Deadpool and Wolverine... | Jul 29, 2024 001

July 29, 2024 00:59:18
Deadpool and Wolverine... | Jul 29, 2024 001
The NerdGen Report
Deadpool and Wolverine... | Jul 29, 2024 001

Jul 29 2024 | 00:59:18


Show Notes


In this conversation, the hosts discuss their thoughts on the movie Deadpool and share their opinions on various aspects, such as the action sequences, comedic moments, and cameos. They also talk about the audience's reactions and the film's overall entertainment value. The conversation revolves around the movie Deadpool and Wolverine, discussing its box office performance, rewatchability, impact on the MCU, and the franchise's future. The hosts agree that the movie is entertaining and meets their expectations, but it is not a lasting classic. They discuss the potential impact of the movie on the MCU and the need for a new, innovative film to revitalize the franchise. They also touch on the challenges of the multiverse concept and the importance of reinventing characters and storylines.


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36 Overdraft (00:06) What up everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Nerd Your Reporter. I'm your host, Paul and joining me as always is Mr. Brian Schultz. Brian, I just came back from seeing the movie, Brian. You as well, I am assuming, right? Yep, just drove home. Brian? I enjoyed some of it. I'm interested in hearing what you have to say with regards to some of the action sequences, the comedic moments, which for many, I honestly did not mind some of the performances, Brian. There were some moments where you actually genuinely cheered and there was moment where I was like, word. I know you know what I'm talking about. Yes, I can guess. Yeah, we'll talk about it. Theaters were packed. How was your theaters this time? So my theater was, I was in an IMAX theater. It was probably actually about half full, but asterisk, the theater complex I was at had done one of the fan fest events with the prior show. So they sold that out and like there were a lot of people around for that. So I kind of was in the show that was, that started just after that was still going on. So I think that's why I was kind of undisturbed, but I had a good crowd, was a lively crowd. They were into the movie. People laughed. There were definitely some... I felt like I was a fairly educated crowd because they seemed to get the layers of some of the jokes, which I think you always need. Watching these, it's funny, I went back and watched, because the wife wants to see it, and I'm gonna go see it again with her, but she had never seen Deadpool 1 and 2. Her interest has been solely based on the trailers for 3. And so we went back and we watched one and two and I kind of forgot some of the jokes where you kind of needed more knowledge. Yeah. Like some of the Marvel related jokes, she was completely like, I don't get it. Like what are you talking about? And I had to kind of pause and explain like there was this movie X -Men Origins Wolverine where they screwed up Deadpool and like I forgot like all of that stuff was fourth wall break. So this one, felt like the audience was up on current events. So they laughed at the stuff that they should have laughed at. And they kind of got one of the cameos we'll get to about a character who never was. Cause the project was in development hell for a decade. A lot of people got it. Like when he showed up, they were like, they were like, and they made reference to the fact that the project had failed. had not made been made. People were in on it. So that was kind of cool. but yeah, I had a good time. I think this This met to maybe mildly exceeded my expectations. I don't think 25 years from now, you and I are going to be talking about this like Winter Soldier. But I think anyone who goes to see this will have a good time. And I think you'll probably walk out of the theater, chuckling and feeling like you didn't throw your money away on a bad superhero But I, but this is something that we expected Brian from jump. Exactly. This is going to be a show. is entertaining. Yes. It's going be an event. Yes. is a circus. Like there's ring over here, ring over there, ring, big cop, big tent. That's what it is. Yes. I found myself though, drifting into the, okay, what are we doing? And I found myself also with some of the, the action sequence, was sometimes hard to follow in some of the bigger. Interesting surprises. knew that the cameos were going to come, Brian. I don't know. what comes to mind when it comes to what cameos we thought we would get and we didn't. I know there was this big Taylor Swift joint that, Yeah, I got to the point where Ryan Reynolds had to put out a tweet like two days before to say she was not in the movie. basically they probably got wind that like the Swifties are all gonna like riot and go to this movie and she's not in it. And so he's If you go, she's not actually in the movie. Yeah. Yeah. So Brian, talk to me about Deadpool and what, what, did the movie exceed? What did you like? What didn't you like? yeah, we might have to do like a power ranking of the cameos. And by the way, would say overall, I got to give the studio credit because they, they threw a few cameos into the public domain. Jennifer Garner, Aaron Stanford. But they did a pretty good job of bait and switch. Like there was a fake rumor. Remember there was a rumor that there was another guy playing blade in this because of the because of a that hadn't been buried. Yeah. And fact, Reynolds makes Ryan Reynolds makes a reference to it in the movie was never like, yes. Right. Which is a reference to blade Trinity and the two of them having difficulty. Yeah. But then there were rumors about all the, all the X -Men, right? Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart, Ian McAuliffe, you know, all these people were supposed to be like, it was rumors. They were coming And I think that it was a good decision and they did a good job to not have them reappear. Although we should probably discuss, is there an ulterior motive to them not appearing in this? Because this didn't necessarily destroy that universe the way we might've expected. It in fact went the other way and left it very open and more consistent with the marvels, which brought a CGI Kelsey Grammer beast and sort of implied that that universe is alive and But then we got some cameos that they kept under wraps. They did a really good job of keeping a few really big cameos under wraps that nobody knew were coming to where like there was, they didn't know to Marvel with your stupid Red Hawk promotion. They didn't put it in the trailer. So when it hit, there was real impact to a few of these characters. Yeah. We had people standing. And it was like, and they had a part. wasn't like, Hey, they walked across the screen. Like they had a moment in the movie where you're like, this is actually pretty cool. gotta say as far as cameos go, I thought this movie did a pretty good job of like, certainly better cameos. thought then like multiverse of madness. felt these cameos were fun. They were in the know and every, all the actors seem to be having a good time So I actually thought that was a piece of the movie that exceeded my expectations. So you want to rank them? Yeah, go for it. I think we're going to have the same number one, but. But let's okay. If it weren't my number one, I would say number one would be the Chris Evans ones that they made it look like Brian, that it was a Captain America, perhaps of like Civil War. I forget what comic book. But they made it seem like it was Captain America. And I was like, so when I heard the voice, I was snap. And, the colors. then Ryan Reynolds is like, he's like, he's hamming it up. You know, he's gonna say it. He's gonna say it. That was actually great. did like I left. Yeah, yeah. They got me on that one. Yeah, they got me too. They got me too. That was a good one. That was a good one. That was right. So that would be number one for for for some. Okay, for some but my number one. Come on, man. Okay, number one is that's when your people were clapping, you know, it isn't just that Wesley Snipes walked on screen and still has that presence. It's the couple of things he got to say. He's him speaking directly and screwing with Marvel and screwing with Mahershala Ali and saying like, and it's obviously look, he's not doing it at a mean spirit. Everyone's in on the joke. Kevin Feige produced this, they allowed him to say it, but for him to say He's the only one who's ever going to be played was pretty freaking awesome. In my theater like that one. And he even threw in the some other, I still trying to stay up there. He put that in there. I was fired up when he said that. I was clinging to every word, Brian, that he had dialogue in. So yeah, he's number one for He's definitely number one. And there was some moments, Brian, that he didn't even say nothing. It was just his look. Of course, he's got it. And the thing is, I don't know if it was a stunt man or not. But like, he had a couple of the kicks and spins. Or I'm like, if that's him, he's still pretty, he still can move. This is why Brian, I don't think they didn't have something going with Wesley before the blade before the commercial Ali announcement. I feel like they had something going on when that was announced. West was like, you know, he wasn't gonna fight but you know, he took he took the high road. Well, irony is, didn't watching him do this with the graying with the silver hair and the beard and watching the action. You know, it made me, it made me kind of come back around to look, I don't like all the rumors we've had about blades daughter being the centerpiece, but if you were hell bent on making this, that movie, a handoff movie, why not have Wesley do the handoff? Cause Mahershala Ali called and Kevin picked up. See for that's all you need a blade blade centric story if you want to do the handoff story if you really want to do that Yeah, you will with Wesley and this this movie I think will actually get a lot of people asking that question of like if if you're in the rumor mill on that movie Why isn't it him doing the handoff? Anyway, so alright, so we have Wesley's times one. We have kind of Chris Evans in the 1a Position I would have to say number three Jennifer Garner, Brian. I like her. She looked, I mean, she, we know in real life she's aged well and she looks great. I mean, she looks like she hasn't really aged a day since she played the part. Yeah. although she has one of the best, one of the best jokes in the movie where they referenced the daredevil. And then she says, nah, wasn't that much of problem because the athletic and the divorce. That was awesome. So you didn't expect Jennifer Garner. So who would your number two. see, I would have Henry Cavill as Wolverine. the setup right that is so good with the motors. Yeah, you're right. You're It makes you think it's the Logan from extra. He turns I was like, holy, because also because of the nod to fandom, which has wanted this, which Ryan Reynolds makes a comment about how he looks like Yeah, I actually thought that one was one that got because we'd also heard all these rumors about future Wolverine being in this movie and he's obviously not. And then you get this instead and I was like, any you know, it's two seconds worth. Yeah, it's not bad. He's not bad. He does the voice he attacks and I'm like, you know, maybe there was a time where he could have done this, you know, so I like that one. That was my like next year one he just He's just, don't know, Henry Cavill, doesn't just, to me, he's not. I'm glad he's not. I'm just saying for those 30 seconds. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What could have been? What could have he does, like the way he snarls and the way he attacks, I'm like, that was a really well -placed standing. Physically, see him, but just his face doesn't call Wolverine. It doesn't say Wolverine to me. I would tend to agree. He's a little too Golden Boy in the eyes. There you have to almost have him in the mask the whole time the tip for that to really work. But anyway, as a cameo, I that was that was that was there. I read Nick. Nick. All right. So we're sliding Garner down a notch. Were there any other Wolverines Brian? Just just the Henry Cavill one, right? Just the Henry Cavill. Because, well, do you what do you count X 23 as? I mean, she's not technically I see I didn't have that one as high even though Logan was a great movie. I think it's just Daphne Keen's character is not like in the minds of people isn't quite. Yeah, she was great in Logan, but and she's fine here, but but not as not as memorable. So I would probably go. Cavill then Garner. And then I would probably go. Why you know, I'm gonna have it. You know who I'm gonna have at the bottom. Come on. Yo, that joint was hilarious man. I can't tell Was he demoing the voice he intended to use as Remy LeBeau or did they tell him, screw this up, go mess this up and make a mockery of it? Because things take joke during him talk like that. This is his rendition. This is what it would have been. That movie would have been an atrocity. yeah, yeah, yeah. But it was funny though. was great. In the context of this, as comic believe, it works. But if you're watching him and you're like, I would have gotten three Gambit movies where he and sounds like that is no, that's Batman and Robin territory. This is Street Fighter Gambit. The comic book accurate Street Fighter version of the movie John Claude Van Damme did in terms of look. Yeah. But nothing in terms of quality. And this is just a straight copy of the comic And it was just, I thought that was hilarious. Every time he spoke, we were like, what the hell is he saying? that's why Ryan Reynolds was like, that's why I wondered if it was like an intentional gag though. Cause like Reynolds was playing on the fact of like, well, Gamet really means to say is like to where they did Shannig -Taylor, did they tell him, Hey, just over the top, this Cajun accent. Maybe that's not the one he intended to use, but in any case, he sounded ridiculous. And honestly, even though you look comics accurate, He did kind of look ridiculous, like with the costume. He looked cosplay. He looked cosplay. Exactly. Exactly. But it was fun. Like when he's throwing the cards and he's got the staff all charged up, it was fun to see him in the action sequence and fun with him poking fun at the movie that never was. Yeah. I would have, I would, it would have been dope for me, but they would have had him in the black and red eyes and stuff like that, you know, that different sort of look. So you have Tyler Maine as Sabretooth. You've got Aaron Stanford as You got, I don't really count the like one -offs like you have a Zazel lady death strike. You had the Russian who wasn't actually Kevin Nash. was just somebody looking like Kevin Nash. Those to me like almost don't count. that juggernaut, I would say the number one disappointing cameo was juggernaut. Cause he don't get defeated like that. Yo, that's just not juggernaut. Yeah. Yeah. They don't do that to the juggernaut. Well, they continue. Right. So this is the third juggernaut in live action, right? Cause we had the Vinnie Jones. last stand and he, he supposedly was offered this right. said, no, yeah, wouldn't do it. Yeah. Wouldn't do it. Then we had the one in Deadpool two, which I liked who's much bigger and a little more comics accurate. Hey, you know, like I was watching it rewatch the other day. It was like, you know, he has the fight with Colossus. You don't really see the momentum as much in that one. He doesn't really do the charge as much in that one, but he is physically more like you imagine him to be, but the actor is completely shielded, right? It's not really relevant. to part. And by Reynolds voicing him. Yes. then you have sort of, I believe it was Martin Chokas, who's like a role actor. He was in the equalizer. He was in Lord of the Rings, kind of like a supporting character. I think he was the face for this version, but really didn't get to do much. He gets taken out relatively easily. I the juggernaut. Yeah. So. Yeah. So there were some good cameos, Brian, and there was some disappointing cameos. What did you think of the antagonist, Cassandra Nova? Not awesome. mean, kind of more meant to further, just further plot, really. I mean, the actress Emma Corrin, I believe, is one of the Emmy for her portrayal of Princess Diana in The Crown. And she's, you know, hamming it up here. But it's the usual Marvel problem, right? Like the villains powers are seemingly unlimited. And then all of a sudden, you know, their designs are kind of universal. We don't really spend that much time with them other than when we need to. And so therefore it doesn't feel like we're supposed to really care that much. And this movie ultimately is about Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. So there isn't really room for that in the movie. So I think kind of fine, but forgettable. Very similar to a lot of Marvel villains we've seen previously. What did you think of, I found them entertaining a bit. The dude that was controlling the TVA that was doing his side thing. Paradox. Matthew McFadden. I thought he was actually, when they revealed him to be one of the villains, I thought he was a little more interesting. kind of feel like I had a, we'll talk about the And more comedy, more comedic in his - but sinister at the same time. Yes, yes, yes. He felt more of a piece with the Loki series. Yes. Which is the, mean, obviously the characters are from that in the TVA, but, I would have wouldn't have minded had his part being beefed up or like a little more of his backstory. Cause we really didn't get any motivation for what he was doing. Right. We just got a little exposition that he was basically betraying the TVA, but you never really understood why. or like where that came from. Action Brian, talk to me about the action. I liked some things. The beginning was dope. The credits in the beginning and how they displayed that, I thought that was brilliant. But then the action gets a bit repetitive and for me, Brian, I think after the first encounter with Wolverine and the fight, after that it just gets a little, it just doesn't work for me anymore. Would you agree that Wolverine's fighting hasn't evolved? as much as you... I mean obviously this is a joke sort of speak Brian but his fighting wasn't all Especially after the mask when he put on the mask against all the Deadpools that was pretty like This was like You know I'm saying like Royal Rumble type stuff. It wasn't it wasn't impressive So I think the action the movie suffers from one thing that we previously discussed Which is the fact that when this movie first came out with this style of action. It was pretty new. It was pretty And we've just seen so many of these movies. talked about the failure of our guy. All right. This is that style of action where it's like a pop track playing and then lots of where they take. It's almost like the trying to cross the matrix with Tarantino, right? You take the music, you take it slow. Most you can, you take blood and you make it almost a joke in the context of this violence. And so like, go back 10 years when it was like Kingsman comes along and Deadpool comes along and they, do this and it's like, wow, this is cool. It's I haven't seen this before. It's But 10 years later, everyone's done it. Like it's in so many movies. that being said, know, Reynolds sells it, but he always, but like it sells to excess. think this movie made it. If I was looking at tactically, the layout of the movie, the biggest mistake they make in my opinion is they have two Deadpool versus Wolverine fights. I think they only needed one. And I don't know which one I would have taken, honestly. You the one on the beach makes more sense in the context of the story. Yes, definitely makes more sense. the one in the forest might have some cooler hits. But when they started fighting, the second they got ready to fight, I was like, I really hope they don't fight because it's going to take five minutes away from the movie. I don't need them to fight at this point. So that In my mind, are you a piece of the movie that could have been devoted somewhere else to story? And we spent it kind of repeating and playing the hits again. Yeah. Now Sean Levy makes a very strange choice in my opinion, for the final showdown of Wolverine and Deadpool versus all the dead pools. By the way, I did speaking at way, I don't know she counts as a cameo, but I do have to give it up for the inside joke that lady Deadpool was Blake Yeah, I didn't know that that was coming. And that's pretty cool that she was and was carried. What I don't understand is if you watch that sequence, Levi basically turns it into a side scrolling video game. Yeah, he leaves the camera out. So you're kind of watching the two heroes almost like, you know, game I was remembering was like double dragon back in the day. We're like the guys are on the The scrolls. Yeah, that's what if they're going up, they're going down. They're going. That's what it felt And I was like, this is a movie that has done zoom in super slow mo's like pan arounds the whole movie. I don't, would love to know why he, for that whole sequence, you don't really see Hugh Jackman's Wolverine execute a close quarters kill in the costume. You're just at a distance watching the two of them against all these other characters. It's a very strange choice because he doesn't do it anywhere else. And I was like, I think it kind of made that moment. It was still entertaining to watch, but it was a little anticlimactic. You've waited 20 some odd years to see Hugh in the mask, in the yellow and exactly being totally ferocious. And it's like, I'm, like, I'm having to watch it through binoculars. It's really weird. It's a strange creative choice. I would love to know why I did it. Yeah, man. If I was doing something like Wolverine visually, I would make it look more dark. It wouldn't be as bright. would just be more, I don't know, man, more, there was a level of realism to it. I was going to say, there's got to be panels in the comics that you could use as inspiration, you kind of like how X -Men 97 when Magneto rips the adamantium out of Wolverine, that, that shot is literally lifted from a comic book panel. There's got to be some in Wolverine's own solo comic books or the T or the X -Men comic books where you're like, Hey, I'm just going to put this in this fight scene and bring it in close and let you see it. And it's a little bit odd. if in that whole versus Wolverine, there is a scene in that the animation where he takes on a bunch of dudes. that's the way I would do it. If anybody has seen that, look at that. There's too much, it looks too, I'm sorry, it's just too bright and too, you know what I'm He still doesn't look fierce enough. Like I said, it looks video game. doesn't look, it doesn't look Video game is a good word. Yeah. And conversely, like, you with all the time, with that second Deadpool vs. Wolverine fight, I wouldn't have minded a little bit more with Wesley Snipes. Jennifer Garner, Channing, like they got some shots in, but I wouldn't have minded giving them two more minutes to do kind of hero shots and cool kills. And I mean, look, this is the one chance, you know, was the one chance to do this. Like, especially with Snipes, he got a few in there, but I was like, yeah, give me, give me another couple of those, you know, you had, and did you find it also anticlimactic the way they were sort of saying that they had, they would have their ending and then It wasn't like die, it wasn't a true die. I thought that meant they were going to die like Yeah, I thought they were going to be like die like heroes or do something truly spectacular and you kind of didn't get that. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I mean. I kind of wish like that was a little bit longer in terms of the action. Okay. There was two sequences that I was like, man, it's hard to follow all these things. It just reminded me of Expendables. The first time when Deadpool and Wolverine I believe arrived at Nova's headquarters. There was a fight sequence there. that one was a bit hard to follow at some point. And then. the, the, the, one where, where, where, the, with the Gambit and all those guys, fighting in that sequence, they showed Gambit with the staff, Brian, and the first time I spotted it was from that shot from above. From above. Yeah. They don't show it. Yeah. And it would have been dope if they would have had him reveal like, you know, that's his staff and you know, but they didn't do that. They just threw it out there. I that shot exists. and it's not in the final cut. You could tell that was an edited sequence to keep it close to the flowers. And I'm like, there clearly is a fill in the blank there that we didn't see. I think the shot is there and nobody cared, Brian, really. That could be. Maybe they tested it. I don't know. I don't even think they tested it. I don't think that was really a thing. I don't think people that were really doing this somewhat, Brian, would really pay attention to that sort giving them each of their shine and Blade got one. But I don't really think Gambit got one other than his introduction and you know, got the one. His one was when he used the whole deck of cards. That was his one flourish. was very true Gambit. But yeah, yeah, but there I'm sure there's a shot of him either drawing the staff or charging it initially and first using it and you don't see it. Yeah, as I said, they could have what they could have tested those, could have said Did audiences want to see Hugh and Ryan fight twice or do they want to see more of the final set piece? And maybe the audiences responded more to having Hugh and Ryan fight twice. You know, like that could be the kind of thing the studio would basically break the tie with, you know, audience. And I don't agree with it, but it could be. Interesting. What do you think of Hugh? I mean, he still got it, know? I think, I think what's fun about him, to his credit, is he does always find a little bit of a wrinkle to give you. And I thought there were moments where he reached a level of anger and despair and frustration in this movie that I think he didn't even get to in Logan. Logan was a little more like down on his luck. This guy's not just down on his luck. He's like past that point. And I think when he really starts like growling at Deadpool, like that's a good scene. Like it's a dramatic scene I find. yeah, he still has that in him. And physically too. yeah. Yeah, he still gets, he can still, know, get in shape and do all that. He just needs six months. Yeah. That's what they need these days, six months. I did like that. got to say, mean, this is where I got to give, know, Ryan Reynolds is one of the writers on this. I'm sure he has something to do with this, but when they first meet the first Logan variant and he's comics accurate size, that was pretty fun. Yeah, that was, was, that was Larry. So what did you think of the comedy Brian? I mean, I think it's basically, if you like the Deadpool shtick, you will find it here in spades with some bigger name actors doing it. I mean, it's very much of a piece to me with Deadpool one and two in terms of what they joke about. like, you know, they add in more obviously about Disney and about Marvel. And sadly, to your point, they spoiled a lot of that in the trailers. You know, a of those jokes, I think would have carried more weight if they had held Definitely. That's why I'm particular. held some good ones. They held some good ones, but the Disney ones they put out there. Yeah. I think the only one they held back that I thought was legitimately funny was the whole multiverse discussion. He was like coming in at a low point. It's not working. That part I was like, all right, they held that back. That's pretty good. But did you get it within moments where they were playing on this? They were going on for too Yeah. But that's been the case in the other movies too. Like think about a Deadpool 2 when he Deadpool 1 to me is classic. Deadpool 1 is classic. I agree. But when Deadpool 2, when he dies, he dies for like 12 minutes where he's like pretending to be dead. This is a shtick that he, that's my point is he's done this shtick with this character. So if you, either like that or you don't. And this movie very, from the very beginning with the Nsync song and his dance routine, like he could have done the dance. once. He does it like five times. Like that's just how he plays the character and how he's made this franchise work. So you either like that or you don't. But I found myself at times, you know, wanting to hurry up and get it going. mean, this movie is only two hours and eight minutes. And I think to their credit, it's not bad by today's standards. They couldn't, they could not have made this two and a half. No, no. But does it work again? Can we see more of this? I don't think so. Well, like too soon. Yeah, I mean the Deadpool one and two were only two years apart and the gross was pretty similar. Two is a little bit higher than one. This will obviously, like you said, be higher. Although I'm still curious to see about that second weekend. We're gonna find out. We'll get to our ratings and all sort of stuff, but I do feel like this fell into that range of what we expected, which was like a very eventized film I don't know. people going to see this three times, four times? Do you need to see it three times, four times? I don't think so. Definitely laugh at some of the jokes, but I can't watch this movie again and be like, like I can't watch this like I would watch 40 year old Virgin or Bridesmaid. yeah. Like hangover wedding crashers. yeah. can't watch it like that. That's like classic. You're not going to, yeah, it's not. This movie is full Cameos surprises and stuff now once those surprises are spoiled. What's the point again? You know what I'm saying? Yes, I would agree. I would agree it is I I do feel like in terms of the to your point the rewatchability and the staying power of the movie It's closer to Deadpool 2 than it is to Deadpool 1 I just I don't think we're gonna put this movie into that elite class 20 years from now and say remember this movie I don't think we're gonna do I'm we have it. It's fine. It's entertaining. They did not screw it up in that sense, but like how impactful, you know, didn't Kevin say this is an eight in terms of impact to the MCU? I kind of walked out of the movie kind of saying in what way. Yeah. I mean, I guess in the way possibly bringing, because he talked about it, Brian. He talked about the way to bring other people back. So this is important. So I believe this is important to him with regards to the impact to the MCU. We got a picture of RDJ. Picture of RDJ was hiding on the shelf behind the Iron Man mask when Happy Hogan was talking to Ryan Reynolds. I didn't see that. I was I don't think that's an accident. mean, we got Chris Evans came back to do Johnny Storm, like, we got a little, you know, got the little cameo Chris Hemsworth, actually not really. He didn't shoot anything. That was the scene from dark world where he's holding Loki and they just CGI Deadpool in there. like, but yeah, there's that one shot of the Iron Man mask on the shelf. And if you look, they've angled it so you can see RDJ only in the photo behind him. Interesting. So, but yeah, if you're asking me like they announced Deadpool Wolverine two for two years from I think the box office is lower than this one, like almost for sure. The consensus is Brian that this movie is entertaining and that's fine. We thought this would be. It is entertaining. Yeah, it's fine. It's very popcorn. Again, that second weekend Brian is going to be very, very interesting. it's not. It's tracking. So the opening weekend is right in line, so far has been right in line with that 160 to 165 number US and about 330 global, 350 global. So as I said, That will put you on pace for almost exactly a billion dollars if it has a good standard hole. So that's why I'm saying that second weekend is going to be key. If they really fall off like 65 % in the second weekend, it's not getting to a billion. If they fall off 50%, definitely getting to a billion. So I think you're really going to know that second weekend how people feel about this. But I would think the cinema, haven't, it's too early for a cinema score. I bet you it's like an A minus. That would be my bet. I think people will generally be happy. but they won't view it. It's not Black Panther. It's not Iron Man 1. It's not Winter Soldier. It's not Infinity War. It's just not in that class. It's not Guardians 1. It's not. Thank you. Not in that class. Thank you. But it's not trash. it's not trash. Yeah. I just don't put them in that category of... This is in its own category to This is the first R -rated movie that Disney has done in the MCU. And I would say like, listen, if this is the best one they ever make, I'll be a little disappointed. I'd just say I'm serious. would hope there's R rated movie in this universe that they can make. And I don't think this is a lasting classic. I think it's fine. I would tell people if you haven't seen it and you, you know, I would say, go ahead and watch it. Watch Deadpool one and watch this. Like you'd enjoy it. Do you have to go see it? IMAX 3D? No, you don't. Do you have to go see it in the theater? No, you don't. I understand why he's not in the movie. I was not expecting him to be in the movie, The TVA was so prevalent. mean, the Loki question sitting there, like to me, like given where we left that show and given what he's doing, this is supposed to be before or after. We don't know. It doesn't say exactly when this is in relation to the events of season two. But that was in the back of my mind of like, where does that fit into all this? and then I think the other thing that was in the back of my mind was just sort of The references they were making to kind of the 20th century Fox universe being alive, which was, think, very surprising, which made me think is that in part a function of the problems they're having with the Avengers that they felt like we can't close out Stuart and Barry and Ian McKellen, Fazbender and McAvoy. Because we might need all those guys for secret wars to boost the star power of our hero lineup. There was so much scuttle that they were going to end the universe with this. And in fact, they reopened it. And now I'm thinking like that because they need the stars for secret wars and they can't count on. And remember, we'll get to this in a different show. Kevin basically saying not everyone's going to get to be in secret wars. Certainly. And so it's like you look at the act will to be in secret war. 100%. That's why Hugh Jackman says at the end, they'd be lucky to have you. To me, that's a hundred percent of TF that he is in secret wars. We know Hugh Jackman's in secret wars pretty much. And I'm just saying like, if you're looking at the field and they're like, Hmm, you know, like, you know, what would help secret wars, eight minutes of Halle Berry, you know, it helps secret wars, 10 minutes of Michael Fassbender. Like I, That's what they're looking at right now. Because nobody's that excited about Simu Lu and Imam Valani. They're just not. Like, they're just not. The only, if, listen, if Marvel decides to recast Shang -Chi, you already know who I'd like to see. They're not gonna do that, but. I'm just saying. a time where I thought they would because of the China thing, but I think that time has passed. I think it's going to be him, but I just don't think people are that... I don't think... I mean... excited about that. Nah, man. Nah. Especially this time. I mean, whatever anybody would want to say, Shang -Chi to me, the first one was, and all that. regardless of the fact, where does Deadpool and Wolverine... where does it rank after? I want to say No Way Home because as you keep. it's not that it's not as good as that. After No Way Home because people would, people are putting it in the class of after end game. Okay. So there's taking all those off the board. Okay. Yeah. So the end game. No Way Home is to me is, is, is up there. It's up there with. It's not Winter Soldier, Brian, but it's not Dead Way Infinity War and Endgame. Yeah, to me, like No Way Home is in the. It's in the conversation for top 10 Marvel movies, not in the conversation for top five. That's how I would look at it. I think Deadpool, I mean, so we're 30 some movies in. I think Deadpool and Wolverine for me is somewhere between like 10 and 15 without going through it movie by movie. To me, it's in the upper half. Yes, but it's closer to halfway line. yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how I look at it. So in the endgame era, that's pretty good. Post endgame era. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Might be the third, I would say it's probably the third best film because I would say No Way Home Guardians three. Yes. And then this. That's how I probably put it. This one versus Wakanda forever. You want to give Wakanda forever better? I think it's, I think they're in the, they're in the similar tier. I'll say it's either the third or the fourth best. I'd say it's, yeah, it's no way home guardians three or the top two. And then I think the conversation becomes this and Wakanda forever for the next spot. That's what I would say. No, cause then you got black widow, Shang -Chi, multiverse, multiverse. Why not Shang -Chi though? I like Shang -Chi. Where is it? You would probably put it on the four then, right? I put it five. It's not a good one. Okay. To me, even with all the flaws of Wakanda forever with Ironheart, the high points of Wakanda forever to me are still better. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The highest points of Shang -Chi. Shang -Chi is to me very pleasing, but it's kind of light. I have it five. That would be number five. But I think it's better than Black Widow. I think it's better than, certainly better than the Marvels. Certainly better than quantum. Certainly better than quantumania. Right? We got some real Greg here, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I mean. Like it's a real fall off. I think he's really like, No Way Home and Guardians are legitimately of a class of the pre end game year. Certainly this movie and Wakanda forever to me are like the next step down from that. They're good. They're entertaining. They don't rise to the level of the elite class. Yeah. Truly elite class. I would, would tell people if you, you're to go see it, you won't be, you won't have wasted your money. You would have had a good time, but you don't have to have to have to have to have to get Like if you're like, I just want to rent this in a couple of weeks. I'll be like, yeah, okay. And don't take your kids, man. This ain't a kid's And I saw kids in there and it's like, I didn't, there were no kids in my theater. Yeah, no, no, no. kids in my theater and it was like, yo, this is not a kid's movie, man. But whatever. It was certainly entertaining. You had the laughs, you had your, you Those moments when you saw Blade on that screen, there was no way that you weren't excited. Especially after, and then he said what he said. was like, you know what saying? Rehearsal, please just go, man. away. Walk away. Yo, people are going to be looking at you crazy now. you kidding me? Yo, joke or no joke. People are looking at you crazy. If you were watching a movie with somebody, people are going to with you like this. Yo, they're going to look at The end of round one and Rocky four, like, you can't do no more out there. Don't go out there. I gotta stop it. man. Somebody needs to do that. he says, Rocky Bob, all he says, stop you Apollo from going out there and just being destroyed because it is a tough, it's one of those where I don't think Kevin Feige sees it this way. No. But I think audiences will... Definitely. That will not help Mahershala. Hell no. That... The fact that Wesley still has as much presence as he has and got the lines he had in this movie is not a help. Standing O's, y 'all? Is not a help. People got up, man, and That's the level of excitement you gotta bring to this role. I don't know if Mahershala can do it now. He can certainly try, Brian, but it doesn't seem like they're heading in a good direction, regardless of whatever comes out, Brian. And it's a shame. But so out of five. I'm giving it a three and a half. I think that's about feels about right to me. feel like it's like in the category of entertaining, had a good time, pleasantly surprised by the cameos and you know, some of the lines, kind of meh on the action overall, but it wasn't terrible, just sort of in line and a little bit repetitive. And I walk out feeling like this was a worthwhile watch, but not a classic. So to me, that's sort of three and a I'm gonna give it a three. I just found that there was just moments, Brian, that it just went on for too long. And it's meaningless stuff. I know there were some jokes in there that they were trying to put out there, but it just wasn't working for me. But I definitely enjoyed a lot of the cameos, some of the fight sequences. Some of the performances were very well done. but I almost look at this movie as a standalone. You know, regardless of where it is being, where it's taking place, I just, I like the fact that I was in just there and I really thinking about the future of the MCU, Brian, which is a conversation that you and I should have in terms of where this is going or where does Kevin want this to go next? How does this affect the MCU? We already touched, we've touched on it a little with how they're used this as a way to bring some characters back. How? I don't know still, but definitely they seem to have a plan. Whether it works or not, Brian, I don't know, Brian. I just feel like I'm out, man. That's a whole other conversation because I had that reaction when you were texting me some of the stuff because Kevin's been on the press circuit and I find myself when he opens his mouth now I kind of roll my eyes. I gotta be honest. I kind of feel like you You know, where's De Niro? You blew it! I kind of feel like that's where we're at and the bar is kind of you got to you got to prove it and I don't think you can do it in one movie, right? I think everyone looks at like this movie and looks at like Marvel's back and I'm like it doesn't work that Because you an interconnected universe. got to rebuild piece by piece over a multiple project stretch for me to say you're back. No, definitely. I mean, I think multiple movies just confirms that they're back. One movie can certainly turn the think one movie can certainly tell the tide if that movie is great, Brian, if that story is great. We haven't gotten that. Once we do get it, Brian, we may be fooled into thinking that they're back, but it will take that other movie to confirm it. But I think that movie has to be a new movie. Like, look at what we just gave you in terms of what's been the best output since Endgame. It's all sequels. No Way Home, a culmination Deadpool Wolverine could argue a culmination sequel, Guardians 3, the ending of a trilogy, Wakanda Forever, a sequel against very difficult circumstances. There is no Iron Man 1. That's what you need. A new movie. A movie that charts a new course where you walk out of there and say like, I didn't think Marvel had this in them. We haven't seen that. What's that movie? because can't be Thor, even though they're looking to make Thor a dope movie, it seems. But see, to me, Thor is a legacy character. Certainly. I mean, honestly, the movie that we're hoping and thinking is going to be that doesn't belong in the MCU. It's Superman. That's what we're talking about. Think about it. Everything we said about Superman. If Superman delivers, that is a new course for the DCU. Chartered, locked. People get excited. They excited for the next. That's what we're talking about. Now, will it be that? I don't know, but I'm saying that that's what they've set that project up as. I don't even see anything in the marble pipeline. No, actually there's one, but I don't think it's going to be that if fantastic four was, I would say that would be qualifying for but that is the turning of the tide if that movie is successful, Brian. See, I don't think Blade is big enough, right? Like even if Blade was good, I don't think Blade is big enough anymore in the way that the Snipes Blade was kind of trailblazing. I don't think this one can be that. Fantastic Four could if it was like a five -star movie, but I just don't see it. I don't see where it's Yeah, I mean, I don't see it either because Will they show us that we haven't already seen in terms of powers and stuff like that in terms of us being impressed? Because it's like, yeah, it'll be hard to do. Yeah, just think about it. Like, let's say they do Doc Strange 3 and it's They can't, something new, what new can they bring to the table other than, yes, Blade, why? Because they can build Midnight Suns. Or they're certainly gonna, we're gonna probably find out in a few days, the Mutant Saga. Well, that's the obvious one, but we're not close enough to it, right? They haven't even formally greenlit that. But that would be, that obviously would be the most logical place. Yeah. To shell, but this goes to our point. They need to, to me, shell the Avengers entirely, go all in on that and then see if they can kind of remake the landscape. Yeah. that's I just don't. I just don't, I just don't see in the pipeline other than Fantastic Four, but which I don't believe in the layout of a story that could, that could be that for them right now. This you got me thinking about this. You know, you know what the inspiration actually is of like staying in the same sandbox, but like completely redirecting and reinvigorating. Cause I just use the analogy Rocky four it's Creed. Marvel needs its Creed. Think about it. That franchise was six films deep. Ryan Kugler comes along in a next gen film. Reinvents the Creed lineage, reinvents Sylvester Stallone in a character we all knew and loved already. And that completely changed the trajectory of an IP that I don't think anyone would have thought would have yielded three box office hits in Creed movies. Marvel needs a Creed. Stays in the same universe. New characters, new course. And the audience responds. Yeah, but they tried new characters. Right. But I'm saying that it's hard, right? I'm saying it took one of the best direct young directors of our generation. It's hard without RDJ. Now, forget RDJ. It's hard without Tony Stark. It's hard without those characters. In my opinion, it should have ended and we should have started again. Somehow, someway, or whatever. This is a chapter closed. We started new again. Whatever. Who cares? Yeah, in fairness, it eight years between Rocky Balboa and Creed. this, you know, Marvel probably will never do that, but they probably should have taken some years off entirely. Or don't kill these dudes off yet. You know what I'm saying? The RDJ question, and I think Kevin's hinting at it. That's my parallel for the Sylvester Stallone situation where it's like, if you want to make that creditable without destroying the legacy of what happened in end game, you have to reinvent the character and the character's place in the universe. Right? Stallone and Creed is not playing the Rocky you remember. Rocky one through four, but the cat but what he does in Creed is memorable. He should have won the Academy Award doing it. So that's what I mean, where it's like they took the same actor, they took the same character, but Kugler managed to actually rewrite it in a way that felt new, and yet inspired by the previous one. So if our DJ comes back, no, please, please, please, no, I don't really want to see him doing exactly the same shtick that he did for all those years. I'm sorry, I don't want to see that and down needs a talented enough actor. I watched Oppenheimer, I've seen some of the stuff he's done in the past. Chaplin, like, he's got range. If he comes back, come back as a different iteration doing something else and definitely don't come back as that rumor that we saw the other day. We'll talk about that in another show. God, no, that better not happen. But yeah, we'll talk about that, man. Because that's a, but come back as a reinvented version of Stark and that, you know, at a different age, a different point in life. And you know, maybe that can be a solution. The only way it works for me and the only way I care is life model decoy. That's it. That's the only way it So you want him back as his vintage self is what you're basically saying. course. think about this, Brian. This dude, after each event, isolated himself more and more, Brian. Why wouldn't he do that? He said it. Why wouldn't he think of and start that whole life model decoying that he used for end game. I mean, he wasn't there in Iron Man 3 when he saved those people, You know what I'm saying? They made you think he was and then they revealed that he wasn't. They could have done, they could do the same thing here. But it seems like that idea is that they're using their MacGuffin, the multiverse. which is a, I would say a lazy attempt at trying to get us back. I do think they're going to have to get off that. I think the Deadpool joke of leaving that behind should not be a joke. They have to, to my mind, they have to find a way out of this. I don't think the multiverse, I think the multiverse saga is not going to, I think to salvage that is beyond, we're beyond that point. That's why it's got to be the mutants. It's got to be something different. Yeah. It's going to be, it is going to be something different Ryan with the mutants and, whatever happens with Fantastic Four. just, the end of the ending of that movie, Brian is going to be very interesting. Yeah. Secret Wars is going to be very interesting because I don't know how the movies that will attempt to sort of lead us towards that. I would say would be Dr. Strange, right? if they're still considering making a movie, right? Aren't they still doing the movie? Well, he's saying the next thing he's shooting is Avengers 5, we obviously still, I mean, I guess the Russos are being signed, but they don't have a finished script yet. I don't know. mean, they can, know, they can, Spider -Man 4, I'm sure will have multiversal implications, my God. It's like this multiverse thing is just, just went out. We talked about it at the time when they went down this path. Originally it's so dangerous because it removes so much of the stakes. You you got to really thread the needle and Loki did it, but nothing else really has. mean, I think this one, this one. It's fine, but I don't think you ever feel. even though they tell you the world's at stake, does it ever really feel like the world's at stake in this movie? It more always just feels like they're having fun. Which I think is kind of the point. It never feels like it has the stakes that the Thanos battle had over two movies, which I get it. It's not supposed to be that. But you're being told in this movie that know, Cassandra Nova is going to eradicate every universe except for the void, right? So that's a global universal problem. but it never feels like stakes reach What I would, you know, I'm telling you man, I need to be in that room telling these guys these ideas, man, to continue. If you wanna get people excited, the end of that movie, Brian, the cut scene, the end credits scene should have been, instead of what we got, which is like whatever, right? But what we should have gotten is. shot perhaps from afar or some panning shot towards some of the branches that Loki is holding. We come across his face and he screamed, brother, that's it. That's it. That's it, right, Brian? You're like, snap, what's happening? Yeah, I do want them to pull on that strand. Yeah. And that in this movie definitely was, I told you, was reminding me of like, he's out there holding these together. He's got to be aware of this. What does he think? Yeah, man. That is excitement. That is... not this have me standing around for this little joke. That's just mean you guys do what you want. But I'm saying if I'm going to stick around, make it worth my while so I can come back again. I don't want to keep on. I almost consider leaving Brian because I knew this this and credit scene was didn't mean anything. Yeah, I knew it didn't mean anything, but I stood around. and I considered walking out and reading about it. But this doesn't give me that motivation, that extra motivation for the next film to stick around for these jokes. The MCU has taken the good parts of what the MCU used to be and just completely. stripped them out almost. Not intentionally, them trying new stuff, but what they've tried just, and they know because they're making jokes about it, how it hasn't worked. This movie just highlights all their problems and makes a joke out of it. That's it. What am I looking forward to after this? With a Deadpool movie. Ryan Reynolds is fantastic as Deadpool. I mean, it's a character you can only enjoy in moderation. He was perfect. Hope versus Wolverine. Yeah, but you cannot build a universe around a character like that. By definition, that is a burn fast, burn bright type of character. And you can, it works great in small doses. If you saturate the universe with Deadpool everywhere, it gets old. Quick. But yeah, man, let us know in the comment section below. We've gone for an hour. This feels like the old times, Let us know in the comments section below what you guys think of the Deadpool and Wolverine movie.

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