He-Man, Highlander, and a Marvel Reset: Nerd Gen Deep Dive

November 28, 2024 01:06:12
He-Man, Highlander, and a Marvel Reset: Nerd Gen Deep Dive
The NerdGen Report
He-Man, Highlander, and a Marvel Reset: Nerd Gen Deep Dive

Nov 28 2024 | 01:06:12


Show Notes

Dive into the Nerd Gen Report with Pablo and Brian! This week, we’re unpacking Marvel’s mutant-filled future, DC’s bold moves with Batman, and the Superman teaser that has fans buzzing. Plus, Spider-Man 4 delays, Idris Elba’s "surprising" He-Man role, and Henry Cavill sharpening swords and Light Sabers for Highlander. You won’t want to miss this jam-packed episode where nostalgia meets the latest in geekdom!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: What up, everybody? Welcome back to another episode of the Nerd Gen Report. I'm your host, Pablo, and joining me, as always, is Mr. Brian Schultz. Brian. Marvel News Secret wars to bring in the X Men the Mutant saga, which is what we expect, right? Young Avengers. Although we're not fired up for this, we have shown our possible, I guess, disdain for the possibility of Young Avengers coming out, but they're working on it, so it's inevitable. So they're really pushing that. And we get our hints of the future revealed on the new Disney cruise ship. And I was on the Disney fantasy, Ryan and I. And I. My son enjoyed it. That's all I can say. He enjoyed. And then we're going to get into some Sony news. Spider Man 4 delayed to Christmas 2026. Tom Hardy rumors and Spidey for craving the box office. There's some updates on what the Craven movie will be bringing in. Doesn't look too good. Does not look too good. DC News Gun on DCU Batman and no origin stories. That hype is around. Matt Reeves. Batman. [00:01:25] Speaker B: Matt Reeves reclaimed, like, for a while. [00:01:27] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:01:27] Speaker B: Like we were going the other way. Right? He reclaimed the throne for Batman. [00:01:31] Speaker A: Yes. Because in the beginning we were talking about whatever this new DC Batman Brave and the Bold is going to be is going to. If they announce Adam Richton as Batman, it's over. I don't know. I don't want to know what's going on over there. But the Penguin brought everything back. Sergeant Rock gets a star. Surprising. [00:01:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:01:54] Speaker A: Big names. Superman teasers coming up. Finally, we have. We can. We can wait. We can count down the days, right? [00:02:03] Speaker B: Well, it's done. It's been seen. We have someone in the DCU who, who's hyping it, who's seen it. And we kind of have a rumored date for when it's going to show. So, yes, we do have some information. [00:02:12] Speaker A: And some other gun gun commentary. [00:02:14] Speaker B: Yep. [00:02:15] Speaker A: And we'll also get into some other news with the Star wars universe. This dude Cavill is in everything. [00:02:21] Speaker B: Don't do it. [00:02:24] Speaker A: And then we're going to get into Idris Elba. When. When Brian sent me the article, I. [00:02:29] Speaker B: Didn'T even read it. This was awesome. Yeah, this is true and awesome. We'll talk about it. It's very funny. [00:02:35] Speaker A: I didn't even read it. And I said, it's this guy. And then we're going to talk about some Highlander updates. Brian's gonna really dive into that. So let's start off with Marvel News Secret Wars. We knew was Gonna usher in something new. We have some indication now that it will be the Mutant saga, the X Men. [00:02:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:02:57] Speaker A: Makes sense, right? How we're gonna get around not really talking about or seeing other characters that we used to see. That's gonna be a sort of interesting thing to talk about or see how they pull this off. Your thoughts on this development? [00:03:16] Speaker B: Well, let's give Kevin's quote that that sort of confirms this. So there was. He was asked about the introduction of the X Men and the approach to it, which he's been asked a ton of times. And this time he answers it a little differently. He says, quote, I think you will see that continued in our next few movies with some X Men players that you might recognize right after that. The whole story of Secret wars really leads us into a new age of mutants and of the X Men again. It's one of those dreams come true. We finally have the X Men back. End quote. Look, I think this confirms the only play they really had in the playbook to kind of get out of the conundrum of the Avengers problem. Right. These movies are called Avengers movies in name only, as far as I'm concerned. Because as we've talked about many times, they don't have a compelling roster of Avengers that people are really excited to see as a team again. Which means in a separate quote, he said, confirmed Fantastic Four is finishing filming this week. And he said you'll see their story carried directly into Avengers 5 and 6. And then he says this. So you've got the Fantastic Four, you've got the X Men with a lot of legacy characters and Hugh Jackman, and presumably you probably have Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds, even though he doesn't say it. So you're pushing all your chips in because you know that you don't have a great roster of actual Avengers. And you've got to give people a lineup to be excited about to go up against Robert Downey Jr's Doom and whatever forces Thanos return, which we know is coming, like, is being sort of arrayed against the heroes. And that then leads to what we've talked about, what we've known. The worst kept secret, I think, in this whole universe is that the reset is coming. [00:05:08] Speaker A: And. [00:05:08] Speaker B: And that reset is not really about resetting to new Avengers, it's resetting to mutants. And that's basically what Kevin's telling you. So I'm fine with it, but I don't know what else they could have done. Is sort of my other. My answer to it. [00:05:20] Speaker A: I mean, there was. Yeah, there's certainly nothing else we were expecting it to be other than for me, these, some of these already, these, these heroes already exist in this new iteration of MCU 2.0. And again, how they show how they make sense of all this. So because we're going to be asking, does Captain America exist in this world? Right? We're going to be asking all these questions. So I'm curious about that. But this Mutant Saga will be interesting in that when we get this next sort of lineup from Kevin Feige, when he's given us, you know, what's that going to look like that, my friends, we are then given the plan, the strategy, and we have to sort of think about whether we like it or not. Right. Are we looking forward to this plan that he has? It'll be up in the air. In terms of. In my opinion, X Men shouldn't be the first movie that shouldn't be the first thing that we see. We should see something else leading up towards everything. These big team events should be huge events, not just the movie. And then the expectation, oh, they didn't make $1 billion. So we're not, you know, or didn't make close to a billion. Even though it was good because it could be a. We got to build that excitement back up because right now it's like, what excitement do. Certainly there's a curiosity of what this X Men roster is going to look like when we first seen up screen. Right. It's something new, right? This is huge. My hope is that they don't rush it just for that profit, you know, I agree. [00:07:09] Speaker B: I think they also face the challenge of. Since we are apparently giving send offs, you know, they're. They're kind of ushering out the Fox universe in some ways because they need to make room for how they want to build their lineup going forward. So that's a little bit of a different challenge than just introducing a character in the first place. But I'm with you. I am really hung up on The X Men 97 approach to this. And I hope that they do it in live action, which is that X Men 97 fully admits the existence of all the other heroes. It just doesn't put the spotlight on them. It just takes for granted that, you know, hey, look, there's Captain America. He has a scene. It's a funny scene because Rogue throws his shield like 300 miles. It's hilarious. But then he's gone. He's not the star of the show. He's just in the world. Hey, look, there's Iron Man. Hey, look, there's Spider Man. Hey, look, there's Daredevil. I think you can do that in live action. Fan. We're going to talk about James Gunn giving the fans intelligence credit later in some ways, but I think Marvel should give the fans intelligence credit to say that it is a universe. And all we're really doing in the reset is we're pivoting the spotlight, and the spotlight is going to focus on mutant storytelling. But there is. In this new universe, this alt universe we're going to be in, there is a Captain America. There is an Iron Man. Like, those characters will pop up and they can just be seen in the background. They can do one scene. They can. Hey, you know, we need resources. We go to Stark. Like, there's ways to do this that just give the fans credit without ever spending real time with the characters to where they become a distraction from the Mutant saga. That's what we're doing. It's spotlighting people. It's not erasing. [00:08:48] Speaker A: Let me ask you this. Do you know what that Tony Stark looks like in The X Men 97 show? [00:08:57] Speaker B: Do they show him? It's just Iron man, right? We just see him in the suit. Steve. We see Steve has his mask off at one point. Yeah. In that scene. [00:09:05] Speaker A: Oops. [00:09:05] Speaker B: We see. But, like, but, yeah, but you're right. Tony Stark is just Iron Man. [00:09:09] Speaker A: And, you know, Spider man can use your Spider man for a moment until we get those reveals. [00:09:13] Speaker B: And I'm 100% with you on the build. I like this idea because the. Because the Mutant lineup is bigger than our original Avengers lineup. Like, just sort of like the number of mutants that have a brand name with people. I like the idea of twos. I kind of like the idea of, like, let's do two instead of one. Let's pair them up. Let's do, like, a duo here or, like, you know. You know what I mean? Like, you want to do X and Magneto, like, as a starting point before the school is founded. Great. Let's just live with them for a while. You want to do something with Cyclops and Gene and just live with them for, like, great. Like, we can do some Wolverine and Gambit. You want to do a little bit with them. Like, I don't know, you can mix and match a little bit. I feel like, across this without actually. And you can kind of write these stories as, like, vignettes across this world without them having to intersect. But you're laying the groundwork for this. Eventual. They have to cross paths, and that leads to The X Men as, as we know them. I'm all in on your idea that we, we do not team them up on screen until the first movie. X Men 1, whatever you want to call that, you know. [00:10:12] Speaker A: Yeah, X Men should be like the. [00:10:16] Speaker B: Fifth movie or something. Yeah. Not the first. Yeah. [00:10:20] Speaker A: Or if you go Disney plus route, but then you're talking about doing some green Latin type production, you know what I'm saying? [00:10:30] Speaker B: Which that is perfectly fine too. If you want to do something, if you want to split the load between the plus and the big screen, you can totally do that. [00:10:40] Speaker A: The opportunities, man, these guys are missing out on. [00:10:44] Speaker B: Well, maybe not because we got our first sign today in a different part of the world that maybe Disney is starting to think like we think. [00:10:55] Speaker A: But in what regards Young Avengers? How so? [00:10:59] Speaker B: So the two part information drop is that number one, the Young Avengers have apparently started to appear as a mini team on the Disney cruise ship. It's like one of the experiences. Has multiple characters in the same experience teamed up. However, got a report today, actually fresh, hot off the press, that the Young Avengers film has been canceled in order to make it a Disney plus series buildup, which I tell you is absolutely the right decision. [00:11:31] Speaker A: Yes, yes. Now it's. You're gonna earn my money at the theaters if you decide to put this in the. In theaters. [00:11:42] Speaker B: You got it? [00:11:42] Speaker A: Now I can see something building up that may or may not work on the first episode or two, but if you can convince me somewhere in there, then, then that movie, I'm gonna be there and you're gonna possibly get some, some, some fan base is what you want for the Young Avengers. Right. [00:12:00] Speaker B: And what's interesting is the report says this decision was a reaction function to the Marvel's bombing the way it did. And that's why I say, folks, you can't look at Cap 4 and Thunderbolts because those are still relics of the old system. They couldn't change course on those projects. But this is a course correction. This is Disney saying, we don't have the box office belief that Young Avengers can sell to a wide enough audience. But we've got some talented actors, whether you and I like the idea or not, who we might be able to build something around. So we're going to build it on Disney. To which I say thing thumbs up. You're giving this a chance. This is no longer doa, but you're. [00:12:48] Speaker A: Also giving it a chance to not be done on theaters. [00:12:52] Speaker B: You got it. You got to play in the. Hey look, you got to play. You got it you got to hit in the minors before you get called up to the big leagues. Right? [00:12:57] Speaker A: Good for you, Marvel. Listen, got my email. Talk to us anytime. Because we've been talking about this for the longest and I'm pretty sure the Marvels, the fact that, listen, news that we get isn't information that was created last week or something like that. This is inside conversation after the Marvel's bombing. There is no way they're not having this conversation. Especially after you put in the end credits scene. I'm building a team. Are you kidding me? And you see the reaction. You can't possibly go, you got Kevin on tape talking about the Marvels is going to be, you know, Avengers 1. [00:13:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:13:46] Speaker A: So yeah, there is someone over there. Kudos to you possibly talking Kevin down or talking to the team, talking to the parliament and letting them know, yo, if you do this, you see all the disaster that we're in right now is going to just continue and we're not going to be able to recover because we wouldn't, we wouldn't be, we wouldn't be able to earn that back with one. With just one film, you know, and, and to get back to the Avengers. This is, that's playoffs. Playoffs. [00:14:21] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. As Jim Morris said in that same rant, we just want to win a freaking game. That's what. That's pretty. Oh yeah. That's where Marvel is in some regards. They just want to win some games right now. That's what we need. But this gave me hope that like our idea of using the X Men and mutants might not be so far fetched anymore. This idea that Disney might not assume that every X Men belongs on the big screen right away, that you could see legitimate name X Men appear first on tv, which is exactly what DC is betting on with the Lanterns model. So this is a win. Like this is a win for all hands in my opinion. Like, it doesn't mean that Young Avengers is suddenly the thing I'm most excited about, but I'm more excited about it today than I was yesterday when I read this. [00:15:08] Speaker A: Yeah. So let us know in the comment section below what you guys think of what's going on at Marvel, man. Secret wars to bring in the X Men. And this is something that we expected. How they go about it, man, is going to be the story of success or its failure. And Young Avengers, finally someone over there is really making sense of how we really want to do this. Because yeah, we have these characters. We can use these characters. We need to build a fan base and blah Whatever it is. But there has to be a plan. We can't do it like MCU 1.0 in terms of their strategic how they go about moving on to the next thing. [00:15:49] Speaker B: And the Marvel logo no longer automatically guarantees success at the box office for these characters. So there is a recognition there. It isn't just the characters that have to earn their keep. It's Marvel itself has to re earn the trust of moviegoers. And this is a little bit of a. A back down from that. And I, I think it's. I applaud it because at least it gives these characters a chance to be something. [00:16:12] Speaker A: Sony News Spider Man 4 Delay to Christmas 2026. What was the original release date? [00:16:21] Speaker B: So July now. So I don't think there's anything nefarious to this, to be honest. This is the Chris Nolan planted his flag and nobody messes with that flag. His movie is coming out the week before Spider Man 4 was originally supposed to come out. [00:16:37] Speaker A: And this is the super helicopter one. [00:16:40] Speaker B: Yeah. Although I did see there was some quote saying like no one has 100% captured the essence of his idea. But yes, this is the Blue Thunder Airwolf, Matt Damon, Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Anne Hathaway, Zendaya, Lupita Nyong'o all already signed for a super helicopter police movie. That is not a lie that that happened. [00:17:05] Speaker A: Yo, you can write this on SNL and people will start laughing. Super helicopter movie. [00:17:12] Speaker B: And he's got like 13 Academy Awards and like more cute for like the entire world in one movie. So not only that, but he had exclusivity with IMAX for a month on this movie. That's why I think Spider man moved, because it couldn't show it in IMAX because no one, Nolan got all the screens. So they moved it to Christmas. And by the way, no Way Home was basically a Christmas season movie and obviously was amazing at the box office. So I actually don't think there's anything bad about this. What is probably more interesting is lots more Tom Hardy smoke around this movie. Japanese press apparently dropping that he is in the movie, and no real denials from any parties that Venom is finally crossing over for real. Which we kind of figured was inevitable, but is now it's pushing against my idea that I had thought that Marvel had kind of won and we were getting friendly. Neighborhood Spider Man. I hear Tom Hardy's crossing over and now I'm thinking it's a bigger event again. And I don't. That part I can't quite figure. But where there's Smoke, there's fire. I think he's in the movie, so. [00:18:15] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, they can't keep these dudes separate for too long already. There's, there's opportunity there. Sony sees it. They know they need it. [00:18:24] Speaker B: Hardy's done with his trilogy. And by the way, you know, look, we didn't like the movie, whatever. It's going to be over 5. It's about to cross 500 million global again. I mean, that, that franchise has been a reliable moneymaker for Sony, so they want to keep that momentum going. I get it. I think that thing is going to be basically a $2 billion trilogy, global box and not one awesome movie of the three. One decent movie out of the three. $2 billion. Tom Hardy sold it. I mean, that's basically what did it. [00:18:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:54] Speaker B: So, yes, of course they want him in Spider Man 4 because he is box office gold for that particular character and franchise. It will happen. [00:19:01] Speaker A: It just makes sense. [00:19:02] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:02] Speaker A: Crave Craven. [00:19:04] Speaker B: Speaking of not guaranteed box office, what were the expectations? [00:19:09] Speaker A: Although I am interested in seeing Rhino. I want to see that sequence. [00:19:15] Speaker B: I'm going to go see it. I mean, I the couple of interesting Craven things. So one is box office, one is J.C. chander, the director. A very rare plea from a director, but I think it's worth talking about. So the preliminary box office track for opening weekend for Craven, which is the only holiday comic book movie this year, is a very disappointing 20 to 25 million. So to put that in perspective, Madame web was about 15 and Morbius was about 39. That is poor. So this movie is not tracking to do well. It's tracking to be another box office failure for the Sony spider verse. Now, J.C. chander, the director, he's a very good director. Margin Call, Triple Frontier. This guy makes good movies and he came out with, I thought, a very self aware comment, basically saying, please give this movie a chance. I totally understand why you don't believe in it. [00:20:14] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [00:20:15] Speaker B: So I want to read you his quote. [00:20:20] Speaker A: Okay. [00:20:22] Speaker B: Quote. I don't want to get too into the nitty gritty of it, but here's what I would say for me as the filmmaker, my number one goal, quite frankly, over the last couple of years, where you guys are deep in this world, is that some of the fans out there, actually a lot of the fans were upset with certain decisions and certain outcomes of Sony's Spider man universe. So there's been a mixed success rate. But people have got to give us a chance and come out and support this film and literally try to wash away some of the other stuff that's happened. Just give our film a chance. End quote. That is code for, I know a lot of this universe has sucked, but I think I've got something. Please try it and see if you like it. That's an amazing admission for the director. [00:21:08] Speaker A: And I will go watch it just because of that. Because if he's saying that, hey, this is a really dope movie, I understand why you wouldn't want to come see it. I get it. Has there been any review embargo? [00:21:22] Speaker B: No, nothing yet. Which is not a great sign. [00:21:25] Speaker A: But that will be interesting. [00:21:28] Speaker B: I agree. And it is R rated. Right. So they're definitely, like limiting the audience a little bit there. But, yeah, I agree. [00:21:37] Speaker A: I suspect a lot of reviews will be the. I suspect a lot of the reviews. I'm interested in the reviews that talk about his performance. [00:21:46] Speaker B: Yeah, he. I've not been a believer and I wouldn't say the trailers have totally eased my concerns. I mean, he looks very physical in the trailers. I just don't necessarily believe in the gravitas and the voice and some of the features I associate with how I imagine Craven to be. I will give the film a chance because J.C. chander typically has made good movies, but it is highly unusual and I cannot imagine. Sony loved him going out there and saying, we need to try and wash away some of what has happened here. But it's true, but it's true. I mean, he's obviously speaking truth there. [00:22:24] Speaker A: I mean, like, exec, Sony executive. Like, yo, you've been making trash. You were making. Come on, come on, come on. It's like, please, D.C. news. Listen, I said it earlier. Say it again. At first, the hype for this new Batman was up there because of the talks and the admissions of a certain actor wanting to play the character. A lot of people wanting him to play the character because he is such, I think, perhaps the most accurate Batman live action character we've seen. He would play the hell out of Bruce Wayne if that announcement would have happened. Forget about Matt Reeves Batman, but because of what's happened as of late in terms of the world, not just Batman, but the world of this Batman universe that Matt Reese has created, that he has reinvented. Brian, he is two for two with characters in terms of villain. Batman's Rose, Riddler and Penguin. Each time much better than the first. It'll be interesting, although we're not interested in seeing that. The Joker, perhaps we may not even get him. But to see what other characters. Mr. Freese, who knows Court of Owls. Who knows how much better and how much crazier it gets? And for us to see the Batman go after these guys and how they go about that. I am. I am in. And he discussed no origin stories, Brian, because I get it. We're tired of it. Go ahead. [00:24:13] Speaker B: So that point on, by the way, before we leave the Penguin. So I didn't catch this. It's made the rounds after, apparently in that courtroom scene or city hall scene with Councilman Haiti in the finale, the camera pans to an owl shaped window and people are expecting that that's a drop, that it is Court of Owls that's coming. [00:24:30] Speaker A: Oh, interesting. [00:24:31] Speaker B: Batman too. I missed that. And I saw that online this week and I was like, oh, that's kind of cool. But I'll watch. [00:24:36] Speaker A: I watch just for that. [00:24:38] Speaker B: Go check it out. So anyway, so if that confirms that just keeps our. That keeps our interest heightened, obviously. I would even say he's elevated the profile of, you know, like, we've never seen Sophia Gigante brought to life before. Now we've got an A plus version of that that's going to be tough to top. Miliot is coming back. So, yeah, I mean, everything is seemingly firing in the Matt Reeves Batman verse again, to be honest, to your prior point. Like, you know, I. Who knows? I mean, if. If Alan Rich was given the part for Brave and the Bold, I don't think it diminishes my excitement for that at all if and when that happens. But I just think it means that, yeah, right now we have a very vibrant Batman universe that we need to kind of finish exploring kind of before we turn our full attention to that. But let's give James Gun credit for giving us credit because someone asked him on socials, James, why are you overlooking the origin stories? To which he said, I'm not telling Batman and Superman's origin stories again. Everyone knows them. End quote, exclamation point, end of discussion. I don't need to see Bruce's parents get killed again. I know he's dealing with issues. I don't need to see Kal El's little craft crash in the cornfield. I'm good. I know he was raised on a. [00:25:57] Speaker A: Farm, like, quote, you want to see that? Go watch the first Superman. [00:26:00] Speaker B: Exactly. You can't outdo what was done in some of the prior iterations. They're done really well on film. And the reality is, like, what matters in those events is the emotion the character carries, not seeing them over and. [00:26:12] Speaker A: Over again, which they do a fantastic job In Batman the Animated Series in some moments, 100%. [00:26:19] Speaker B: So James Gunn, a grown up in the room, giving us credit as fans that we understand that and don't need to see. That's a huge win for his storytelling. [00:26:30] Speaker A: I'll say that. Before we move on, if you had any more thoughts on. Did you say anything about. Regarding on DCU Batman? [00:26:40] Speaker B: Oh, he did make a comment that I thought, remember because there was, that there was buzz about Zaslav really putting heat on him to get that DCU Batman going. Even to the point where he floated the idea of maybe Pattinson should just be the DCU Batman. So Gunn held his ground and he reverted to a broader discussion, which we'll get to with the Sergeant Rock thing, which he basically said it is still a writers driven process. We' moving on this stuff when we're ready. He's like, I realize we haven't had updates, but he's like, it's because we're not ready. And he's like, we're not rushing it. Like we're not in a rush. Like, he basically was like, DCU Batman is not imminent. So he might have been talking as much to the CEO as he was talking to us in that statement, but he basically held his ground as to. [00:27:26] Speaker A: And perhaps the discussion is, yo, Matt Reeves, Batman is fire right now. Let that rock and let us deal with our number one guy, Superman, because he's the one that's going to set everything off and we need to get this right. Forget about. We can't. There's no, no way that James Gunn is going to announce anything regarding the Batman while Superman hasn't been released yet. For what? Doesn't make any sense. [00:27:54] Speaker B: Yeah, well, also, look, I know he announced Brave and the Bold and that's what they've been working on, but like, to your point, they can still pivot that they didn't necessarily know. Like, well, they had probably had some sense Penguin was going to be pretty good because HBO picked this up proper off a max. So that was probably some indication they knew they had a good show. But like, you can never anticipate fully a fan world's response to that. So they could be reacting to that and then saying, all right, we want to do this Brave and the Bull story, but maybe we tweak a few things here. Maybe we do it and like, you know what, maybe they. Some other writer comes in and blows them away with a different idea and they're like, shoot, we got to do that idea as our DCU Batman. You know, they haven't committed. That's the point. They're not all, they're not so far down the path that they can't pivot. And I think that flexibility is, is commendable at this point because to your point, we have, we have a vibrant Batman world. Do we have an awesome Batman? Well, that's on Pattinson and the journey he's got to take. But we have a bat. We have a great palette for him to paint with, let's put it that way. [00:28:51] Speaker A: I just wanted to add one thing and it just made me think about it. That episode in Batman the Animated Series where Scarecrow gives him a dose and the thing that he's most afraid of is failing his father. That was one of the things that Batman Begins that I really didn't agree with with him being afraid of bats. You know, I think his ultimate fear is disappointing his parents legacy. And for him and for some, I guess, yes, that's part of his development or whatever the case may be. But. And I keep, I guess he comes around to recognizing what he has to live up to. [00:29:26] Speaker B: Well, that's why I think Board of Owls and I think the Reeves verse. And I think you have to say after seeing Penguin, I trust Matt Reeves command of family dynamics even more than ever is no one has really traversed the territory of what if Thomas Wayne was actually human? Because let's be honest, Thomas Wayne, not Bruce Wayne. Thomas Wayne is unilaterally portrayed as a saint in film and tv. [00:29:54] Speaker A: Yes, yes. [00:29:55] Speaker B: Think about it. In Batman Begins he builds the monorail, remember to unite the city and help. [00:30:00] Speaker A: All the poor people the way family is. You know, again, that's why Matt Reeves world is so interesting. [00:30:08] Speaker B: So Matt Reeves is not making Thomas Wayne evil, he's making Thomas Wayne human. Yes, that's what's interesting. And if Robert Pattinson has to grow grapple with the idea that his father was flawed and flawed to the point where he made choices that he thought were necessary that laid him into the company of crime. That is interesting and that's what I want to see. [00:30:33] Speaker A: Sergeant Rock. [00:30:35] Speaker B: Oh, this is going to happen, I think. [00:30:37] Speaker A: Oh, well put, Vincent. We happy? Yeah, be happy. Daniel Craig get in the bag to do something that you said, Brian, when we had that conversation about the director oftentimes giving you something great and something what that is this right? This is interesting. Your thoughts on Sergeant Rock gets Daniel Craig to star as Sergeant Rock. [00:31:10] Speaker B: Yeah, Daniel Craig is Frank Rock. So Luca Guadagnino and Daniel Craig have a working relationship. This will not be the first project they've done together. Luca Guadagnino, as I said, he typically gets a lot of academy buzz. You know, Challengers is a crazy movie from earlier this year that did well at the box office. It's pretty polarizing. Some people think it's the best movie of the year, some people think it's just weird. But that's kind of Luca Guadalupe. Like he does awards fair, he does indie fair, he doesn't do comic book. So clearly this is something that is personal to him. And I will say if you dig into the character of Sergeant Rock, you can kind of see how this would be comic book, not comic book. Right. This is a human guy, Frank Rock, who leads the East Company against the Nazis during World War II. Now the original iteration of this, as we said in Hollywood, dates back to the 80s when Arnold Schwarzenegger was event was at one point attached to be Frank Rock. Now that version of it, I can probably tell you, would have been filled with one liners and commando style executions. But this is clearly a much more serious war movie. So a war movie with Luca Guadagnino and Daniel Craig under the DC emblem. Ah, that's interesting. That's at least something you got to pay attention to. And so I think this has gone from sort of a director's pitch to something that is going to get fast tracked. And if Gun is, you know, Guadagnino's got his writing partner, they've already got a script. So Gunn's staying true to like, look, if we've got the idea, we've got the script and everything's set up and we're good with it, we're going with the project. So this project is happening and it's being fast tracked as Guadagnino's next film. [00:32:49] Speaker A: You know, you know what I'm looking forward to? [00:32:53] Speaker B: You just want to give it to Private. You want to demote someone else to Private Rock? That's what you want to do. [00:32:59] Speaker A: The fact that the word rock is going to be mentioned and he's not even talked about. Nobody's thinking about you, Rock. We talking about Sergeant Rock. That's the like, I know he's feeling it. I know he's feeling it. I know he's feeling it. Because if he pulls off a performance and all you see all around on the billboards is Sergeant Rock and that Rock is not associated to the Rock. That might pull on your emotions. It's just a little bit, just a little bit Superman teaser. [00:33:31] Speaker B: Oh. [00:33:34] Speaker A: Brian, you said some people have seen it and one person who has A one individual who saw it said that Corn Sweat is a star. Hey, I'm going to say it again. I saw Dave and Corey Sweat when there was. When Netflix was doing promotion for Hollywood. This was a few years back. And when I looked at that promo and I saw him, I said, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio point. Everybody was all high on Henry Cavill and the Rock was still, I guess, maneuvering all that stuff. Other people saw the same thing that is interesting about the human connection and like minds when they see him. So I am not surprised that some of. Listen, anything we see. If you seen how to train your Brian sent me how to train your Dag. How to train your dragon teaser. [00:34:43] Speaker B: Yeah, let's talk about it. Live action. How to train your dragon. And I sent you Billion Dollar Lock. [00:34:49] Speaker A: Back and you said that's how you do a teaser. 1,000% billion dollars for sure. 100%. [00:34:56] Speaker B: I think a lot of grownups are going to go see it. I will tell you. I don't. Oh yeah, my kid loves the animated. We watch the TV show on Netflix, which is also good. It's a really thoughtful trilogy of movies. And show it is not just for kids. And to your point, it's 60 seconds of teaser. What does it accomplish? It shows you the world of Burke in live action. It shows you Hiccup. It shows you shouts to Gerard Butler coming back. He voiced stoic. He's playing Stoick in live action. And then it shows the big question. The dragons. This movie will ride or fall on the dragons. And you see a shot of all the dragons. And then you see Toothless in a recreation of a scene from the movie. And it's perfect. And you're like, that's it. I don't need. You could literally not do that. They will do another trailer, but they don't need to. They got everyone's money. [00:35:45] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. They definitely do. So what I'm saying with that is it has to have the same effect. [00:35:52] Speaker B: Yep. [00:35:53] Speaker A: We have to be blown away. Anything that we see regarding Superman, anything has to blow me away. I have to be scratching. That's what it has to be. Your thoughts? And how soon is this coming up again? [00:36:14] Speaker B: So there's a lot. There's. There's rumors, but it's. It's getting. The fire is starting. So what I have seen, what makes the most sense to me, it is attached to Mufasa. That is the word. And that makes sense. You want the movie that's got the biggest kind of family worldwide, guaranteed audience. This Holiday season. That is it. I don't care if it's with another production company. You pay what's necessary to get that teaser in front of all the showings of that movie. That makes a ton of sense to me. So there's been some rumors as to will the online version appear before or after that. That's a little tbd, but it sounds like it'll be that week, kind of that second week of December is when you'll get it. And what we don't know is how long I'm with you. I think shorter the better. I think I would. I would sign up for 60 seconds, 65 seconds. I don't want to see three minutes. Like, I think the way Marvel's been showing you cap and showing you thunderbolts, I'm like, it makes me a little worried. There's too much footage out there now. It is done. It is 100% done. How do we know? Because Frank Grillo has seen it. Our Rick Flag, okay, has seen it. And he took to the socials to say, quote, I got a sneak peek at the trailer, and I'm not joking. I'm not blowing this out of proportion. My skin was hot and I had goosebumps. That's how great it is. End quote. All right, you're on the David Zasloff watch. You are officially on the David Zaslav watch. Because if this trailer is middle, we are going to hang this quote on Frank Grillo. Wow. [00:37:34] Speaker A: He is really setting the bar as to what we are about to see. But his reaction is the reaction that we need to have, because I don't care what nobody says, this is it. Showtime. This is the bright light. Superman. Are you kidding me? Because you know what happens if it doesn't go the way you want it to go, right? $100 billion. Then I reintroduce the talks of the possible sale of dcip, because this has to work. So Frank Grillo is hype. He's. I'm not going to buy into it because, hey, I am expecting. Think this. [00:38:26] Speaker B: Yep. [00:38:27] Speaker A: I just want to see it for myself. [00:38:28] Speaker B: Yeah. Other things that I would put on the list. I do not want to hear John Williams score. If I hear that theme, I'm out. I love it. Are you. It's one of my. It's one of my favorite movie scores of all time. But I'm telling you in retrospect, when we heard it in the. The teaser for Superman Returns, which is a pretty solid teaser in retrospect, that should have told us we were in Trouble, because that from the theme on down, Bryan Singer was handcuffed by the legacy of Rich Richard Donner in that movie. And that putting that same music, not adding new music, actually wound. And putting Marlon Brando's voiceover in the teaser really wound up telling us a lot about what that movie would be, including its flaws. Now, man of Steel has an awesome teaser. It does. It legitimately does. In fact, they did two versions of it, one with Jarell voicing and one with Jonathan Kent voicing. Those are awesome. Now, the mo. Is the movie as awesome as those teasers? Potential? That's debatable, but that's a little more in the direction of what we're hoping to see. They didn't show us much in that. In those 60 seconds, you do see Superman flying at supersonic speed, which you hadn't seen before. And that was it. So, yes, I would like to see one Superman ish shot in this trailer that I've never seen before, that I've never even thought about seeing before. That would be my wishlist. And no John Williams music. [00:39:50] Speaker A: The excitement is building. It is almost time for something that we have been waiting for for quite some time. Somewhat in the hands of someone who actually cares about who this character is, what he stands for, how to visually represent it. That perhaps, hopefully, is something new that we've never seen with Superman before. This is it. [00:40:18] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, they went 19 years between For Peace and Superman Returns. They went seven years between Returns and Man of Steel. It will be 12 years between man of Steel and when James Gunn, Superman, hits the screen. Twelve years since we've seen a Superman solo movie on screen and they get one shot. [00:40:38] Speaker A: So many. So many restarts. [00:40:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:43] Speaker A: Hopefully this can get us to the point where at some point, Superman is the first dude that they take out. Because, you know, you gotta take him out first. Right. But right now, he gotta be the guy. He gotta be the guy. We got some other news before we wrap this one up. Cavill and Lady Gaga just keeps getting that call. Um, how desperate is Star wars now that they're just making phone calls and not even giving them a screen? Hey, you want to be Star Wars? It's pretty much sounds like that. [00:41:17] Speaker B: Well, perhaps the franchise is aptly named, just not in the way that we thought. It is Star Wars. And you brought up the key point, which is it didn't used to be that way, folks. [00:41:29] Speaker A: Who the hell was Mark Hamill? [00:41:32] Speaker B: Nobody. [00:41:34] Speaker A: Han Solo was reading for the lead for someone else helping somebody. I think I forget. And then they Said, hey, why don't you do it? And he was good at it. [00:41:45] Speaker B: He was building sets. Literally. He was a carpenter. [00:41:51] Speaker A: You guys are just calling stars because this is the sort of thing that, like, I'm already out, yo. It's like I. This is the sort of thing I don't put on my calendar to see the first day that comes out of that or that same weekend. I'm not excited because you've made it into something else, a business, which I get, I get it. You paid a lot of money for it. I get it. But don't just give me faces to go see. And the stories are just empty and rehashes of something we've already seen. Like, come on, man. Like, really? Yo, I don't know, man. It's just, it's just, it's just. [00:42:30] Speaker B: So the report is that both Henry Cavill and Lady Gaga are in talks to potentially join this new Simon Kinberg Star wars trilogy that apparently has pushed everything else. Star wars to the side. To which my first response was, didn't they just tell us that Daisy really was the MVP of STAR? So that lasted about what, 72 hours before they started making calls and be like, yo, we need, we, we need more star power in here. I get it. I mean, Henry, first off, Henry Cavill's gonna, he's, he's enough of a star that he's gonna get a call for anything like this, right? But it probably says something that like he's been dancing and flirting with Marvel for years and nothing's happened yet. And now he's starting that song and dance with Star wars. And meanwhile, what he's really signed to do is we got Voltron and we've got Warhammer and we've got Highlander, which I actually am legitimately excited about. And we got a cool update, I thought this week on that. And Lady Gaga is obviously coming off an ill fated turn in Joker Falia Dua. So her star power as a movie star is probably lower than it, than it was a couple of months ago. But listen, Lady Gaga's gonna be fine, right? I mean, she's, she's famous, she's got her music career, all that sort of stuff. But your point is the key one right now, Star wars needs them more than they need Star Wars. And that's not where we should be. It should be about the story, the wonder, the imagination of the universe. And this is just saying we need names. We need names to put on the poster. [00:44:03] Speaker A: Names that I'm surprised they haven't reached out to the rock. He got 500 million fans. [00:44:08] Speaker B: If I was Cavill, I would pass. But, I mean, obviously, I don't know what he's being shown, but to be a part of. [00:44:14] Speaker A: I mean, to be a part of something like this is hard to pass. Right. The only hope is, the thing is that with Henry Cavill is that that dude can do a horrible movie, which he's done. [00:44:28] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. [00:44:29] Speaker A: Horrible movies. [00:44:30] Speaker B: Well, that's what I'm saying. Like, I think he should pass because, like, I don't think this is in safe enough hands that I feel like it's like. Put it this way, it depends on the project. If Mangold offered him the lead of the Origin of the Force, I would take that call and have that negotiation. I'm not sold on this project. The Kinberg trilogy seems very flimsy to me, and his track record is very hit or miss when it comes to the genre. Like, that's what I'm talking about. You got to steer clear of the potential disasters in ip. [00:45:05] Speaker A: Idris Elba is in human. [00:45:10] Speaker B: So I texted, follow the story. He didn't even open the story. And he wrote back what was in it. [00:45:15] Speaker A: I said, man at Arms, man. No question about it. And I read it. I was like, you see, because who else would he be, right? Like, who else, really? Like, who else? Like King Randor? I don't know. [00:45:29] Speaker B: Maybe. Well, then I guess that he'd be. He'd be like Beastman or Merman. They're not going to do that. [00:45:34] Speaker A: Yeah, they want to show him. [00:45:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:45:37] Speaker A: How does this announcement change your feelings towards the movie? Because I believe we've had discussions about it, and the curiosity is like, how is this going to look? How is it going to feel? You know, I already said my thoughts about what this should look like. Like, you just picture Pandora, Avatar's world, and that be Eternia, right? [00:46:06] Speaker B: Yep. [00:46:07] Speaker A: How seriously is this movie going to be taken? I don't know. When you have characters like Ram man, you know, it's hard to, like, not, you know, feel. [00:46:18] Speaker B: No, no, totally. I mean, the whole thing. [00:46:20] Speaker A: Awkward and laughter. [00:46:21] Speaker B: The whole thing. I mean, the whole thing. It's like, these were great toys to play with when we were five. And it's like, it was great to every show tune in and be like, he just draws a sword and he makes cringer into battle cat. And like, you know, it was a very simple idea. The animation is very primitive. I was trying to think of, like, the he man moves. He had the he had the one run diagonal across the screen. He had the double fist pound on the ground. [00:46:47] Speaker A: He had the swim. [00:46:48] Speaker B: Like, he kind of had these five moves that he would always. And then he had the sword and, like, he had, like, five things that he could do, basically, that you saw every. Every. Every single episode. [00:46:57] Speaker A: Brian. And I would do it in the live action, Brian, just to bring the nostalgia back. I'll get the same camera angle shots and everything. [00:47:05] Speaker B: You got to. [00:47:05] Speaker A: Just to bring that back. [00:47:07] Speaker B: You have to. That being said, again, this movie has gestated forever in Hollywood. The only reason I'm, like, intrigued, and I would bet it's the only reason Idris Elba took this call, is Travis Knight's directing it. And Travis Knight has an Academy Award nomination for Kubo on the Two Strings, and he directed Bumblebee. He made the first legitimately serious and good Transformers movie that we have. And people still underrate that because of some of the Michael Bay mess that was coming out of last night and An Age of Extinction and all that. But him taking over the project, casting an unknown, which is the right thing to do as he man, and now adding a name actor as one of the supporting roles. I, you know, I mean, my. I'm very cautious, but my excitement is not zero. Like, I'm. I'm intrigued. Like, this is another one with that first teaser. That first teaser could be like, wait, what? Like, this could be something, you know, so. And if I see Earth, I'm out. That's. That's. That teaser is easy. I see one scene of a city or anything earthbound, it's over. [00:48:18] Speaker A: I am so out. If I see that, yo, I'm going to trash it. I'm yo, without even seeing it. That's the whole point of it is like, my whole rant will be, what the hell are we doing here? What are we doing here? What are we doing here? My whole thing would be that, like, yeah, it's one of those Harry moments. [00:48:43] Speaker B: And let's not forget, you know, again, a mixed track record. But we had previously heard Jared Leto, Skeletor was in talks. So, you know, you got Jared Leto, you got Idris Elba, like, things starting to have a little interesting at least. Yeah. [00:48:59] Speaker A: Like, how good can this be against He Man? No. [00:49:06] Speaker B: I can't. [00:49:07] Speaker A: It's just like, how seriously can you take this? Yo, it's he man. [00:49:10] Speaker B: Find it on YouTube. Just pull up one of the old episodes on YouTube and watch it and remember how silly it kind of is now in retrospect and be like, they're. [00:49:18] Speaker A: Watching Dope Lundgren joint. [00:49:19] Speaker B: Yeah. Which is the way not to do it, but. Yes. [00:49:23] Speaker A: Yes. Plus, it's like it's he. Man, I don't know how you're gonna make this guy. I'm interested. I'm interested to see how good can this be? Can. It's. This. This is gonna be a. A Netflix movie, correct? [00:49:37] Speaker B: Oh, I think now it's going to the theater. It was. [00:49:41] Speaker A: Wow. [00:49:41] Speaker B: But I think for sure they're gone. They're gunning for it now. It was a. It was a Netflix movie, but I think it's y. [00:49:49] Speaker A: Here's the moment by the Power of Grayscore, everybody in the theater saying that. Because they're not going to do it three times in the movies, you know, because that gets a little bit overboard, you know, but to do it in the theaters, I'm telling you. Thunder. Thunder. Thunder. [00:50:04] Speaker B: Yeah. No, that's where that is. [00:50:06] Speaker A: I'm telling you. [00:50:09] Speaker B: 100%. [00:50:12] Speaker A: We got movie moments here. Don't mess it up. [00:50:16] Speaker B: Nope. [00:50:17] Speaker A: With garbage, you know? Don't Street Fighter us, please. Highlander. [00:50:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Speaking of swords. [00:50:26] Speaker A: Updates. Brian, I know you're really hyped for Highlander. I really never got into the original movies. I don't even think I've even watched it. But I know you're high on this, and you have high expectations for Henry Cavill's involvement in it. So what are the updates? [00:50:43] Speaker B: Yeah, I am. You know, this is one of those, like, more cultish franchises. It's not the biggest knock against this would be. There's never been anything I would characterize as truly great in the Highlander world. Like, the original movie is a cult classic, but if you rewatch it, it's a highly flawed film. And then the sequels kind of get progressively worse. The TV show is not a terrible TV show for its time. I actually think Adrien Paul is better in many ways as Duncan McLeod than Christopher Lambert was as Conor McLeod, because Adrian Paul was an accomplished martial artist, so he actually could do the sword play more believably in the TV show. So there's this weird thing where, like, some of the fights in the TV show, I think are actually better than some of the fights in the film. But that's part of why I'm excited, because Henry Cavill can do. We know he can do the sword fighting. He's been doing this for years with between the Witcher, and he can do it. He's a physical character. And I. What I like about this for Cavill is that the character of The Highlander is like a chameleon because he's immortal. He lives through time, kind of like Wolverine. He inhabits different parts of history, and it gives the actor a chance to flex and do different things and be different things. And you've got it under the direction of John Wick, director Chad Stahelski. So you have high expectations for the action choreography. And we finally got a little bit of what you can expect to see. And it kind of got me excited where he talked about there's a lot of on location, like, global sets that they went to shoot. And he said, when he pitched it to Cavill, he said he described the character as someone who's been alive for over 500 years. He's the last person in the world that wanted to be in this situation. So you get to cover quite a broad spread of character arcs there. And he explained it to Cavill as he gets a chance to play a character not a lot of people get to play, which goes to my point. And then he said something that really got me intrigued because he said, this is someone you get to experience, someone, quote, that's trained for over 500 years with different types of martial arts. End quote. [00:52:59] Speaker A: That's interesting. So we should see very interesting sort of fighting techniques. [00:53:04] Speaker B: Exactly. That's why I'm interested, because it's, like, practical, it's on location, it's not going to be big budget, but it's going to be in the hands of someone who is athletic, who is physical, who I think is a better actor than he's probably given that chance to show. And you've got one of the best action directors of working today who's running it. I think this can work. I'm high on it. [00:53:27] Speaker A: Henry Campbell is one of those dudes that if he. If you put him with the right director, he can blow your mind. But it has to be that sort of relationship with the director that is able to draw that performance out of him, right? [00:53:44] Speaker B: Yeah. And I think the premise, if they follow the original, the premise is always that there's a limited number of immortals who are gradually fighting each other for the right to win the prize, which is sort of the energy force of all of them. And so the idea is that you bring together people who specialize in different types of martial arts along the way. So you should be seeing, like, different styles and they all carry different weapons. That was kind of the lure of the original one. And a lot of it is flashback. And that's why I think it's sort of like the Wolverine anthology series because you would often flash back to see McLeod in the 1700s. McLeod in ancient Rome. I don't know how old you want to make him. It's actually, I guess he's 500 years old, so. But that's part of what made the originals kind of fun. And I'm like, you can definitely do that better than that's been done before. So it's like seeing Henry Cavill in, you know, 18th century and 19th century and like all over, around the world in Japan and feudal Japan and in, in. In Rome. Like, that's cool. I think that can work. I think that can be fun and different and not what we have right now. So, yeah, I believe in it. They're shooting it early next year. I think that's what, first. First quarter of 2025, they're shooting it. [00:54:50] Speaker A: So, yeah, a lot of things happen in this world of the superhero genre and in the movies, period, in terms of entertaining, nostalgic ip things shaping up to be interesting. Quite interesting. Marvel News, Secret Wars, X Men, Young Avengers. Looking towards a better path. Not going to say the right path, but a better path. So in the news, Spider Man 4 delayed. They don't want to compete with obviously with superhero helicopters. I mean, with super, super helicopter joints. They don't want. They don't want to compete with super helicopters. You know what I'm saying? Spider Man. Spider Man. And say, nah, super helicopter, you know, oh, man, that's crazy. Tom Hardy, it's inevitable for him to return. He done. He did his three toiletries and still making money regardless of what we think. And it's only inevitable to. For him to get that bigger bag showing up in a movie with Spider man for the first time and seeing what that will be like. Because if it's forced, I think we as fans will detect it and at that point is like, I don't know. I. I don't know. Craven director saying, hey, give this movie a chance. I get it. And that's yo. That's. That's someone being like, yo, give this movie a chance. Because it's a good movie. I think it's a good movie. And, you know, he, you can tell that he really put some effort into this and he wants people to see it despite the atrocities that we've been given, you know, as of late. Hey, gun on DCU Batman, no origin stories. As you know, Matt Reeves is hot right now. We gotta let that rock his business. And plus Superman needs that attention because anything related to Batman is just gonna supersede any Headline. Superman gets. It's just what it is. Sergeant Rock, Daniel Craig. I can't wait. I cannot wait. Sergeant Rock. Rock. Sergeant Rock. Sergeant Rock is gonna be all over and he has to drive in his car and watch the billboard and the Rock doesn't even. Has nothing to do with you, man. It has nothing to do with you. [00:57:38] Speaker B: That's why you want this to be a hit, too. You want this to be good and you want this to be a hit. [00:57:43] Speaker A: Yo, listen, then the fact that Daniel Craig is signing up today, and once we get a teaser trailer, forget about it. Yo, forget about it. This dude is going to be like. [00:57:56] Speaker B: No, we're getting fired. Someone in his Kim getting fired. [00:58:00] Speaker A: Yeah, Superman teaser update. It's finally coming, you know, And Frank Grillo has seen it and he has. He is hyped. He is so hyped that you, like, if you haven't read it, don't read it, because he's going to get you too. Hype. And if it's. You know what I'm saying? So we got to avoid that because we got to see it for ourselves, right? You don't understand. You don't understand. Superman teaser needs to be something that gets us going. Like, we cannot wait. And this is one of those instances, Brian. Superman has never really made a billion dollars, has he? [00:58:35] Speaker B: Oh, no. I mean, I've not done the inflation adjustment on the Donner original, but no, not. I mean, man of steel is 6, 600 changes, I think is the highest grossing solo Superman movie that we have. [00:58:47] Speaker A: What are your expectations for real quick? Do you think Superman has a shot at making a billion, given the gravity of this? [00:58:58] Speaker B: So I think it has a chance, but it's a long shot. I mean, I would set the odds at 10 to 1 or higher. I mean, I think that the reality is most launch films don't go straight to a billion. Like, you know, Batman Begins, nice box office. But it's half the size of the box office of Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises, both of which made over a billion. So it's tough. And I don't give me, like, Deadpool, Wolverine, because those are sequels. Those are not launch films. Right? Like, yeah, none of the Marvel films got close. Like, Iron man is a huge hit, $500 million. Man of Steel outgrossed Iron Man. True truth, like systems. [00:59:45] Speaker A: Yes. [00:59:46] Speaker B: So that's what I mean. Like, and then don't give me, like, Captain Marvel or Aquaman. That's bub. That's Bubblicious Time. Bubblicious Time. All the Movies are making money, and I made 800. We're not. [00:59:56] Speaker A: We're not in that anymore. [00:59:57] Speaker B: Not in that anymore. [00:59:59] Speaker A: We're not. [01:00:00] Speaker B: So to me, the difference is more momentum. Right. Man of Steel, huge opening weekend, loses momentum, winds up with a very solid number. But then it's already kind of going the wrong direction. And then they make the BVS decision, and it's. Even though BVS winds up making 800, it feels like a loss. You're like, what? I got Batman and Superman on screen for the first time. We couldn't get to a billion with that. And then we couldn't get even. We got even farther away with Justice League on screen for the seat. You see that momentum going the wrong way. So to me, Superman, I think if it matches or beats man of Steel, but does so with acclaim from critics and audiences, that's fine. The path to a billion, in my mind, is the Maverick path. The reason I say that is because Maverick made people feel good about what people. I remember walking out of theater, I was like, if they wanted to sign me up to the Navy, I'm in, like, right now, I will head to North Island. [01:01:04] Speaker A: Came out the theater, like, which. [01:01:08] Speaker B: That's what I'm talking about. Superman's the kind of character that you should walk out of the movie, feel it. You shouldn't feel down on the life and down on the world. So that's what I'm talking. The path to a billion is people walk out of the movie, and you're like, man, it's been years since I had that wholesome, that fun, that unbelievable, escapist time at the movies. You got to see this movie three times. That's how you make a billion. That's how it makes a billion dollars. Yeah, but I think it's a long. I think that's a long shot for a launch film to do that. So. But we'll see. [01:01:42] Speaker A: I got a feeling. I got that Super Mario Brother feeling because I called that that last. [01:01:49] Speaker B: You did. You did. And that. And that's your point is it's. It's a different audience in some ways, more younger audience. But it has that same idea that I'm talking about. Like, it's nostalgia, but it's that. Feel it. You're watching that movie and it's like, is that an amazing movie, start to finish? No, but you're watching it and you're, like, caught up. You're like, man, they got it. They understand. And they're playing the hits, and I'm playing along with them. I'm having fun. So I walked out feeling like I had a fun time. [01:02:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Star Wars Universe, they're pulling up the Rolodex and calling the top talent. That's what they're doing. That's what they're doing. [01:02:32] Speaker B: You hit it. [01:02:32] Speaker A: We're not discovering new talent here. [01:02:34] Speaker B: No, you're right, though. If we see. If we see Dwayne Johnson in talks for new Star wars trilogy, it is over. That's. [01:02:41] Speaker A: Oh, no. [01:02:41] Speaker B: That's the end of the. [01:02:43] Speaker A: I'll never talk about Star wars again. [01:02:45] Speaker B: That's the end. [01:02:45] Speaker A: I would talk of it. I would talk of it. Listen, when Star Wars, Episode four, Is it four, five, and six? Star Wars, New Hope. [01:02:58] Speaker B: Yeah. Four, five, six. [01:03:00] Speaker A: When I watch it on tv, I'm elsewhere. I'm. You know that stuff right here. I can care less. If the Rock was to ever be involved in something like this. I would be so done. So, so done. I would never talk about Star Wars. I would. I don't care what's happening with Star Wars. I'm never going to talk about it again. [01:03:26] Speaker B: I'm telling you. You might have to believe it, but you got to find the Hannah quote where he says, vincent Hannah. Where he says, don't waste my money. You got to. [01:03:35] Speaker A: Don't waste my. That's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. Idris Elba signing up to do He Man. I don't know what this is, but I'm curious. I'm curious. I've always been curious. Because you want to see what this is going to look like because it's he man again. It's He Man. Yo, what the hell are you expecting from this? There's ways to make this okay. Yeah, there's ways to. You know what I always thought about the actual he man character. What was that movie that Ryan Reynolds did that he was. He blew himself to be Diesel. Free Guy. [01:04:17] Speaker B: Free Guy. Yeah. Sorry, you're right. Yeah. [01:04:19] Speaker A: Free Guy. Free Guy. If Free Guy. There's a character he makes himself to look like real diesel and big. I mean, that's what you expect Heman to sort of look like, right? Almost. Because he's huge. [01:04:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:04:34] Speaker A: Almost like Hercules. Lou Ferrigno. [01:04:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:04:36] Speaker A: Even though the movie is horrendous, I. [01:04:38] Speaker B: Still watch that Schwarzenegger as Conan is. Is the serious He Man. [01:04:43] Speaker A: Yes, yes. So it'll be interesting to see what he man looks like. That's what I'm looking. You know, I'm looking forward to seeing this, Brian. This is going to be fun to watch. If they do go to the theaters. If they go to the theaters by the power of great. I want to see what that's going to be like. [01:05:01] Speaker B: People who are. Yeah. You know, it's funny weirdly if you go on YouTube there's some fan made fake trailers that aren't bad like that are trying to show you like live action eternity or fans clipping and imagining like cgi. That's kind of what I'm hoping for. Like yeah, you know, bigger budget version of that. But you're right, it's, it's the look will tell you a lot when you see the first couple shots. You'll know a lot. [01:05:23] Speaker A: Oh yeah. [01:05:24] Speaker B: Oh yeah. [01:05:24] Speaker A: Oh yeah. And Highlander updates cavill at it again looking, you know, to bring back an IP that has its fans and to reimagine it to bring back the nostalgia. The nostalgia's winning. The nostalgia is bringing money into the box office and you know, and if it's done well then, then, then obviously you're a winner. So yeah, we talked about a lot. Please let us know in the comment section below what you guys think of what we've discussed. Let us know your thoughts on any, any other things that we talked about. 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