Denzel in the MCU? Fantastic Four, Andor, and DC’s Big Moves

November 21, 2024 00:58:52
Denzel in the MCU? Fantastic Four, Andor, and DC’s Big Moves
The NerdGen Report
Denzel in the MCU? Fantastic Four, Andor, and DC’s Big Moves

Nov 21 2024 | 00:58:52


Show Notes

Join Pablo and Brian on this episode of The Nerd Gen Report as they dive into an electrifying mix of topics, including the buzz around Denzel Washington’s potential role in the MCU, Fantastic Four’s ambitious storyline, the Batman’s absence in The Penguin, and the latest updates on Star Wars and Andor. Plus, we dissect the DCU’s plans for R-rated movies and much more! Don’t miss this thrilling breakdown of the latest in geek culture and cinematic trends.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: What up everybody? And welcome back to another episode of the Nerdjourn Report. I'm your host, Pablo and joining me as always is Mr. Brian Schultz. Brian, lots to talk about. A lot of developments. [00:00:09] Speaker B: Yeah, kind of a random. Random. Potpourri. [00:00:12] Speaker A: Yeah, potpourri is the correct word. I like that word. Potpourri. Damn. What game show they have that on? Potpourri. [00:00:24] Speaker B: Yes or yes. Regular category. [00:00:28] Speaker A: Every time that one came up I was like, yes, I got a chance. Denzel, man. Denzel has been a big deal as of late because of the rumblings of his performance in Gladiator 2. Man, apparently Ryan Coogler has written apart for him. What it is, Brian, I don't know. Some people already are theorizing. Comics explained. Comics book explained. He goes overboard with the theorizing. But he was saying that it was probably Blue Marvel. And I'm like, nah, I don't think so. I think he'll probably be. Well, we'll discuss it. But that seems to be a big topic of discussion. Fantastic Four storyline has been being rumored that Galactus purpose of going to Earth has something to do with a family member of the Richards. Right. So Brian said I'm out, we're here. Why? With a few moments Reeves and lefrank on why no Batman and Penguin. Brian, I am very interested in hearing what Reeves had to say. I read something about it but I didn't really dwell too much about it. So we'll think deeper on it. Right now the Andor storyline some tidbits the lightly Ray plot for pulled from the Star wars productions. But Rey is key to the future. So again there's this. There has been this notion that she will be somewhat of an Obi Wan for the next generation of the Skywalkers. How will be very interesting. [00:02:32] Speaker B: Will it? [00:02:33] Speaker A: Because yeah, Brian, I am curious Brian, because you're going to try to make this work. Okay, I'll sit back and watch. Okay, I'll sit back and watch. You know how you watch on those dudes walk. Walk up crates. You just going to watch the disaster. So it's the same thing. Denzel in Black Panther 3. Ryan Coogler has written a part for him. There hasn't been any real notion of what character. Brian, have you heard anything? [00:03:18] Speaker B: I've seen lists. We can talk. We will talk about it in a second. I think it's. I think people are generally over complicating. This is my opinion. But let's. Let's get into it because it is. I mean talk about a. Talk about a news Drop. I love Denzel. I just love it. Just sticks it right in the middle of an interview. Like it's nuts. Breaks the Internet. [00:03:40] Speaker A: Word. You're like, this is big news. [00:03:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:44] Speaker A: Because he's in Marvel. The one person that you'd probably never thought you'd see in the mcu. [00:03:51] Speaker B: But what a one, two punch too. Because he didn't just say he was doing it. He said he basically was doing it as one of his final acting roles. That he's about to retire. [00:04:00] Speaker A: That's like a retire in acting. Yes. He has in more interest in directing, so. Yes. [00:04:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I didn't even say it was working, but yeah, yeah, yeah. When you watch him, I mean, Equalizer three was two years ago. I mean, this guy. This guy could still make it happen. This part is in Gladiator 2 is supposedly all consuming. So for him to kind of walk off like this, I mean, you know, I don't know. I mean, it's. We are both skeptical about this Oscar buzzer on Gladiator 2, but if, if we entertain that for a second, the idea that he might be in contention for another Oscar and then be basically going on a retirement tour over the next couple years, you know, that that's pretty close to the MJ shot. 98. I mean, he still got it. If that's the case, that he's going to walk off into the sunset and do a little franchise filmmaking on the way out. Like, come on, man. This is, this is. This is how it's done. [00:04:54] Speaker A: However Ryan Krueger does this, I think Denzel's involvement and his character will usher in the new Black Panther. He will give the speech, he will give the motivation, the inspiration for the new Black Panther. I'm telling you, he's going to be like my Panther. I'm telling you, I'm going to hear it. He's going to go off, he's going to do something. So, yeah, this being sort of his last roles as an actor is huge. And who knows how much money this can make. This can definitely in this. In terms of numbers, Brian, this is. This is huge. [00:05:41] Speaker B: This is at least a hundred million dollars of box office automatic. That this news, like this news alone is like, yes, I'm probably underselling Denzel's impact to the movie, but we don't know the scale of the part, I guess would be the caveat. Right. If this is like, I don't think he's writing them a cameo. Like the way he said that he's writing me apart, that makes me think It'll be like Gladiator 2. Like, it'll be. See, some of the roles that I've seen are like, big roles. Like, what if he's playing, like, Magneto? What if he. No chance. No chance. He's not signing up for a decade's worth of work here, people. So don't give me a character that, you know is going to be around for six movies. This is a one and done right. This is a. I'm coming out of the bullpen to strike out the side and you'll never see me again. [00:06:36] Speaker A: That's it. [00:06:36] Speaker B: But to me, I think you hit on it. To me, for this to resonate, he has to be connected directly into the Black Panther character storyline. So either, to me, he could be an alt universe, t'challa or t'chaka. Like, he could actually be that character in another. Because there are very few actors that you could put that name on that people would not be upset about right now. And he's one of them. [00:07:03] Speaker A: Will this be the role that he finally does? An accent burn? [00:07:07] Speaker B: I think. I think off a Gladiator. That is a huge question. After what he said publicly about not feeling like he could ma. Not feeling like he could do justice to the. To the Midian accent and therefore reverting kind of to his normal voice. I think that is a real question as to what he would do. But I think, you know, if he. If he. He's either an alt universe character, but I think he's also could be some kind of mentor character to the Sun. [00:07:33] Speaker A: Yeah, the. [00:07:34] Speaker B: The sort of surrogate grandfather of sorts. That would make a lot of sense. You know, the. The Liam NEESON To Ewan McGregor, if you will, you know, in. In Phantom Menace, like that kind of role, which is. That could be an original. That could be sort of an original character or a loosely based comics character that would be easy to put in one movie and then maybe he goes to the astral plane, something happens that makes it clear he's not coming back, because I don't think he's doing, you know, six of these, five of these. I don't see it. This is. He's working with Ryan Coogler before he retires. Yes. And I'm sure Coogler went to him and said, if you're going to retire, I. I want to. I want to get this done. And this is the project I have. [00:08:20] Speaker A: And Rock Cooler is going to retire, too. From the mcu. [00:08:23] Speaker B: Yeah, it's also true. That's also true. [00:08:26] Speaker A: So this is his opportunity to do something that he probably had been thinking about. And this is just. This is the best timing. This is, is the moment right now to do it. And so it'll be interesting. It'll be very interesting. [00:08:39] Speaker B: Yeah, I think it's huge because I think Denzel clearly issued franchise filmmaking for much of his career. But I think he recognized when he did the Equalizer and then wound up coming back to do this, the next two sequels. And he saw like A, those were success, all of them were successful. And B, I think that part for a, for a younger generation, he became kind of synonymous with that. Even though it wasn't like an awards nominated part. A lot of people, I think, who know him in part as the Equalizer is like a top three role they identify with. They don't remember, you know, glory or Malcolm X, maybe the way they should. Harvey King or even your training Day now is approaching 25 years old. So I think that might have given him a taste that like, hey, before he goes out, you know, MCU is, is sort of cinematically relevant no matter what anyone thinks of it. And so he's like, look, I can be a part of that, and I want to be a part of that in a small way before I retire. It's a bucket list type of thing. And I, I salute him for doing it. And he will certainly elevate the project in whatever capacity he's involved in. So that was, it was just. It was just sort of this awesome thunderbolt out of a clear sky that he just put in the press junket. [00:09:54] Speaker A: Yeah. Wow. Very interesting. Let us know in the comment section below what you guys think of that announcement. And will you hear my panther? Oh, Fantastic Four. Okay. [00:10:14] Speaker B: It's so good. [00:10:20] Speaker A: Oh, snap. Fantastic Four storyline Galactus. [00:10:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:27] Speaker A: His purpose for going to Earth, not because he's hungry, but he requires or needs something or someone. You said I'm out. What was that word? Enlighten me. [00:10:50] Speaker B: This is part rumor, part fact. So Disney gave us the official synopsis of the film and put kind of a tease in the synopsis that then the rumor mill ran with. So here's the synopsis. First, this is official quote. Forced to balance their roles as heroes with the strength of their family bond, they, meaning the Fantastic Four, must defend Earth. Moravinus, space God called Galactus and his enigmatic herald Silver Surfer. And if Galactus's plan to devour the entire planet and everyone on it wasn't bad enough, it suddenly gets very personal. End quote. Okay. The personal part is rumored to be Galactus Targeting Franklin Richards, the son of Reed and Sue, saying that he has issued an ultimatum to the family saying to surrender the boy to him or he will destroy the plan planet. [00:11:49] Speaker A: Shout outs to Tracy because he had mentioned this, this storyline to me. And I was under the impression, I was thinking like Frankenrich is, is. Is something else. You know, he near the one above all, you know what I'm saying? He's, He's. You know what I'm saying? So it's like omega level. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they made Eternity a freaking genie, for God's sake. So. And you and so shout out to Tracy for pointing that out to me. And I was under the impression, I don't think they were gonna go there, but it seems like seemingly that they are. [00:12:40] Speaker B: Right. Because this is also one of the storylines where shall about does become the Silver Surfer. One of the few times that happens. Right. I think this is also in this same comic where this might be getting drawn from. But yeah, I mean, I. Look, why am I out? Or, you know, color me incredibly concerned, number one, why is it all about the kids everywhere we turn? That's. I mean, maybe I'm the old guy on the porch with the shotgun now in the MCU fandom, but like, you know, we know about the Young Avengers obsession. Franklin Rich is not officially part of the Young Avengers in comics canon, although who's to say he's not in this case? But it just seems that like Disney, in their quest to regain a younger audience for the Marvel properties, is continuing to look to center things around kids and around the young, the next generation. Right? We, we just went through the whole blade stodder, just this hang up. I don't know what to call it. That seemed to paralyze that project. And now here we see, look, we. We finally get the Marvel Studios iteration, the Fantastic Four. And we can't have it just be the Fantastic 4. The MacGuffin has to be their son, who as you said, isn't just any old son. I mean, he's a son who reaches cosmic intergalactic level abilities. Like. And we're doing this in one. [00:14:05] Speaker A: You don't hear the word intergalactic very often, people. [00:14:10] Speaker B: Not for one, not for one pick. So that's what I'm saying is like, okay, so I gotta, I gotta reacquaint myself with a first family who is already the Fantastic Four. In an alternate universe, New York in the 1960s. I have to credibly buy into your version of Galactus, your version of the Silver Surfer. And now I Have to make room to develop the character of the sun as the true motivation for everything that's happening. It's too much, man. I, I just think it's, I think they're biting off more than they can chew. For a movie that 1000% has to hit big. Has to hit. [00:14:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:46] Speaker B: This just seems, and that's why we saw, we just like we've been talking about with Brave New World, another movie that seems very convoluted, very complicated with too many characters, too many storylines. And like here again, it's like, can we spend time with the family? Can we spend time with the family against, you know, a non galactus level threat for now. And instead it's like, no, we gotta, we gotta, you know, we gotta Jackson Pollock this movie and put everything in it in one shot, throw it against the wall and hope it sticks. [00:15:17] Speaker A: It's just upsetting, man. It's upsetting that they're going all out now instead of after this next iteration of the mcu. Right. Why don't we do something more compelling that leads us to Secret wars? Why not do Dr. Strange in their quest to stop all these incursions? Let's see, what's that all about? Perhaps that sets up the Secret wars, but no. And we're trying to do doom. Yo, let's do doom the right way, Brian. That's what he said. So what about the next doom? Do it. Whatever. Or just do whatever. Doom. Yeah, I don't, I, I, I don't get it. [00:16:07] Speaker B: Well, so we can get it from a couple of standpoints is one Desperation for Money. So they're just going through the catalog and they're like, we may not get another shot at this. So we're just, we're just emptying, we're emptying the roster. There's a little bit of that when you see a movie like this. You know, the other part of it we've talked about sort of, you know, comes and goes in the background is how long is Kevin doing this? And like, if he's not doing it for him. Yeah, right. Like, is he like, I got to see this character on screen before I go? And he's kind of maybe sacrificing a little bit of that long term vision to get some of his wish list up on the big screen or on the small screen, you know, before he exits stage left. So I don't know. But this just feels like a formula for three movies in one where I can already see the critical response of, there's potential, there's good performances There's a good movie in here, but it's. It's bogged down by this exposition or this extraneous character. [00:17:09] Speaker A: These are the. Yo. We. I've said enough things for Kevin to feel a little bit of offense, you know, but if I would or could have the conversation with him, I'd be like, yo, I'm telling you, the Silver Surfer cartoon, the way they did that, how you can explore that and have those two entities or worlds collide at some point because of Galactus's purpose. Right. And the Silver Surfer's assistance in finding that energy source or whatever. Right. I like the way how the Eternals were sort of setting that up and how Galactus would just sort of like, come get an egg. Right. It was just sort of, you know, him eating. But now they've turned it into something else. We're finally getting the galactic that we wanted to see. I just don't know how I feel about such deviation from what could be a spectacle and a compelling story and relationship between the surfer and Galactus into Galactus wanting this kid whose intergalactic skills or whatever is beyond then. And we have to sort of. I guess. I don't know, Brian. It's just getting. It's just going. It's just going. It's going overboard for me. [00:18:49] Speaker B: Yeah. No, I think it's the. In this genre, one size does not fit. All right, so on the one hand, you have Deadpool and Wolverine, which broke records and exceeded our expectations and was every bit the event we thought it would be, but then had more staying power and more popularity than we thought it would. But I don't think the lesson from that movie is to use that as any sort of template for future projects. Right. That's a culminating project for two very popular, successful characters and actors coming together. [00:19:23] Speaker A: There you go. Characters. [00:19:25] Speaker B: Fantastic Four has nothing to do with. [00:19:27] Speaker A: And actors. [00:19:28] Speaker B: Yes, absolutely. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. Like, you know, in those parts. It's those parts and them in those parts. [00:19:35] Speaker A: Can I say this one thing? I. I'm going to keep reiterating this and I don't. I know I've said this in the show before, but Tango and Cash, a remake for them, too. I know they're talking about Face off, but Tango and Cash prime, that is easily almost a billion dollars. Continue. [00:19:53] Speaker B: That movie is under. Is now criminally underrated, by the way. Which one? Tango and Cash, because not. Not commercially successful at the time, but if you. [00:20:02] Speaker A: Entertaining as hell. [00:20:03] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:20:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:20:06] Speaker B: Stallone did a few of those. I like Nighthawks too. Back in the early 80s with Billy Dee Williams. That was also. [00:20:12] Speaker A: I gotta rewatch that. I saw it once and I just couldn't stay. You know, I saw it was interesting, it was something new, but I didn't really pay too much attention. I'll probably take a look at it again, so. [00:20:24] Speaker B: But I just think Deadpool and Wolverine was, you know, specific to that project. Like, I don't think applying that logic to, you know, anything else is necessarily a great idea. I think with Brave New World, I think they've already gone too far afield in terms of scale and characters and mixing and matching. I think that's going to be problematic for that. I did hear, you know. Which would be to the counter of my belief. I did hear the first test screening for Thunderbolts went really well. I did. I did hear that weird up, actually about what they saw in that man. That. That man. Maybe that's a function of lower expectations, but, like, people seem to think there was some. A good stuff in there and that B. The one thing I heard was actually Sentry did not look ridiculous. Like, the way they modified the suit and the way they. [00:21:16] Speaker A: You. [00:21:16] Speaker B: The way he was played actually kind of worked as like a sewer man character. So anyway, just two things to chomp on. [00:21:25] Speaker A: I would have to say. This is. You can add this to Kevin's re, I guess, refocus, you know, because Born Again is an example of him pumping the brakes and destroy that. Let's do this right. And we can think about all that he's done with Captain America 4, which we are still sort of. I'm curious to see what this puzzle piece looks like. [00:22:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm with you. Look, I mean, these are most movies that I'll go see opening weekend. I just have had my doubts about the scale of Thunderbolts being appropriate. And then Cap 4 seeming too convoluted. I bring this up about Thunderbolts as a contrast to CAP4, which, remember, the test screening results were disastrous to the point where they basically reshot the entire movie. So if nothing else, you can put those two things side by side and say the idea of Thunderbolts audiences seem to have maybe gravitated towards. So maybe that one could have a sleeper in a merry, crowded year. So anyway, put that out there as good news for Marvel, but then we go back to Fantastic Four, which to me looks more like Cat four. Like, we got a lot going on here that you got to pull off. Yeah, yeah. You. Us to buy in. And I love the motif that you gave me in the Teaser. But now you're giving me all these things that feel like we should be editing and spreading out into movies two and three and being patient in a way that we were patient, you know, in the buildup to Endgame. And now seemingly Disney doesn't seem to believe the audience will be patient with them anymore as they sort of rebuild this. And I completely disagree with that. People's impatience is not about storyline development. It's actually. It's actually about the opposite. People. People, I think, feel like they are rushing. People feel like they aren't giving them characters time to breathe and for us to kind of really coalesce behind them. And so as a result, I think they should. I would go the other way and slow. Slow it down even more. But, you know, this project doesn't feel that way to me. [00:23:36] Speaker A: Certainly there are a lot of concerns, Brian and here and. And Healing Report. We voice our concerns and we've been wrong before. This conversation would sound similar prior to the release of Far From Home or no Way Home. Which one was the last one? No Way Home. [00:23:55] Speaker B: No Way Home. The big one. Yeah, yeah. [00:23:56] Speaker A: No, so you know what I'm saying? So. [00:23:59] Speaker B: But again, though, that's a third film, not a first. [00:24:04] Speaker A: Yes. [00:24:04] Speaker B: And we were still concerned. Yes, but that was a culminating film. Again, they're doing this in the first shot. I mean, it. You know, the thing makes me scared too, because, you know, we've had this conversation a little bit about Superman with all these characters that are in Superman and James Gunn trying to tell everyone. No, no, no. These characters are in for like one scene. There's only like 10 actual characters who talk. If we get to the end of July next year. And both of those movies are a complicate. Are complicated messes. We're not in a good place, man. Because they come out like two weeks apart. [00:24:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:24:38] Speaker B: And if they're both like over saturated and trying to do too much and they're both trying to do similar things in the sense of they're trying to launch new paths for the MCU and this dcu. But if they both kind of are bogged down by too many characters and too many storylines, I mean, that's going to be an unfortunate place for us to be potting from. [00:25:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Let us know in the conversation below what you guys think of this storyline that they're seemingly going towards for Galactus's purpose of going to Earth. I'm telling you, check out that Silver Surfer cartoon that first. The first two episodes. I think it's the first episode really but this is just great how that all starts. Reeves Lefronk on why no Batman in Penguin. [00:25:32] Speaker B: You know what's interesting about this is they gave a different answer. That's what I thought was so notable. It was in different forms. So, Matt, I'll give you Reeves first, because I know you're. I'll. And I'll let you say what your response was. I go, okay, Barry's going straight. So Reeves was asked by Digital Spy about this exact question, and he said, quote, this was a time of great turmoil in the city. It's literally the week after what happened. Much of the city is in desperation, so police can't get everywhere. There's crime everywhere. It's a very, very dangerous time. Batman's out there trying to grapple with the aftermath of everything that happened, which to some degree, he blames himself for. End quote. And your response was not good enough. [00:26:18] Speaker A: Okay, let me gather my thoughts here. This was one thing that. Although. Listen. Although the performances, the storyline was quoting Mr. Han extraordinary. The timeline as to when things were happening in this show was pretty. Like, it was that little, like, hmm, sort of moment. Right. [00:26:48] Speaker B: We talked about this. When the Penguin gets to his lair and then the operation is up and panning with scale. That's the moment where I asked the question how much time your past be from episode to episode? Everything up until that point was flashback and sort of could conceivably have happened within a day or two, but after that is like, this had to have been weeks. [00:27:12] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:27:13] Speaker B: Had to have been weeks to get this thing up and running the way they did. [00:27:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:19] Speaker B: So that's where this argument gets a little shaky. So go ahead. [00:27:22] Speaker A: He bl. And he blames himself. Is like, how. Like, give me a headline. You know, bruce Wayne is missing. Not missing, but, you know, not, you know, because Ral, again, they set that up in the first movie when Ral is talking to Bruce Wayne when she was telling him that he needs to be. He needs to be more of a philanthropist or whatever. Right. Help out. You got all this dough. You ain't doing. Whatever it is, let's help Gotham. [00:27:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:27:57] Speaker A: So there should have been some sort of background. We don't need Batman in the night. We don't need to see him. And that's the. That's. That's the thing that people seem to not quite understand that there is a difference between Batman being involved and Batman. Just his presence. Bruce Wayne's presence. Oz, what's his. Dude, Alfred running to the bank. I don't know anything Gordon being the one visiting Falcon. Anything to make it more of like, they. I didn't mind the other dude, the horse guy. I didn't mind him. But I'm saying, if you wanted to take it on another level, give us something. Don't. Don't give me that. That. That this dude is just. What he. Crying. What. What. What is he doing at home then? [00:29:03] Speaker B: So I agree with you. The Reeves answer is strangely unsatisfying. What makes this more interesting is Lauren LaFranc went on the Ringerverse after the show was over, and she was asked this question, and she gave a very different answer, which I thought was far more interesting. [00:29:21] Speaker A: Okay. [00:29:22] Speaker B: She said, you can find it. You can go find it on House of R. They're. They're great. And they had her on for like 30 minutes. She said it was thoroughly talked about. The first part of it is exactly the one we discussed. It's the one I told you they would tell you. They were worried about too much Batman symbolism taking away from what they. That was number one. So I told you that's what they would tell you. And that. And she said that was true. But number two, she said, don't forget. I'm paraphrasing. This is a year two Batman. He hasn't figured it all out yet. And based on his previous encounters with Oz of the Iceberg Lounge, he doesn't think much of him yet and underestimates he's capable of. I thought that was actually a more interesting answer for where this might be going. The idea that he might be aware of some of this and thinks this guy's not big time enough for me. [00:30:25] Speaker A: Just like everybody else thinks of him. Just like everybody else thinks of him. [00:30:28] Speaker B: And that's why I thought the answer was interesting, because it's a mistake. And she's basically saying he's making a mistake that he's going to pay for. [00:30:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:30:35] Speaker B: That, at least to me, was like, okay. Because you can write that into something interesting in the future when he realizes he made a mistake. [00:30:48] Speaker A: That would have been a more satisfying answer, but I still would have been a proponent of give me something. [00:30:57] Speaker B: So my answer to her, and this goes to you there, it made me think about Batman in this show situationally. I think there's a way to do what she's saying and also do what we're saying. And it makes me go back to that. So it makes me go back to the Sophia episode, like in the asylum, because there, if you have the other inmates talking about Batman, putting some of them there that is not taking away from Batman underestimating Oz. That simply shows showing his footprint on the city, which I think is still really important. And so I think that made me rethink there. Okay. There's some situations where maybe we would not have. We would have accepted Batman not being aware of some of Oz's plans because he didn't think he was a big time guy. But there's other scenes to your point where we could have shown the influence of the character, either as Bruce or as Batman, that would have, I think, helped the overall fabric of Gotham to be like this guy's influence is being felt elsewhere. It just hasn't collided head on with Oz yet. [00:32:09] Speaker A: My fellow nerd gents, watch the first few moments of the Batman. Yeah, anything. If we know the Batman the way we know the Batman, he is even more intense. He blames himself. He is going at it. He is out there. [00:32:30] Speaker B: And they're already shown as the street criminals are scared already in year one and two, they're showing that they're giving that to you on screen, that they don't know what to make of him. So I think there was a happy medium here that maybe they were too scared to. That she's kind of saying they were a little too scared to go to because they didn't want to disturb the Penguin story. I think they could have done it and it would have been added to. But I do like. I do like her angle. If they play it out. Yes, because it does set up. If we set up Oz, if we set up Penguin as mastermind like we talk about, and Batman doesn't think he's capable of it. That actually could be very interesting. [00:33:11] Speaker A: Yeah. Let us know in the conversation below what you guys think of these reasons that the creators of the Penguin have given us as to why the Batman's presence was not felt up until the very last moment. Now he is worthy of the Batman's attention. Right. We relinked. [00:33:43] Speaker B: Oh, go ahead. No, go ahead. [00:33:45] Speaker A: I was gonna say that Batman's attention for the Penguin didn't really need to be there. His presence just, you know, too many thugs not. And this dude is at home sulking in what he's quote unquote. He should be happy he saved all the lives he did. But certainly, yeah, he may feel some guilt, but that, I think with that, that is the thing that drives him, I think. Right. [00:34:15] Speaker B: Yep. [00:34:17] Speaker A: Go ahead. You want to say something. [00:34:18] Speaker B: So I want to bring in your. Your Lanterns release date tidbit here. [00:34:22] Speaker A: Ah. [00:34:24] Speaker B: So James Gunn said they're Going to release Lanterns around the same time as they put out Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow in theaters. Okay. So I went and looked at the calendar just to make sure I had this right before we did this. So may not have this quite right because we had thought maybe they could rush a Penguin Season two to get that in front of Batman Part two. It looks like Lanterns might actually take that spot because if you look at the calendar right, so Supergirl comes out the end of June 2026. Batman Part 2 is scheduled to come out October 2, 2026. So if you run an eight episode show, one episode a week, starting it somewhere in July, it will end somewhere in September, which magically would be almost exactly between those two movies coming out. So maybe they are trying a version, maybe not the exact version we would have expected, but they are trying a version of connecting the content to keep D.C. front and center. And we don't know if Lanterns as a show has any connection to any of the other, you know, places in the world they want to go. Probably not to Batman Part two, you wouldn't think. But maybe they are trying a little bit of a little flavor. What we said, release a movie, have a show, release a movie and have it all kind of be in the conversation now. I think that, you know, maybe they'll do Penguin Season two connected to Batman three. Maybe they could still do that, but it's getting warmer. It's not perfect, but maybe they're getting a little bit smarter about how to, how to place their calendar. Anyway, so I just wanted to note that the timing looks conspicuous. [00:36:06] Speaker A: Let's see. Because they may be trying to do set that up and, and give the. Give Super Good a chance to be successful. [00:36:18] Speaker B: Well, maybe Ser has connection to the Lanterns world. That could be possible. Yeah, I mean, that's, it's a, it's a globetrotting or an intergalactic story. Right. Who's to say there isn't a Lantern cameo or some kind of reference to the core somewhere in that? That could be very possible. [00:36:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:36:37] Speaker B: Boy, I tell you what though, when I see that calendar though, it does underscore to me the Superman better hit, right? Because it's like, yeah, we get Peacemaker Season 2. Yeah, we get Creature Commandos. That's all. That's all well and good, but like, Superman is setting the table for that, for Supergirl, Lanterns, Batman Part two in a row. And if Superman just leaves us with a sour taste in our mouth, that's going to be a whole different set of anticipation than if it's really good scenario. [00:37:04] Speaker A: Time you come out of the theaters and Superman is whack Brian for a week. I don't want to know about dc. I don't want to know about their projects. I don't want to know. I don't care right now. I want to be understanding why this movie didn't crack the way it was supposed to. You know what I'm saying? [00:37:27] Speaker B: Oh, we might do like a multi part post mortem. Probably we'll do that anyway. [00:37:30] Speaker A: It will be a marathon. Yes. Because this was your opportunity. This was the opportunity to really bring back listen the intent of Superman and then we'll move on to andor the intent of Superman is to bring back the DC emblem. Superman was the one and he's been. He's been the guy in Super Friends. The first dude to get to get caught to get got useless. Useless. That cannot be anymore. [00:38:21] Speaker B: If it's. If it's not good and the box office is disappointing. How soon do you think Zack Snyder pays for a rerelease of man of Steel? That's it. [00:38:37] Speaker A: Oh my God. Anyway, let us know in the comments below what you guys think of those developments there and or storyline tidbits Brian like likely Ray film slot pulled but Rey is key to the Star wars future run. I said that she could be an Obi Wan type of character. Our feelings towards and I just listened to our episode a few hours ago. I was editing because I was putting in all the, all the images and stuff like that and man, nothing's changed. So your thoughts you want to talk about andor for it? [00:39:30] Speaker B: Yeah, let's deal in the positive and the then we'll deal with. With you know we. Then we'll deal with Emperor Emperor Kennedy, her latest, her latest schemes second season andor coming in April. Couple of tidbits here that and we've seen if you look there's a Disney plus montage teaser for 2025 around you can find it on YouTube that has some andor footage in it which looks amazing. It also has footage from other other shows throughout the year including like Iron Heart, things like that. Little things like that. Diego Luna mentions that because of the more compressed timeline. Remember in the first season it was one year and this, this season it's four years. So each block of three episodes covers a year. So he said we move in space more than ever. So the amount of planets and the sets you're going to get to see. One of which is confirmed to be Yavin 4. Most notable for the rebel base in New Hope and Tony Gilroy says, I mean, we have to end up at Yavin, right? So we tell the story of Yavin and no one has quite dealt with Yavin the way we will be doing it. And then he also said, or Luna then also adds about K2. So the droid from Rogue One, from an audience perspective, they made their own story about how Cassian and K2 get. Got to work together. And it probably tells you a lot about Cassian that his best friend is a droid and a droid he had to reprogram. But how did that happen and who was he before? Those are questions to be answered. Then we also had Ben Mendelsohn, who of course played director Krennic in Rogue One and who is going to be in season two of this show where he kind of says maybe a little bit tongue in cheek because he's talking about Deidre. Deidre Miro, who probably was the show's show's scene stealing villain of the first season. And he said if they didn't see eye to eye, that's cute. Deidre versus Krennic, I think that's a bit of a mismatch. They're all underlings to Krennic and they're all going in one direction. But the Empire, if you speak your mind, there's always going to be differences of opinion. So we get a little bit there on, on both sides of the coin and some of the things coming in, all of which I think is exciting. I mean, I think we talk about things that are most likely guaranteed successes and things we'll be celebrating. This is probably at or near the top of the list, list for 2025. So, I mean, I can't wait. I thought the little bits of footage they showed were very exciting in the, in the little, in the little trailer still look great. [00:41:56] Speaker A: So yeah, I can't wait, man. I can't wait. These are one of those episodes that sort of started the trend of, for me anyway, of how good an episode can be, you know, each and every time out. I wasn't too much. Again, I'm not too much into the fence fantasy like Game of Thrones and stuff like that. But I've watched it and it's just excellent. [00:42:21] Speaker B: No, you're right, that's a great point because we just went through this with Penguin where he felt like they were. They went 8 for 8 and. Or 112 or 12. I mean, there's no bad episodes in that show. [00:42:30] Speaker A: Yeah, it's amazing to me and I've heard the comments of, oh, I'm Tired, you know, I'm. I'm. I'm. You know, the tiredness of being of the Star wars world, even though this story really doesn't have. It's certainly, you know, a piece of the puzzle of the entirety of the. Of the entire storyline, you know, but that question of how does the rebellion start? This was just a perfect visual. Visual representation or story of how that would all come about. And it was just amazing. [00:43:11] Speaker B: See one sentence pitch. See the one sentence pitch. That's it. I guarantee you that's what it was. I guarantee who walked in the room was like, how does the rebellion start? Yeah, that's it. [00:43:19] Speaker A: Yes. That was it. That was. That was actually it. That was actual. That was the actual question you asked about. [00:43:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:25] Speaker A: How do we make a show about this? [00:43:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:27] Speaker A: So let us know in the comment section below what you guys think of Andor. And are you guys gonna. I'm telling. I'm telling you. You guys need to share it with your friends, man, because this is a wonderful show. Yeah. Likely Rey film slot pulled, but Rey is key to the future of the Star wars franchise. Brian, I already told you, this is an Obi Wan, I think banana in the tailpipe situation. [00:44:04] Speaker B: I love the reference to that movie. It's just hilarious. [00:44:09] Speaker A: Your thoughts? I know you out and. And I'm out. And again, we just. You'll hear our conversation about this whole thing, and it really hasn't changed, but this is happening. [00:44:24] Speaker B: So first off, with a lot of things we get wrong, there's certain things you need to listen to us on. And, you know, this original New Jedi Order project, at every announcement you could find it, every show we said, we kind of just were like calling BS on all of it. We're like, this is not going to happen. This is not going to happen. It's not going to happen because they pulled it. So it was. They never officially said this was the slot, but everyone seems to think it was. December, Christmas 2026. December 18, 2026 was supposed to be New Jedi Order. And in the week following the announcement that Simon Kinberg was doing a new Star wars trilogy centered with Rey as a key character, I. E. The Obi Wan in what is hotly rumored to be the Skywalker Saga episodes 10, 11, and 12, in the week following that news and in the month following the news that Steven Knight, who was writing New Jedi Order, had quit the project to focus solely on his Peaky Blinders film, Disney pulls the slot and gives it to Ice Age 6. [00:45:34] Speaker A: Wow. [00:45:35] Speaker B: This movie's dead. Because if they're making a. If for better or for worse, if they are making Skywalker Saga 10, 11, 12 and Rey is going to be the Obi Wan Jedi mentor, then the Charmin Obeyed Chinoi movie is toast. [00:45:50] Speaker A: Done. Yeah. [00:45:52] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, like what we told you would happen way back. [00:45:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:45:56] Speaker B: That this was a bad idea. It was a rushed idea. You know, Kathy seemed to kind of just pull a fast one on everyone to kind of get this off the ground and now it's not going to make it and it's going to join the scrap heap of all these other Star wars projects that she shepherded and announced that never made it. [00:46:12] Speaker A: I call it Shenanigans. You had another word. But I call all these. All this stuff shenanigans. [00:46:17] Speaker B: If Daisy really is going to get to star in a couple of these movies. Yes, maybe it wasn't a total embarrassment, but they walked her out on stage, man. They walked her out on stage to announce this project that had. That no one else seemed to know was happening and now it's disappeared entirely. What, so they could do some other new idea? [00:46:37] Speaker A: What sort of pitch would you give for this to work? Because there had to be something good for you to feel like, even though there weren't any details that were shared about the storyline or anything like that, but you just, you just greenlighting films with these names with. With characters that for the most part the majority of people didn't like. [00:47:00] Speaker B: Like, I don't know this part of it, but I think our best guess is probably what Charmino Bid Chinoy said about the project. Right. I mean, that probably was the closest we got to her pitch about that. It's high time we had, you know, the female voice of Star wars and a female everything Star wars movie. And I think that was the pitch. And Kathy Kennedy was all about that until Disney wasn't. You know, that was pre Bob Iger's return and there have been rumors that he, in his editing of the catalog and the release schedule that this was one of the movies he wasn't necessarily a fan of. Again, that's not confirmed. But the timing kind of fits. But that's. I think that's what the pitch was. Girl power. Star Wars. Right. A for Right. That's. I think that's what the pitch was. And. [00:47:49] Speaker A: And it's not to say, hey, listen, this is a business. At the end of the day, this is not no other thing. This is some. Certainly something that can be dope, but if it doesn't make dollars, it just don't make sense, you know what I'm saying? [00:48:07] Speaker B: But that's what I'm saying. Could go back to what we talked about. This project became contaminated from the get go. That's my point. Commercially, we talked about, like, when those quotes started to come out and you started to see the backlash before they'd even like written a script and even shot a scene. To me, it's like, you know, that this is dead on arrival. How is this movie supposed to be a huge hit when there's a large vociferous segment of the fandom rooting against it from the gecko? That's tough to overcome. And that's what happened with this. So I would guess Simon Kinberg's pitch was the more, well, okay, we like Daisy Ridley and we want to roll with Daisy Ridley. So you know what? Let's just retreat back to what we know. Let's just make it a Skywalker continuation and try to make amends a little bit for Rise of Skywalker. That's safer ground. And for the moment, that's what Disney's buying into. Now, I still don't have my doubts as to whether this is going to happen because it does feel like the Rian Johnson trilogy or the Benny Offen Weiss trilogy, neither of which will ever happen. But my guess is they basically pivoted and said, we don't want to release Daily Ridley from contract. We want her involved, but this new Jedi Order movie is just radioactive. We can't make it. So to save face will pivot toward Skywalker 10. That's what it looks like to me. But I ask you commercially, when I see this thing about she is central to the future of Star Wars. Again, this has nothing to do with her as an actress. It has nothing to do with the gender of the character. It has everything to do with just Rey and how Star wars fans perceive Rey. Is that the right move? Is she. Should she be the cornerstone of the future of Star Wars? That's the question we should be debating. So the quotes, by the way, just a Hollywood Reporter quote, key to the franchise's next turn. Quote, internal deliberation within Lucasfilm as to what to do with the heir to Skywalker next quote, she is the most valuable cinematic asset Star wars has right now. And in some ways maybe the only one. End quote. You know, she's the MVP of the Star wars verse right now. Is that true? If we went out and pull. Maybe I'm just out of touch with Star wars fans. We pulled a thousand Star wars fans. Would she win the MVP award of Star Wars. [00:50:36] Speaker A: Right now I gotta learn how to put. I gotta learn how to do polls now. I gotta learn how to put it in there because I gotta. I gotta understand how is she valuable? The most valuable. I mean, the most valuable thing you got is Star Wars. [00:50:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:50:53] Speaker A: Okay. [00:50:53] Speaker B: For Vip itself. But like, yes, if we're doing individual characters, I would have guessed Mandalorian and Grogu as. As a 12 would have been above her. [00:51:02] Speaker A: No, hence the reason why you're doing the movie in the more series and that movie's done. [00:51:08] Speaker B: That movie's actually happening. Like, I was shocked when I read that quote that she's perceived as the MVP of the most valuable asset in the Star wars verse right now. [00:51:20] Speaker A: We haven't heard any plot storylines for Mandalorian. Correct? [00:51:26] Speaker B: You mean the movie. No, they kept that one pretty, pretty nicely under wraps. Yeah, we don't know it's been shot, but we don't know. [00:51:32] Speaker A: This could be really, really good. Right. And the hope is that it is. [00:51:37] Speaker B: I don't think there's any way it's bad. I think the question is whether it is. [00:51:41] Speaker A: Because to see her on screen in the movie theater is going to be pretty. [00:51:44] Speaker B: You know, I think it's whether it deserves that. I think it's whether we get into an IMAX theater and we feel that it was justified that we paid our dollars to see versus on tv. That's the question. [00:51:56] Speaker A: Yeah. Let us know in the conversation below what you guys think of the latest in the Star wars saga for the struggle. I don't know. There is the talk about Star Wars. I can't wait for the documentary about all this. Because there is that the title for this is going to be Star Wars. [00:52:20] Speaker B: The title of that was going to be I'm not Leaving. That's what the title of that. It's going to be a little different than the making of original. [00:52:29] Speaker A: I'm not leaving. Oh, man. [00:52:33] Speaker B: I don't know. Listen, I. I actually like. I like, generally like Daisy, really? As an actress. [00:52:38] Speaker A: Yeah, I think she could. I think there's a lot of roles that she can do. [00:52:42] Speaker B: I think there's things they missed with that character that probably could have been pretty interesting, but I just find it so bizarre that they are. That the way that last trilogy ended, that they really want to carry that forward. That felt like the greatest invitation for a clean slate that I've almost ever seen in fandom. And for them to be like, no, this is the. This is what we have. This is. This is our. You know, true Jedi Knight going forward. I don't know. I mean, I feel like in sports, when you hit your wagon to the wrong star, that gets the front office fire. And like, I don't know, this, if this doesn't go well, which I kind of feel like it's starting an uphill battle already. [00:53:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Last thing before we wrap this one up. James Gunn confirms R rated DCU movies emphasize a story over MPA rating. Your thoughts? [00:53:41] Speaker B: Look, I think it's great. I mean, I think. Why are, why are we scared about that? Because you just look at Deadpool and Wolverine. Look at Joker 1. Right. The R rating has not stopped. [00:53:51] Speaker A: Low Money machine. [00:53:52] Speaker B: Right. Our rating has not stopped audiences from going to the theater. And in fact, you know, the case of Deadpool, Wolverine, I think there's far, probably far more younger audiences that were taken to see that than probably should have been. [00:54:05] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:54:06] Speaker B: I just, you know, I think it is more just a marker than it is like an audience killer. [00:54:14] Speaker A: I'd say it's like, you know, you wouldn't do R rated for Care Bears, you know, where it's appropriate. Like the Grifter, I think is an R rated sort of character. Right, The Grifter. I think Tracy has mentioned that character. [00:54:32] Speaker B: Okay, I was thinking. I was thinking of not comic book. But didn't they do the. What was it? Violent Night, which was like a murderous Santa last year. It's like a Santa slasher movie. So who says they can't do R rated Care Bears? [00:54:49] Speaker A: They can do whatever they want. Yes, but it has to be appropriate, obviously. Right. For. For especially for, like you can't do a punisher. PG 13. Punishing. [00:54:57] Speaker B: No, can't do. That's the thing. There's characters that. The R rating is necessary. [00:55:01] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:55:01] Speaker B: Even argue. We've been having this debate over Blade. It sounds like, you know, if this ever happens, they did finally settle on R. But like that. There was a talk they were going to make that PG 13 for a while. And that's inexcusable. [00:55:11] Speaker A: There's a lot going on. The Denzel situation is huge. Will it result in Dallas? The MCU certainly hopes so. And perhaps this is Ryan Coogler's sort of, you know, I don't know, inspiration, like dream or something like that to, you know. [00:55:31] Speaker B: Oh, I think so. [00:55:32] Speaker A: To do this. Right. [00:55:33] Speaker B: I'm sure this is one of his idols. And this, I'm sure that was congregation. [00:55:36] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Fantastic Four storyline. I don't know if I'm in it. I want to see what this looks like. I'm curious and I think that's what that money will, will show that that box office will show how curious people are about this film and what in terms of what the story is, the reviews. I don't know but I think we're going to probably. I'm. I'm predicting I'm on 60. [00:56:02] Speaker B: I think that's fair. I wouldn't disagree with you on that. I don't think it'll be horrible, but I think it'll be. I don't think it'll be where we were consistently. Yeah, you know, Winter Soldier, those guys are in the 90s. I don't think we're seeing that. [00:56:15] Speaker A: Yeah. Reeves the Frank and why no Batman and Penguin. Two separate answers. One of them more acceptable still, yet not enough for me. But could have possibly been given a payoff at the end of that explanation. Right. Whereas the other one seemed like what? [00:56:42] Speaker B: Before I wrap up, HBO has been on YouTube. They've been putting out some nice little behind the scenes stuff now that the show is done. If you guys can find. There's a little series of little videos of Colin Farrell and Kristen Milioti re watching the show and talk. It's pretty fun. There's. When they get to the finale, it gets revealed that Kristen, at least in the video, Kristen Milioti has not seen the finale. So like, wow, Colin Farrell's already seen it. She has it. And so they're watching that opening scene with the mom like at Monroe's and they re healed. This felt like even though Matt Reeves wasn't directing, it kind of was like classic Reeves. He revealed that they had to shoot that scene over and over again for multiple days. [00:57:28] Speaker A: Wow. [00:57:29] Speaker B: That when I watched that scene again. [00:57:32] Speaker A: The beginning thing, the scene where they're. [00:57:33] Speaker B: Gonna cut the mom's finger off and Oz won't admit what he did. Imagine shooting that scene like a hundred times or sixty times. That's insane. I mean I was like. And she had. So she's getting like disturbed by her own performance because she hasn't seen it on screen. It's interesting. It's like a fun watch. I thought I had a good time with that. [00:57:56] Speaker A: I gotta look up some interesting information about why so many takes. What is it about all these other takes that, that you choose that one over those 60 or 70, you know what, whatever. It could. I don't know. It's very interesting. But yeah, let us know in the comments below what you guys think of the reasons for the Batman not being there and all the storyline there. The race situation and the Star wars future, man, that is a whole situation there. Remember to hit that like and subscribe. Thank you. We appreciate the subscriptions. We appreciate the the watch going to continue important on what's going on on the.

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