've never really, I guess, had a dedicated show talking about it. So, the Batman 2, Brian. To me, Brian, what I need to see in order for the Batman 2 to be successful, because we can't see, obviously, more of the same. I don't think Matt reads that type of story telling. But he certainly has to go and explore a couple of things. One being the character of Bruce Wayne and his development into that Whether he goes for it or not, Brian, I don't know. If he doesn't, Brian, I think it'll be a huge disappointment. I give him a pass on this, Brian, because this Batman is still finding himself, right? He's still trying to understand what he needs to be in order for him to be effective in that world. So that's one. The villain, Brian, or the antagonist, we've always talked about making sense of it being the quarter vows. For this I think we've had, not that I've had enough of the Joker, but I just am not ready to see another iteration just yet. Especially with James Gunn's world still yet to be developed and we don't know what that will be. And then we got Joaquin Phoenix's movie. You know what I'm saying? It's like, I don't need that to be the next thing. The Court of Hours, think something, Brian, that's never really been done, right? The Gotham show, did they touch on it, right? on the Gotham series. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, but like not enough people saw that. Exactly. we're done. The Court of Hours is a very interesting group of individuals, Brian, and it'll certainly, I'm pretty sure Matt Reese can certainly tie a lot of things to his family, into his history, Brian, that could be worked in that'll make it interesting, Brian. Your thoughts in terms of what you expect from the Batman 2 in terms of storyline and Well, I 100 % think that the evolution of Bruce Wayne is going to happen. Whether this movie is viewed as a step forward in the series, I think ultimately hinges on Pattinson's performance as Bruce Wayne. I think the reason I'm optimistic is because of that final scene of the first movie where when he's giving the voiceover and he puts his hand on the, and the one person he's saving on the rooftop puts their hand on his shoulder when he's Batman, puts his hand that person's shoulder and return. And he kind of says, it's not enough to me. That's it. Right. Like that's an understanding of your film. Film is a great intro. It's not enough to get you to where you want to go over two and movies, two and three. Now where I think the studio space is fun for Pattinson is I don't think you want to see fully evolved affable Bruce who's completely at ease in society either. don't think we, get all the way Right? think part of what this series is trying to do that makes sense to me is this is a kid who saw his parents get murdered in front of him when he's a kid, when he's young. And so if he's in his twenties and he kind of hasn't totally fleshed out and dealt with it and processed it, he should have damage, right? He should have some social awkwardness. And so what you want to see is the in between. You want to see flashes humanity. want to see, maybe it is a little bit of almost overacting and effort at times to blend in. And then you want to see him brooding at other times. Like that could be a strength. mean, that could be a strength for Pattinson. It could be a strength for the character. And you almost want to see the character succeed and fail as Bruce in this movie, because we saw so little of Bruce in the first movie. It was really Batman -centric. really, they introduced us to the character through Batman. So I think that's number one. think number two is you're absolutely right. think number two to me Stay away from the Joker. It's great that Barry Kogan cameoed as him and you have him sitting there. Do not pull a ripcord on that in the second movie. The story was not, the first one was not leading up to the Joker. The Joker was a cameo that happened alongside the Riddler. The story was about this sordid family history of Gotham. That's the strand you were pulling on. So go there. Because that will take you to quarter owls. It will take you to talons. It'll take you to things that you can get great action set pieces. You can have interesting acting in ways that we haven't seen before rather than shoehorning in the character that everyone knows best in the Joker, just to get the Joker opposite back. I mean, I'm not convinced this whole trilogy needs the Joker ultimately. Me neither. Here's the thing, Brian, and what I want to see when I see the Joker next If they play on Batman's unwillingness to be fatal with his foes. That test, I'd rather see it being done with Adam Richardson's Batman, the brave and the bold, than the Joker being Mayor Humdinger. I don't wanna see I want to see a match of which I want to see Joker push him to to Batman's mental limits as to what he's willing to do to stop him. And I don't want to necessarily see it here. I want to see this is a Batman show. This is not I mean, this is a Batman movie. This is not you know I'm saying? This is Batman doing Batman things. I don't want the star of it to be anyone else. I'd rather have Batman be the star and everybody be supporting. Which he was in the first one. Yeah. Right. And I want that to continue. agree. also think another thing that would be problematic with bringing the Joker in into the second movie is the Riddler is not a physical opponent for Batman. The Riddler is a mastermind. We already saw this idea of Batman playing against the puppeteer effectively. In essence, the Joker would almost be riffing on that all over again. That I think would make the second one repetitive. Whereas if you go down the rabbit hole of Court of Owls, like I said, if you follow even some of the elements of the comics, right? Like they have this, they have these team of assassins that they send out to do their work called the Talons. Okay, so there's your physical match. But the implication I think we saw in the, when he's in getting that old footage is that his family was dirty. Like that's implied. And that's kind of interesting. Like they, you know, they always hold, they typically hold up the Waynes as sort of like the golden children of Gotham, right? And it's like, I like the idea that Thomas Wayne might've been into some stuff and needed a family. And so that's more interesting, I think, for the exploration of Bruce and Batman to kind of grapple with and what villains he comes into contact with there is to me much more freeing. It's much more liberating to create into a movie than it is to say, hey, we gotta go back to Joker's pulling the strings and there's a henchman out in the field fighting Batman and Batman's trying run all over town and diffuse bombs and solve puzzles, because he just did that. And sort of won and sort of lost, right, at end of this first movie. Like he solved a lot of the puzzles, but the city got flooded. Like he kind of lost. Like the bombs went off. So I don't want to see that again. And I don't think anyone else does either. Brian, as you were talking, I was reminded of there was a rumor that the next film would involve hush do you think hush will be the main antagonist or will the quarter because if this is a trilogy I would assume that hush would be the sort of second act of a third act that would involve the quarter That's very much a rumor, so we don't know if that's gonna be true or not. They could always co -opt some of the comic stories and combine. You could install a villain like Hush and connect it to Quarrels and swap that person in for another role. I guess I'm okay with it just because we haven't seen it. I'd much rather see a villain we haven't seen before. Is it necessary? I don't know. Like I said, I think it would be a bolder choice for this trilogy to really kind of mostly stay away from those sort of classic villains. But I mean, I get why they would want to kind of have someone who's at least more physically, I don't know, I guess, guess he's out there against him because this is right. So Hush can fight, basically can fight as well as Batman can in theory. he also he could also disguise himself and like, you so there's, you know, he's almost like it's almost like fighting Mission Impossible agent or something. And I kind of feel like maybe they want to have a little bit of that check to kind of cat and mouse game. That's okay. I mean, I can live with that as long as the quarter miles have your fighters as well. But talents right now, if you made hush the head of the talents, you could probably put him into the comics true storyline if you want it. The talents would go I think of the thing they would wear the actual owl mask, right? They dress up as the out. It was what they were white. I think it was they went out as white owls. I think that's what it was. Originally, Batman was wearing dark and originally, yeah. I saw some, animated movies where they're all black. Okay. They have the fade the owl masks on. So I think number three is I to go back to the rumor mill and then I'll kick it back to you is, but I, this one I'm a little less sure on Robin, right? So there's rumors that there's a Robin in this. How, like, how do you feel about it? And if there's a Robin. Do you see a path for them to actually have it be truly additive to the story? I just don't see any room for it, Brian. I can see it being. possibly a third film where... Robin is more at risk because of the court of owls are more involved in his and Bruce's life or something like that. You know what saying? But not in the second one. I think it's just too soon. don't I just can't see right now in this world that Matt Reeves has built where a young kid is out there being of gangsters. You know I'm saying? That's this just I don't know. So here's where I go back and forth on it a little I'm 90 % out. But I just said the key to the movie is Bruce Wayne's evolution as a human. If they were to focus that challenge into the relationship between Bruce and now this younger kid, who he effectively has to rescue and kind of shepherd and help deal with his own grief. Maybe, like maybe if you just sort of say like as opposed to him dealing with society, it's really him having this one meaningful relationship that he has to hold together and Robin is kind of otherwise teetering on the verge of being a psychopath or you know going on his own revenge mission or whatever I don't know like maybe there's something there my problem with it though is and this is my last thing for Matt Reeves you got to get this movie shorter I'm sorry man you got away I feel like they got away with it yeah they definitely got They definitely got away with it the first time around. To me, that's like a movie that should have been $220, that was like $250. And so I'm like, and the audience is, you know, the audience is showing like, yeah, they'll go see Alpenheimer. They'll go see your movie if it's really good. But like, I think Batman, for Batman to be a north of, Batman 2 to be north of a billion dollars, which is where they'll expect it to be. I think they need to get that movie down at $220, $215. And to me, it's like, you start putting Robin in alongside Quarter Vowels. Not enough time. Like you just don't have enough time to really see what's that. Yeah. Yeah, but let us know in the comment section below what you guys think of the Batman 2 and what you expect from it. And we're going revisit this in September because the Penguin is clearly going to point us in a couple of directions. Yes, right. So this is a deliberate. We're putting this out now and then we'll come back to it when we got the show. We're also going to be doing shows. where we talk about Batman the animated series episodes that we found interesting. There was one that Brian mentioned called the Heart of Ice that I want to take a look back before I talk about it because we want to stay in that world of the Batman the animated series so that we can sort of get a get a good contrast Brian because if there is any with the animated series and what we're gonna begin with the Cape Crusader August 1st. We just wanna get in the mood. We wanna get in the mood. We gotta go back to the 90s, go back to our childhood, watch some of the classic episodes of that show and hopefully you guys enjoy kind of revisiting that along with us. We'll do a couple of them before August 1st. Yeah, I also like that Poison Ivy when she was first introduced, Yeah, there you go. See, that's what I mean. We'll do a hand, yeah. Yeah. All right, Yeah, let us know in the comment section below what you guys think of the Batman 2 and what to expect, what we should expect, what do we want? Does having a Robin in there make sense? Does having a Joker make sense? Haven't we seen enough of the Joker already? Is it almost like seeing Solo and then killing off this dude six months previous and we're already seeing a Solo movie? Like we've already gotten enough of the Joker. We don't need to see any more of him, we get You want to see more things that put Batman in a situation again. And if we do the Joker, I would rather see it in James Gunn's world than Matt Reeves at this point. did see the hype train has started for Lady Gaga, though. I already I did see the tagline got dropped today, like that her her portrayal of Harley Quinn will, quote, blow your mind. Yeah, I mean. I do see her doing. Good job, Ryan. This is a musical. She has acting chops, Ryan. This is going to be very interesting to see because, again, Harley Quinn was created when? During the Batman the Animated Series. Yeah. She's still brand spanking new that people can iterate and do better. But yeah, let us know in the comments below what you guys think and we'll see you next time on the NJ Report. The show goes on!

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