Marvel’s Avengers Return, Superman’s Hype, and Sony’s Collapse

December 17, 2024 01:26:04
Marvel’s Avengers Return, Superman’s Hype, and Sony’s Collapse
The NerdGen Report
Marvel’s Avengers Return, Superman’s Hype, and Sony’s Collapse

Dec 17 2024 | 01:26:04


Show Notes

The NerdGen Report is back with an explosive episode! Pablo and Brian break down Sony’s Spider-Verse collapse, Marvel’s strategic moves to bring back RDJ and Chris Evans, and DC’s efforts to take the spotlight. Will the Superman reboot trailer live up to the hype? Tune in for sharp takes, passionate debates, and all the hottest superhero buzz!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: What up, everybody? Welcome back to another episode of the nerdjam Report. I'm your host, Pablo, and joining me, as always, is Mr. Brian Schultz. Brian. I know it's been a while, guys. [00:00:10] Speaker B: Sorry I've been away so long. I won't let you down again. [00:00:15] Speaker A: I was talking to Tracy about Superman and I was like, yo, watching that movie the first 20 minutes before he becomes Superman. You don't need to do an origin film after that. Amazing. [00:00:28] Speaker B: I actually think. Before we even start, I actually think Zach did a pretty good job with that. [00:00:34] Speaker A: Yes. [00:00:35] Speaker B: Of making it different, make it interesting. But we're good with those two versions. I don't ever need to see it again. [00:00:43] Speaker A: Yes. Yes. We got a lot to talk about. A lot of things happened. And I had made a video, Brian, sort of defending the reasoning behind the eight minute release, because the guy really wanted people to come out and see this movie. So I saw the first eight minutes, I was like, ah, I don't. I don't know. And then the horror of everybody watching this and destroying it so much that Sony has thrown in the towel. And like Duke said a long time ago, he should have done that a long time ago. The Marvel Roundup. [00:01:33] Speaker B: We told you the second that RDJ popped up on stage, we told you this was coming. [00:01:38] Speaker A: And now they're back. A few holdouts, right? Maybe. I don't know. Black Widow, I don't know. But who knows? Just give it time. The numbers aren't right yet. DC Creature Commandos. Brian. I haven't gotten a chance to see the third episode, but I want to see it. I've been meaning to see it, but I've been busy. I'm gonna put a Ric Flair joint. It's showtime. This is it. What's that song? This is it. This is it. This week will get people who are interested in DCIP ready for their pitch. Or on the other side, it could be the beginning of what had only been one studio that was able to accomplish. And we'll go back to Sony because they were trying to do something similar, which we could have told you. Or we've been telling you. You've been telling you that this wasn't going to work. But D.C. could be closer to the top of where MCU has been, what they created, and that'll lead us to another show. I think we're going to do a separate show. Brian, about the trailers. [00:03:08] Speaker B: We'll link to it. Yeah. We want to talk about what we think are the best teasers and trailers in IP Verse ahead of this which we're hoping will land, will force us to change these rankings in a week's time. [00:03:25] Speaker A: Brian, I hope you're right in terms of it coming out Thursday. Is this confirmed? [00:03:29] Speaker B: So there's confirmed. There's a press. There's a press conference tomorrow to screen the teaser for studio executives and very select media members. There's a lot of scuttle going around that it will come out Thursday online for worldwide consumption. That would coincide with the release of Mufasa, obviously will start showing in theaters on Thursday. So all signs point to it being physically attached to that. So, yeah, it is. I. When you said Showtime, I thought you were going to make reference to Apollo again. Going around the rings. It's Showtime. It's time to go to school. [00:04:02] Speaker A: Oh, that could possibly make the cut, Brian. [00:04:07] Speaker B: I'll use. [00:04:08] Speaker A: I'll put it in the audition to see if it fits. That'll be. This will be an interesting conversation because there was a one standout and I have my list that when I had seen it, I had known nothing about it. It was still before the MCU where people were just making superhero films just to make money. Really nothing to nothing to the extent that Kevin thought of it and was able to accomplish and what I was hoping for for a long time already. But let's start. We foresaw this conclusion very. A very, very long time ago. Brian. I had said once that the only way that Sony's gonna give up this. This ambition of wanting to be in the same conversation as Marvel that the fans would have to somewhat boycott. It wasn't because fans didn't want to go see it. It's because Sony kept on giving us garbage. [00:05:35] Speaker B: Bingo. [00:05:38] Speaker A: That is why this is over. But eventually, Brian, I think as you hear across the news about empty theaters, people just. This is. This is almost the same thing without us saying that we're boycotting. We just don't want it anymore. Go away. Your thoughts. [00:06:05] Speaker B: I almost feel like you should just put together a montage of clips from prior shows that we did about this. Because, you know, remember, I mean, I have been saying, I've been plastering. I've been putting up like bulletin board material. 900 characters. And what did we say all along? How many characters do you really have? You got one. And come to find out when you don't have that one and you don't deploy that one everywhere, every which way that you have the right to, and then you don't build quality film and product away from that one character shock of shocks. Audiences reject what you have to offer to the point where your universe is dead on arrival. So Craven the Hunter, which neither of us has seen, which is saying something we probably will, but not. Not just yet. [00:07:07] Speaker A: I watch it on. On WPIX 11 whenever. If that channel still exists where like had 3 minutes of commercial. [00:07:15] Speaker B: You mean. You mean that'll be that. That will. So based upon if we rewind the clock that would come out that would show after death wish 4 basically on a Sunday afternoon. That's what that would be. [00:07:29] Speaker A: Rebel mood on that channel will be a whole day. [00:07:35] Speaker B: So look, I mean Craven. The thing about Craven know, you get the lowest Rotten Tomatoes score, which is saying something. Low teens, you get the lowest audience score, even lower than Madame Web. C minus. And you get the lowest box office opening weekend. Again, even lower than Madame Web. You get a variety feature story that comes out talking about sort of the misfire that was a Sony mcu. And then you get the. Or Sony. Sony Spider verse. And then you get sort of the news item that this is it. As Sony know, giving up, pursuing additional projects beyond Spider man, trying to sort out Spider Verse, which we've talked about is having some issues. And then I think they are sticking with this Nick Cage spider noir. It's like Thanos, where did it lead you? It leads you back to Spider Man. What are we left with? Spider Man, Spider man and Spider Man. Three different versions of actual Spider man is what we've got. So what's fascinating to me about the variety feature is the hubris. I mean, on the part of Sony. Like, this article talks about the fact that this studio was basically duped by the success of Venom 1 and thinking that that was proof positive they could build a universe of films where Spider man did not participate and that audiences would simply line up to see what they had. [00:09:08] Speaker A: Are you kidding me? You're trying to convince me that you can build a universe that doesn't include that. That mentions he's somewhere, whatever. [00:09:19] Speaker B: So as we've said, Venom 1 comes out in 2018, the peak of the superhero bubble. As we said, like 2018, you get Black Panther, universally acclaimed and lauded, 1.3 billion. You get Avengers, Infinity War 2 billion. Great film. But 2018, you know, Aquaman makes over a billion. Venom makes 800. That was the time when people would give the benefit of the doubt to anything superhero. That was the Deke. Venom 1 is okay. It's not classic. It's okay. It's. It's. It's interesting. [00:09:55] Speaker A: But it's classic for a Venom movie. [00:09:58] Speaker B: Right? [00:09:58] Speaker A: But it Ain't classic. Any of my libraries of superhero. Best superhero films ever. No. [00:10:04] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a. B Sides, you know, superhero movies. So I don't, you know, for the. For. The article makes it seem like the executives walked away from that thinking they had found they had cracked the code. And the amazing thing about it is it says that in the Sony, Marvel, or Sony Disney contract, there was nothing in there that prevented Sony from using Tom Holland Spider man, or another version of Spider man in any of their projects. They were free to use him. So Marvel was restricted as far as where they could use Tom Holland. Sony was not. [00:10:42] Speaker A: And they declined. [00:10:44] Speaker B: They passed. And the article says they passed on using him because they felt that audiences would not find it credible if the Tom Holland Spider man was showing up in places outside of the central MCU timeline. [00:11:02] Speaker A: If you're having this conversation with me and you're trying to convince me of that, I'm telling you to get out because you. What you're saying to me does not make sense. And if you want to continue this. Okay, watch. Watch what happens. And look what happened. [00:11:22] Speaker B: Well, that's what I mean. Like, so if that was an actual conversation in a Sony Studios boardroom, which it seems like it was, you know, you and I would have been throwing ourselves in front of what they eventually did. And being like, Sony effectively left Michael Jordan on the bench. That's what it is. Like, they could have played him. They could have put Holland in. They could have linked all these movies with a Sinister Six build and given him five to 10 minutes in each of these movies to help sell them. And they chose to pass. That's arrogance and that's delusion. [00:12:00] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was waiting. I was waiting for you. Thank you. Arrogance, Arrogance, ego. All that involves the self. [00:12:10] Speaker B: And they still don't get it because the article implies they feel like the universe was done in because the audience moved away from the industry as a whole. What did you lead with? Yes. Are we past peak superhero hype? We are, but you're. [00:12:32] Speaker A: We're never past greatness. [00:12:33] Speaker B: Correct. You're blaming industry forces. The stuff you issued was crap. Nobody was. Like, if they put out Madame Web in 2018, that still would have bombed. [00:12:45] Speaker A: Yeah. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. Don't try to convince me of garbage. [00:12:51] Speaker B: So it just kind of shows you that even in defeat, Sony still can't process exactly what happened. [00:13:00] Speaker A: No, they can process. They're spinning the hell out of it. [00:13:05] Speaker B: Yeah, it wasn't me, basically, you know, that's all. Actually, you get up. The thing about all the Spider man pointing at each other. Right. That's the Sony executives all pointing at each other. Right. It won me. It was that guy, you know. [00:13:19] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. And the fact that people, you know, I mean, listen, I've. I've heard a lot of reviews and everyone is in consensus of how horrible this movie is. And still people, they have these small debates of which one is the worst, man. I'm like, why are we having this conversations? It is over. It is done with still their one, I guess, success. The Miles Morales animation joint. Right. Which is having trouble finishing up. [00:13:57] Speaker B: Yeah. It's having studio troubles. Not coincidentally, perhaps. [00:14:03] Speaker A: Yeah, man. When there is success, they are people who want to latch on and for whatever reason, they want to give you input on something they may not know nothing about. With regards to the character, Forget about the movies. You may know about production and getting people together and seeing a lot of things here and there, but in terms of what people expect, because there are expectations that you have to meet. I'm sorry, yeah. If your expectations. We have to have an explosion here. I'm sorry, I can't be having a conversation with you about this. [00:14:47] Speaker B: I think it also underscores the. This is an area regardless of, you know, we can critique Kevin and Marvel and other areas more recently, but this is an area where they've shown a very steady hand, which is when they've been allowed to influence the direction of the Holland Spider Man. Our results have been unilaterally good. And you can see, like we talked about it before, Sony always gets an inflated sense of what they bring to the table in that. In that equation. Like, you can just see it, like, every time they. They're kind of like, we're the ones responsible for the success of the Spider man franchise because it's our character. And then you. You realize, like, when you see the article and you see these results in the other movies, you're like, well, no, it's. It's Kevin and Marvel that are making good decisions. [00:15:35] Speaker A: Your past success was due to the director who cared enough to give you a good story. It had nothing to do with you. [00:15:44] Speaker B: Yeah, but I think, you know, the other contrast is, like, we were worried about no Way Home, and Kevin is the one who told them, go bigger. Put more of the Sinister Six in no Way Home. But he obviously was smart enough to understand, as long as I have Spider man there to linchpin and tie all of that together, I can do that. I can pull that off. And Jon Watts did. What we're finding is, you know, they couldn't do that elsewhere. And for some reason kept thinking, you know, I. I heard. I haven't seen it, but I. You know how there is, like, in Madame Web, there is a Spider man, right? The villain. It basically is a suited Spider man as a villain. And then there's this civilization of spider people, like, in the jungle. And then apparently Craven has some kind of nightmare where he's attacked by spiders in this movie where that's supposed to be like a harbinger of, like, his. His going up against Spider Man. It's like, just shows a fundamental misunderstanding and sort of an almost you're insulting the audience's intelligence where, like, the audience is like, I get it. Like, these people are famous because of Spider Man. They ride his coattails, which goes to the. You don't have 900 characters. You don't. [00:16:48] Speaker A: You have one, you have one. And if you had other characters is obviously you don't know how to utilize them. [00:16:57] Speaker B: Yeah. And I just think the degree of difficulty, you know, for every Venom 1 and every Joker 1 and every Penguin TV series, like, that degree of difficulty is incredibly high. And, like, you have to find this lane and this niche or the right creator. And, you know, and we're. We're gonna keep seeing people do it, right? Because D.C. is dabbling with Deathstroke and Bane, and we. They just greenlit a Clay Face movie the other day which came out of nowhere. Like, so they might be making some of the same mistakes for all we know. And we continue to see that. You know, Marvel's doing it in tv, right? Like, you know, I'm not saying the Agatha series was bad, but. Same idea. Your same idea right there, right? So you're going to keep seeing it, but rarely do you see it fail so spectacularly and be so costly as this turned out to be. Like, this was the year of Sony. Like, there's one Marvel movie this year, there's one DC movie this year. So Sony had the stage, this was it. You know, this was the. You know, this was. The jets are gonna win the super bowl this year, Right? And instead of my finished last, like, that's what Sony delivered. [00:18:04] Speaker A: Before we move on to Marvel, what do you think Aaron Taylor Johnson's chance of being Bond are now? [00:18:14] Speaker B: Oh, it did not help. I do not think this helped. [00:18:18] Speaker A: I was waiting. This was something. This is. This. If anything, this was his audition. There was a lot of rumor previous to this movie coming out way before this movie came out of him being on the top of the list. Yeah. [00:18:33] Speaker B: Rumors he blew them away in an audition. Yeah, that was the word. [00:18:37] Speaker A: I mean, I can picture him, but his voice obviously doesn't live up to the voices that we've had in the past. But I'd say this. This doesn't bode well for his chances. [00:18:48] Speaker B: Now, I'm not a great fan of his. I gotta be honest. He's just not. He's like a workman, like, serviceable supporting character. To me, that's what he is. I think he's miscast as a leading man. I just. I can't think of a role where I'm like, whoa, that guy sold it to me. And like, to me, James Bond is a high degree of difficulty character to do really, really well. Especially now where you have this. The legacy of Connery and the legacy of Craig in particular. But, you know, let's not dismiss Brosnan and Moore either, who kind of had more on the silly side. But all of them have charisma, all of them have suave. You know, all of them have panache and presence. And like, to me, that's not. That's just not Aaron Taylor Johnson's line, man. It's just not what he sells as an actor. [00:19:36] Speaker A: So, yeah, let us know in the comment section below what you. I mean, I don't really care what anyone thinks about the Sony spider verse, because it's over. It's over. Just like dceu. Throw that in the can. Marvel. I heard Brian the other day, what is this movie that Ryan Reynolds is doing? I think with Hugh? I don't know if he's. But I recently heard that he's doing the movie about a getting the band back together sort of movie. Like. Sort of like, you know, they were a boy band, now they're getting the band back together all these years later. So it seems Kevin is bringing everybody back together for a last hurrah. Seemingly so for him. The news came out this week that Chris Evans is back. No surprise. No surprise. None. I was watching Campia the other day, and he said in general that people thinking that it is desperation on being on behalf of the Marvel Studios and Disney to bring back RDJ and Chris Evans. That there. That is. That is a stupid perspective to think that. What I think is this. We never minded RDJ coming back. We never minded Chris Evans would not come back. We thought these people would come back at some point. Why? A number of reasons. The roster that they got for an Avengers film isn't suitable for the Degree of numbers that they want to accomplish with this next Avengers. Just. Just consider it a movie without rdj. Let's say that we. We haven't. The line of is. Is Shangchi. Captain Marvel. Ms. Mar. Come on. Awkwafina. Come on. There was no way that that was gonna work, so they brought back rdj. And I always said it, RDJ can come back. Life model, decoy. He said it. He was the first guy to say it. He was capable of that. Is. You've seen it throughout the films, how far away he wanted to be removed from it. But no, they're bringing him back as Dr. Doom. Not just Dr. Doom. Victor von Doom. Which we hope. I think. I. I don't think, Brian, that they will let us in. That he is actually Tony Stark and that he was adopted. He was adopted into the Doom family. I don't think they'll give us that. But if he is, in fact Victor Von Doom, yes, it is desperation. We knew Chris Evans was coming back, and they're doing it. He's. He's supposed to be like, Nomad maybe. I think it's a rumor. I'm fine with that. But RDJ as Doom makes no freaking sense whatsoever. I don't care what you tell me. It doesn't make any sense that he is Victim Von Doom. Unless he is Tony Stark and he was adopted. I'll let that slide because that makes sense in this alternate universe, but him being Victor Von Doom. Your thoughts, Brian, on the people coming back? And Scarlet Johansson is probably. Again, the numbers ain't right yet. [00:23:16] Speaker B: She'll be back. Plus, she gets. She's gonna get an extra kiss from the studio for the whole slap. They gave her the last. [00:23:22] Speaker A: What? [00:23:23] Speaker B: So she's just waiting? And honestly, rdj, I. Man, we just recycled clips. When they announced rdj, we said. We listed the roster, and I said, you know, I bet RDJ is telling them on this group text, the Avengers group text. He's like, hold out. He's like, we got him now. He's like, we got him now. He's like, you know, they bring the duffel bag, you wait for the truck. They bring the truck, you wait for the vault. Like it just. That's all they're doing. It is desperation. So consider me stupid or consider me ignorant for calling it what it is. First off, let's do the sequencing here. Iger comes back publicly, says, my number one focus is Marvel. Iger then goes through this, the whole mouse house, and what is he doing? Sequel. Sequel. [00:24:17] Speaker A: Sequel. [00:24:18] Speaker B: He. He running it back Everywhere. [00:24:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:24:22] Speaker B: So he calls Kevin. He says, we need the OGs. We need them back. We need to run it back. Kevin's like, they're not going to do it. We're not touching endgame. They're not going to touch that. And Bob says, I don't care how you get them back, Just get them back. Okay. So Kevin calls rdj. What's it going to take? RDG says, let me look at the catalog. I'll let you know. How about Doom? Okay, Now Kevin will say, we need to get Doom, right? We need. Come on, man. Don't insult my intelligence. This was driven by RDJ saying, here is the manner in which I'll be willing to come back. I will not touch what I did in the Infinity Saga. And Kevin says, great, you want Doom? You got it. To which RDJ fires off the text, yo, I'm Doom. And everyone else fires back and says, who can I play? That isn't who I played before Sid. That's what's going like. That's what's going on. They're all going to come back as alt versions, multiversal variants, some other version of themselves. Yeah, that's it. Like, in the studio knows they need to do it, because think about it. If they come back as the old version youn can't. Yeah, you can sell the same toy, but you know what's better than selling the same old toy? Selling a new toy, Making a new LEGO set. [00:25:57] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:25:58] Speaker B: Like, come on, people, do the math here on what's actually happening and why is it necessary for exactly what Pablo said and what we've been talking about for five years, they have not been able to build a next generation of Avengers that has connected with audiences remotely as well or as commercially as the first. So, yes, it is desperation, because they ain't going to show up to the super bowl, which is an Avengers movie with a 3 and 14 roster. [00:26:27] Speaker A: Yeah, there are different levels of desperation. And then we'll move on. Jean. If you are familiar with Jean Claude Van Damme and how he got started in Hollywood, look it up. He'll tell you that he was given the role of blood. He said he was going through his mind of what was available to him. The producer was, hey, give him. Give me that script. That was in development hell for years, or whatever. They gave him Bloodsport. He was begging for something. He didn't. John Claude Van Damme didn't know he was going to get Bloodsport. He was begging for something. [00:27:13] Speaker B: He thought he was going to be the Predator. He Was the Predator. [00:27:18] Speaker A: I do remember some story. I wasn't really sure of what the story was. I thought it was like a stunt double because I could have sworn I saw him. Well, he's something. [00:27:25] Speaker B: So he was the. He was the original incarnation. We never saw what the creature looked like because he was wearing like a suit that was going to be reworked. But he was on set in the jungle as the Predator. [00:27:38] Speaker A: And then you know what, you know what else he was on set for was that breaking. Oh, if you go back to breaking in some of the dance secrets, he is back there doing his kickboxer routine. It hasn't. It didn't change. That was his first taste of Hollywood. I gotta keep doing this. But he got bloodsport. He begged for something. There was desperation there. Why? Because he believed he can do something. This is not belief of anything other than we can't make two or three billion dollars without you guys. [00:28:16] Speaker B: Yep. [00:28:18] Speaker A: That's what this is about. [00:28:19] Speaker B: And we need to squeeze every last bit out of you. [00:28:25] Speaker A: Squeeze. Exactly. Squeeze the juice as much as get every little bit of that drop. [00:28:31] Speaker B: And I still think part of this is also. It's Kevin's last ride. Every announcement of this nature just makes me feel more that way because it's like if I was him, I'd want to work with my friends too, one more time. Right. [00:28:46] Speaker A: I don't want to work with new people. And then they're going to. And it's going to be whacking. And then it's like it's bitter after that. [00:28:52] Speaker B: Yeah. This is. [00:28:54] Speaker A: This is. [00:28:55] Speaker B: This is the definition of one last ride. [00:28:58] Speaker A: He's going to be. You think he's not going to be on stage. He's going to be chilling, having a good old time, having drinks, talking about all the. What they're going to be doing for the next 20 years. [00:29:09] Speaker B: He wants to do interviews, he wants to do red carpet. He wants to do press tour with these people. These are the people that he grew up with, basically that made him the most successful producer statistically in the history of Hollywood. And if he is considering some kind of career change, it would make perfect sense that his final act would be some combination of wrap it up with these guys, set the table for the X Men, which is where he got his start. And that's it. [00:29:34] Speaker A: We're calling it right now. But we've been calling it. Yeah, we've been saying that this. Kevin's over after this. [00:29:42] Speaker B: Yeah, we'll be getting the Last Dance. 30 for 30 on him in a couple of years. [00:29:47] Speaker A: But I think we'll see him still be a part of the Mutant Saga because I believe that's something that he wants to do, because it's his turn now. [00:29:58] Speaker B: I think he wants to be the launchpad, but I think at that point, him as primary creative in all of these projects, I don't know that he wanted. I don't know that he's doing that anymore. He might become just like an executive producer and everything, which is basically like he's in the background, you know, putting. [00:30:13] Speaker A: His name, having conversations. Yeah, yeah. [00:30:15] Speaker B: Collecting checks. Yeah. Let's ask the obvious question. Okay, so now we have the confirmation, what we suspected all along, which is we are going to have an Avengers 5 and presumably 6, which will be centered on actors that we've all seen before on the Infinity Saga. How does that change your view or perception of Avengers 5 and 6? [00:30:43] Speaker A: I mean, there are a lot of interesting theories out there, Brian, of what this story may be about. And I have to say, thinking about it deeply, because I want this to succeed. Right. I want to go through the movies and have that, you know, those moments of Infinity War and Endgame and no Way Home, those are. To say that you weren't there for that is like a travesty. The Russos have an eye for this genre. I think outside of it, they do some great action sequences and stuff like that. They do some decent stuff, but it hasn't really worked out for them in terms of elevating their genius with what they did with Marvel stuff. So I think this gets them. Obviously, you know, we've already heard what they're getting for this, but they don't got to think about nothing now. They just got to think about and focus on this. And they know, like, we know what this needs to be. We don't know what it is. We have no idea. I hope, Brian, that I am pleasantly surprised like I was with no Way Home. Regardless of what I'm not saying here, saying I'm not going to go see this move because RDJ is Victor. I want to see what he's going to do and what Chris Evans is going to do and what these other characters are going to do, I'm there, but I'm not going in there with the same excitement that I have for Infinity War nor Endgame. Why you haven't built nothing towards it. That makes me excited. [00:32:30] Speaker B: That's, to me, the biggest challenge and difference. And I would point out also, oh, we also forgot, by the way, in the category of Returnees, I know she's not Quite as high profile. But Haley Atwell was also confirmed to be back as some version of Peggy Carter or Captain Carter. We don't know what that was confirmed. So she's back too. You know, RDJ obviously has the hardest job because he's actually inhabiting this central, classic, epic, villainous character. The other OGs, I think, kind of have it easy, I gotta be honest. Right. Like, their parts are gonna be smaller. They're playing in the white space of a variant of themselves. Yeah, that's a lot easier than what RGJ is being asked to do. So I kind of don't really see a lot of downside. Like, Chris Evans effectively was a version of Nomad ish in Infinity War. Right. Like, it's Cap without the. [00:33:20] Speaker A: Yes, yes, yes. [00:33:22] Speaker B: The traditional trappings. Right. That clearly was a riff on a Nomad. It wasn't the Nomad. [00:33:27] Speaker A: But his philosophy wasn't expressed. [00:33:30] Speaker B: No. [00:33:31] Speaker A: In that film, I think we'll get a philosophy, philosophical sentiment as to why he is who he is. [00:33:37] Speaker B: But I think that's easier for him. I think it's. That's what I mean. Like, I don't there's any downside. That's what I see. The convincing pitch is like, okay, the money. RDJ's back. All the Russos are back. Kevin's going to be shepherding this. But you have no downside from an acting perspective because you can just do this other riff on your character and, like, no. Who's there to be? Like, that was bad. It doesn't really matter. Like, that's what I'm saying. Like, there's. The stakes for Nomad are not the same. Doom has stakes. So I think for these OGs, it's, like, fun work. I really do. Like, that's why I think it'll be kind of easy to pitch almost all of them on it. I'm gonna probably say, like, Hemsworth maybe has a little bit, because he still is Thor. He's not actually playing a variant. He's still playing himself at a different point. So, you know, that one maybe is. Is more resonant, but, you know, like, getting. I don't know how much. I mean, Jeremy Renner said physically, after the accident, he's not really able to do as much anymore, but I'm sure they can find some way to get him, you know, in. In the control room, even if he can't be out in the field or something. And, I mean, I guess we do. We have to endure another version of Ruffalo's Hulk. I don't know what we'll do with that. But, you know, and then. And then you've got some, you know, the New Avengers are going to be there. There was a quote this week kind of confirming that, you know, Anthony Mackie is going to be basically anointed the leader of the New Avengers. And obviously that will set up some competing interests when we start getting the variants of the original Avengers in there. But I think the point you make is the key one, right? So if cap 4 is as much of a mess as it seems like it's going to be, maybe you get a little uptick with Thunderbolts, which seems to be, you know, showing some hope, but there's no momentum. So you're kind of in even Fantastic Four, which we hope is good. It's kind of not a building block. It's sort of its own thing. Right. We're just sort of setting up presumably the future of Marvel, even though they're going to be in the Avengers movies as well. So this Avengers 5 is really like being asked to break them out of the slump. It's not being asked to do what Avengers 1 did, which was build on the goodwill of these origin stories and elevate them to block true blockbuster level. This thing is being asked to save the day, literally. That's a lot. And let's put it this way, I would be. I think I'll be pleasantly surprised, and I know you're going to tell me this number is too low. I'll be pleasantly surprised if this outgrosses Ultron, which was kind of around 1 3, 1 4. I think if they get to 15 with Avengers 5, that would exceed my current expectations. It should be 2 billion plus. But I just don't think you get there with no momentum at all. I think that's almost hard. [00:36:16] Speaker A: I mean, I think you get a whopping weekend because of the curiosity. But yeah, if the movie is whack and the people don't feel the same the way they. Those are the elements that we have to con that, that we're waiting for to hear from once this is done, if that performance is that compelling and that captivating and that different, that people want to come back over and over again, because that's what it takes. [00:36:51] Speaker B: Well, if Avengers 5 is not good, like not great, then Secret wars kind of becomes like, you're looking at like, are we looking at like a Matrix Revolutions type of situation where the Coleman, where the culmination is just forgotten and a disaster, like, I hope. [00:37:08] Speaker A: But you said it. We had this Conversation last time that, you know, RDJ is in every scene. You know, this is his. He's Atlas right now. He's Atlas. Brian, one thing before we move on. I've heard the theory regarding World War Hulk makes a lot of sense in terms of what they are attempting to do. I just don't like it. And that is Captain America 4 is going to sort of set up this sort of thing where the Red Hulk is just the beginning of other countries having Hulks as well. The Leader creates this sort of thing to give others the ability to become the Hulk, right? And I guess he gives them toward world leaders. And hence you get this World War Hulk situation. Brian, this sounds disgusting. The fact that you strip away what the World War Hulk storyline was and just using the words to create your own World War Hulk situation. Brian, if you would have told me Sony was doing it, I'd believe you. But the fact that Marvel is doing this, I do have to go back. Because how I used to sing the praises. Marvel can do no wrong. And now I'm just waiting for another. For another train to get started so I can jump on that. Because this train, I am so off. [00:39:19] Speaker B: You know, it's interesting. Like, is the Hulk. Is the Hulk like Marvel's white whale? Like it. Because it's the character that has always eluded them, if you think about it, right? The Ang Lee Hulk. The Norton Hulk is not bad, but, like, audiences didn't like it any better. Box office exactly the same. It felt like a step forward with the Ruffalo Hulk in Avengers 1. I think the. [00:39:53] Speaker A: I actually think Avengers 2 was all right, too. [00:39:55] Speaker B: I was going to say, I actually. The Ruffalo Hulk peaks with him getting his ass kicked by Thanos at the start of Infinity War. That's it. [00:40:03] Speaker A: That was. That was the moment. [00:40:06] Speaker B: That's the moment. So in that moment, it all turns right. And so just when you think the character, they might have this thing kind of figured out, like, it falls apart. Because then he becomes sort of like comic relief in the Hulkbuster costume. Then we get Professor Hulk, then we get she Hulk, then we get the Hulk family barbecue. And like, now we're at Red Hulk and now we're at World War Hulk where nobody really wants to see because we're like, you've messed up the Hulk. So see what I'm saying? Like, for whatever reason, of all the characters, the Hulk is proving to be the one where Marvel does not have the Midas touch. Like, Kevin just. They just haven't figured it out. They just don't have it like Brian. [00:40:52] Speaker A: I'm gonna say on this show right now, give it to me. Bring. I'm gonna give you a Pedro Serrano. Bring that shit to me, man. I'll do it. Because if. To me. Obviously. And let's. And we'll move on after this. But the Hulk is not horror. But that suspense. You're not supposed to be smiling. When the Hulk. There's collateral damage. None of his is his fault. [00:41:29] Speaker B: I don't think Angley's Hulk is a good movie, but I think Ang Lee had one proper idea in there, which I don't think has been harvested properly. To me, the Hulk is a tragic hero. You have to. If you. You have to look at everything through that lens. [00:41:50] Speaker A: Yes. [00:41:51] Speaker B: If you try to make the Hulk family friendly. If you try to make the Hulk a sunny day. [00:41:56] Speaker A: Yes. Yes. [00:41:57] Speaker B: Doesn't work. The Hulk. The point of the Bixby show that is lasting is the end of every episode. He's alone, walking off into the distance because he has nowhere that he belongs. That's the journey of the Hulk. [00:42:10] Speaker A: Today I was watching the Return of the Incredible Hulk with Thor. I was like, look, look, babe. What the Avengers were back then. But whoever was to play at that again, I think Ruffalo started off fantastic in Avengers, but then it just went into this comic relief crap that I just don't give a damn about this version of the Hulk and what the MCU has done with it. And I, Like, I would go in there and talk to people like, yo, what's. What. What do you guys have against the Hulk? Yo, why. Why are you making the what? And. And yet. And you make. And you make that Deadpool and Wolverine. Right. But the whole. Gotta be funny and don't talk back to. Listen, I never. I took. Like. I say it again. I'm gonna say one more time. I never minded them coming back. It's just the way they did. It just shows desperation. That's. [00:43:14] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, again, I'll just. Before we leave it. Look what I mean, we're not talking about it right now, but look what's happening over in Ryan Reynolds land right now. Like, that's another form of desperation. Right? Like, Disney needed Deadpool. They needed the win. [00:43:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:34] Speaker B: And they gave him the keys and he got his good buddy to help him. But in the long run, what you see afterwards is kind of what happens when you give the keys. And I'm not saying Ryan Reynolds doesn't have talent or that he's not. He is successful. [00:43:51] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:43:51] Speaker B: But now you see, like, he's like, oh, I want to make Deadpool this ongoing supporting character so I can put Channing Tatum's gambit over or I can do this. And like, you know, Marvel can't wait to do to the Wesley Snipes Blade Legacy movie. Like, you know, historically, Marvel didn't let even the likes of RDJ have that kind of say at the table. But they needed a win and they got it. They got a 1.3 record breaking R rated movie win this year. But the price of that win might be Ryan Reynolds is going to have a lot of say, a lot of control and like, at some point, nobody bats a thousand on their ideas. And some of these ideas he's floating out there right now, I'm like, yeah. [00:44:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm not even entertaining unless it happens. And then we'll talk about it. DC Creature Commandos, we got some teasers that we want to sort of highlight as to what those teasers or trailers did for us in terms of the anticipation that we had for those films. But Creature Commandos, Ryan, have you seen all the episodes? [00:45:05] Speaker B: Haven't seen the third one. Okay, we're in the same boat. Haven't seen the latest episode. I would describe it as I'm entertained. I think the, it's well written, as I would expect the James Gunn project to be. I'm not all the way in on it yet. Like, it hasn't, it hasn't taken me hostage the way that, like X Men 97 did. It's kind of a little more like Caped Crusader. Although it doesn't have the Batman anchor to kind of draw me in. But it's, it's kind of like I'm there, I'm intrigued, I'll stay with it. But I don't. It hasn't, it hasn't cracked that, like, upper echelon that these, you know, top animated shows have been pushing for us. You know, like it's, you know, like invincible or we always bring Blue Eyed Samurai into this discussion. Like, it's not there yet. It's not there yet, but it's interesting. It's not bad. It's interesting. I recommend people check it out. [00:45:57] Speaker A: He said episode four and seven are the ones that are really the ones he favors quite a bit. So we'll see what that's about. And I, and I'm anticipating. And I think, I think he even mentioned it. He didn't want to speak too much of on it, but he said it. Episode four might be the Weasel's backstory. [00:46:21] Speaker B: Okay. [00:46:22] Speaker A: So that'll be interesting to see. But from my perspective, Creature Commandos is just, you know, the same comedic timing, tone, you know, the long, these long stretches of conversation that go nowhere sometimes just for, just for comic relief. And it's like, ah, yeah, can we move on from this? [00:46:46] Speaker B: It's Quint. I mean, it is definitely quintessential James Gunn. And there's a little bit of Tarantino riff in there, a little bit with the title cards and the, and the music. And like I said, it's not bad. It's not bad. I, I feel like this is one of those things. Had it come out a couple years ago, I think I would actually like it more. But now because I feel like the genre, the animated genre has leveled up, my bar has gone up. And so this is kind of, like I said, it's intriguing me, but it isn't like captivating me yet. [00:47:14] Speaker A: Yes, yes. Let's do the teasers and trailers. So you have a list of your top five, Correct? [00:47:25] Speaker B: Right. So we have rules. So our rules are movie, not TV show. Can be a teaser, can be a trailer. Has to be IP driven. So you could have some great individual. Like, I'll give you a off the radar one. So the teaser trailer for Girl with a Dragon Tattoo starring Daniel Craig is phenomenal. Not ip like, but I'm saying, like, that's if you've never seen it. It uses Led Zeppelin. It's incredible. It just like. But it's much better than the movie. But anyway, so like, stuff like that you can't use. Like if you love the trailer for Inception, great. Can't use it. It's not an IP film. So had to be an IP teaser or trailer in history as we hope that Superman will live up to and sort of join the club. But yeah, we got five. I think we'll try to get some, some clips in our show so you can kind of follow along. You can find them on YouTube and watch the whole thing if you didn't remember or never seen it before. [00:48:21] Speaker A: I have a list here. I did some research as to the top because, you know, so I've seen so many things. There's not a lot of films that, that I think about. There's only a few. There's only a few. Yeah. But let's start off with your five. [00:48:40] Speaker B: Okay. So my number five, I think it more is a trailer more than a teaser, but it's kind of both. So it's Marvel's the Avengers to the end. It is a trailer that was released 10 days before Avengers endgame. And it has a retrospective in two minutes of the entire MCU, plus, like, 20 seconds of footage of Endgame. And I think it's. It's so nostalgic. It's so perfectly edited and voiced over. And then you get just like a little taste of, like, what you're going to get in the grand finale. But I just think for it, to me, it encapsulates how hard and impossible the journey was to get to that point. And the excitement is real. And you. You kind of hear the theme and you get that shot of Thanos and the final and Chris Evans, the final, like, whatever it takes. And I'm just like, you know, let's freaking go. So for me, like, that's actually the culminating. It's funny. I think Marvel actually does trailers better now than they did back then. [00:49:41] Speaker A: I really do that. Captain America for joint. The trailer looks good. [00:49:45] Speaker B: I really do. I think they're better at trailers now than they were when Iron man and Cat. Like, I went through. I went back through a bunch of those and they're like, they're okay, but they're not like, they're not like, for me, they're not like, there. But that end one for end Game, if you haven't seen it's called to the End. I think that one is perfect. So that's my number five. [00:50:02] Speaker A: Number five. Ryan is off the radar. I mean, I didn't know it was not ip, but I don't know, I'll mention it and then if it is, then I'll. Okay. I only chose this one, Brian, because. Because I was thinking about. I was like, what. What trailer had me like, I can't wait to see this because I'm so fascinated with this legend. When I saw the trailer, I said, yo, I got. I can't wait to see this. Because now they really. I don't know, they may be taking this seriously, right? His story, Dragon. The Bruce Lee story with Jason Scott. [00:50:49] Speaker B: Oh, okay. I remember this. And I know the music for this. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah. [00:50:54] Speaker A: When I saw that, man, I was like, oh, snap. Bruce Lee. Because Bruce Lee, man. Anything Bruce Lee. And that up until that point, there had never been something seriously done in terms of his biopic. And I know when I read his wife. Did his wife disapprove of this film? [00:51:13] Speaker B: Yes. And in fact, this one, I think it comes out. And the trailer came out right around the same time that Brandon Lee died. So there's also that element of the Crow was out in 92. He's obviously killed on set. Before it releases. This movie, I believe, comes out in 93. So the trailer comes out, like, right around the time that Bruce Lee is kind of back in our consciousness because his son passed away. [00:51:35] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, that's number. My number five. Because that was the first time I was like, wow, they're doing this. I can't wait to see what they do with it and how this guy performs as Bruce Lee. Because he was. You know, he was. Bruce Lee was one on one. And how do you replicate that on screen? It's hard. So I'm always curious about that. [00:51:55] Speaker B: You can't, because he tried it. And then there was a. There was a small movie like six or seven years ago called Way of the Dragon. Was another guy that tried to do it. [00:52:02] Speaker A: It was all right. It was all right. [00:52:04] Speaker B: Yeah, because it wasn't. I think the guys that did the Matrix actually did the choreography for that. The fight choreography for that fight he does with the Shaolin Monk and that. But I. It's just. You can't. He tries the voice and he tries the energy, but nobody's Bruce Lee. That's the thing. So. Yeah, that's interesting. That's a really. I hadn't thought about that movie in a long time. My Number four is a teaser that. I'd be curious how many people remember it or even saw it. And it has a real interesting place in history. It is the teaser for the Sam Raimi spider man in 2002. Do you even remember what is in that? Because it was pulled from theaters right after it was released. [00:52:45] Speaker A: No. [00:52:46] Speaker B: So the original cut, it does not feature a single shot from the actual movie. That's kind of what's cool about it. It shows a bank robbery in which I remember that they get away in a helicopter. And the helicopter is caught in a spiderweb that is between the two towers, the Twin Towers. And they released it. They packaged it and released it right at the same time as 9 11. So they had to pull it because it was showing the tower standing right after they had fallen. But the teaser is like 60 seconds. It just shows the robbery, it shows the web, and then it shows the tech of Spider man swinging through the city. And it just says, in May 2002, like, you know, kind of catch the ride of a lifetime kind of. And that's it. You don't see anything else? [00:53:34] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:53:35] Speaker B: Other than the feel. And I think it's perfect as a teaser because it literally gives nothing away. You don't see Toby, you don't see Willem Dafoe they don't even mention who's in the movie. They just show that sequence. And they show Spider man swinging through the skyscrapers of Manhattan. That's it. But it's. It kind of died on the vine because of what happened, so. But you can find it online if you haven't seen it. Like, it's actually really, really. It's really good and really different. [00:53:59] Speaker A: I remember reading about that, but I hadn't seen. I hadn't seen it. I hadn't seen that. Interesting. I'm gonna go probably go check that out. My number four, Brian, is when I think anybody saw this. I don't know if it was a teaser, but I remember the trailer of Jurassic Park. [00:54:20] Speaker B: Oh, great call. [00:54:23] Speaker A: It's like I was growing up as a kid. I was dinosaurs. I love watching dinosaurs and learning about that. But when I saw that, oh, I can't wait for this movie. Jurassic park is my number four. [00:54:36] Speaker B: I agree. Great call. Totally. IP and yeah, you're right. The book hype was so big. Spielberg's doing the movie. Yeah, that's a good call. Now I'm feeling bad. I don't have that on my list. But that's. That actually is really right. That actually is one of the best teaser trailer buildups to a film where they show you. They don't show you anything at first and they show you a little bit because the first one is just like the logo. The very first teaser is literally just like the logo. And the John Williams. The first little music. They show some key stuff without giving away the dinosaurs, which I think is really the. The art of it. Great call on that one. My number three. So this was interesting to me when I really sat down and thought about it. I really, truly believe that Superman has had a very proud legacy of trailers, more so than actual films. I think the. It's the. To me, I could have picked any one of these. But I think it's the final trailer to Superman Returns. And I'll send the link to it so you have the right one. I think they do a great job of building up from teaser to trailer in this. But I love the final trailer because it abandons the John Williams score and it starts to show some of the action and some of the sequencing and some of the flight effects. But the way they cut the final montage for when Kevin Spacey kind of says wrong. And then they kind of show like a quick cut leading up to him taking the bullet off his eye. [00:55:57] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:55:57] Speaker B: I was so hyped for this. And then so let down. But I was so hyped coming off this trailer. So the final trailer, I think of her Superman Returns. I think it's trailer three is actually my. My one of my favor favorites. And I should do re watches just from time to time and think of what might have been for that movie. [00:56:15] Speaker A: My number three. And I'll talk to you about where we were when this came out because I did not know about it. And I saw the trailer for Batman Begins. [00:56:31] Speaker B: Interesting that you. I can. This was in my honorable mention, but I consider this. Yes, go ahead, speak on it. [00:56:36] Speaker A: I was like, what. What is this? I think when I saw it the first time, I saw like, oh, snap. When he opens his closet thing of his Batman stuff. And I was like, oh. And I went crazy. This was one of those moments where we weren't disappointed, Brian, because Batman Begins for me. There are so many Batman moments in that movie, Brian, that they're unforgettable. You're. You're only one. Now we're two. [00:57:11] Speaker B: I. I totally agree with you. I think Batman Begins is. Is actually gets more underrated by the year. It's funny. You can sit that you went with that one. I. I really thought through like how they did this because I thought about doing actually the Dark Knight teaser, the one where Ledger's voice is introduced, where there's no footage, because I thought that was an interesting way to bring him into our world. [00:57:36] Speaker A: For me, that would be an honorable mention. Yes. [00:57:37] Speaker B: And then Begins, you're right. Has the footage which I do think matters. And that's also that maybe you could argue is the bigger. I think maybe at the time, the only thing that made me a little bit hesitant was we didn't know what Chris Nolan was going to become. Right. Because he had just done Memento, which was cool. And he just done. I forgot the other one was one with Pacino, the one with Insomniac. He done those two movies. So like he. He had shown promise be like, this guy's doing a Batman. And then Batman's, you know, stock was kind of low coming off of Batman and Robin. So I remember being like, okay, looks different, you know. [00:58:15] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:58:16] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. [00:58:17] Speaker A: And I had seen Memento, so I knew the seriousness that he was taking this character in the film. So when I saw it, I was like, surprised at the trailer and I went crazy. And I couldn't wait for it. And we got some of the best Batman stuff we've seen on film. [00:58:36] Speaker B: No question. [00:58:37] Speaker A: So. Yeah, no question. [00:58:39] Speaker B: Great pick. So my number two, I'm Staying in the Superman world. And we've talked about it a bunch. I think the man of Steel teaser is it. [00:58:46] Speaker A: That's my number two, I think. [00:58:49] Speaker B: I. I'm sorry. Like, I just don't think you can tease Superman better. And I love the fact that there's a Jonathan Kent voiceover and a Russell Crowe voiceover. Two exact versions of the same thing. And I, you know, I know it didn't. The movie didn't live up to the promise of this footage, but I was so impressed being like, I know Zack Snyder's style, but it's so not visible in this teaser. Like, everything is, like, looks real, looks tactile. None of the super slow mo. And then that effect of him flying at long range at supersonic speed with the boom and the vapor trail. I was like, I'm in. And this came out a year before the movie. Yeah, a year before the movie. And I was like, I just give this to me now because this looks like everything I want. And I realize it wasn't. I like it, but I don't. I don't. I don't love it the way I probably should, but it. It is a perfect teaser in my. In my eyes. [00:59:42] Speaker A: I was so hyped for this movie, Brian. When I saw the trailer, I was like this. I. I didn't care about what anybody else was doing. I just remember just watching the trailer over and over again. Couldn't wait to see this movie. So, yeah, that was not. That's my number two as well. [00:59:59] Speaker B: I totally agree. And I think this. I think. I think. [01:00:01] Speaker A: I think our number one is going to be the same. [01:00:04] Speaker B: Really? I don't think so. Oh, I don't think so. I don't think so. But I will say I think the promotion for man of Steel was as good as any promotion campaign has ever been in the genre. I think they go three for three on trailers. If you watch all three in succession, I think it's perfect. Like the teas. They never again. They never use the Williams score. The vibe is different. The second one gives you some footage, but not a lot. The third one gives you more. Maybe it gives you too much. But then they introduce Hans Zimmer's Superman theme, which is really cool. As an alternate in the last trailer, I mean, the hype was real. I mean, I probably. Honestly, the hype probably made me enjoy my first watching of the movie maybe a little more than I should have because I was pretty fired up. I remember talking to you in the office, like, on Monday, being like, that was Epic. Like, I love this film and like, over time, like, I still like it, but like, I see the flaws more now when I watch it than I felt it the day that I saw it. But I remember being like, I was on a plane like this. I remember I was flying somewhere and I literally, like, I went straight from the airport to the theater. Like, I like, it was the first thing I did. I was like, I landed and like, I went and I watched the movie. Like, that's how excited. [01:01:15] Speaker A: Can you get your luggage out the way? [01:01:17] Speaker B: Yeah, no, yeah, it's like literally, that's like, you guys can hold my back, hold my bag up front. I need to see this right now. So. Yeah, but no, but as promotion goes, that. And that's what I mean by like, this Superman movie to me has a lot to live up to in terms of promotion because of this. Like, the legacy of how Superman has been fed to us through teasers and trailers has actually been phenomenal. Okay. I don't think you're gonna have this one, so. [01:01:44] Speaker A: Okay. [01:01:45] Speaker B: But it is my all time favorite and I watch it semi regularly anyway. It is the series, the trilogy teaser for Lord of the Rings. [01:01:54] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [01:01:56] Speaker B: There is a teaser for all three movies because they were shot together and they were going to be released obviously in successive years. It gives you like 20 seconds of footage. It gives you like, you know, really dramatic music. And then it gives you just a shot of all nine of the Fellowship walking in the Misty Mountains. And that's it. It's just like a vibes trailer. I think it's perfect. It like sets the tone for how serious they're taking the material. And look, the rest is history. I mean, New Line. New Line studios exist today because of that film and they obviously were nominated and ultimately won Academy Awards, but I think it's everything I want in in. In a teaser while giving nothing away. So that is my number one of all time. [01:02:35] Speaker A: Yeah, I want to give an honorable mention to those because not an honorable mention on mine because I wasn't really up on. I wasn't as excited as everyone else was for this mention. For this mention that I'm gonna say. And that is the Star Wars Phantom Menace because I know people that. [01:02:59] Speaker B: Yeah. So it's funny you had said that. You said. You said so. I have Phantom Menace and Force Awakened. I think both first teaser trailers are really good, like bringing you back into the fold. So I agree. They were my honorable mentions. Yeah, for sure. [01:03:12] Speaker A: Ryan, we have been talking about this trailer for before the movie came out. We were just giving it its praises. I was overzealous in terms of how much this movie was gonna make. It didn't quite make it there, but it still showed that this. [01:03:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:03:35] Speaker A: Character is still a powerhouse any day of the week. That is why James Gunn won't even mention Batman's name in terms of titles or anything like that. Because if he does, it'll take the attention away from Superman. It is over. If he says this person, even if it's not Alan Richardson or Alan. Alan Richardson, whoever it's it is, that person's life has changed and he hasn't even shot a single frame yet. [01:04:05] Speaker B: Yep. [01:04:06] Speaker A: So he cannot say anything but the Batman. Brian, that trailer had me going crazy. I could not wait for. I was looking at my notifications to see if I got. When can I purchase the tickets to go see the Batman? For me, it was a little. The movie was. Yeah. A little bit too long. After watching it over and over again, I was like, what the hell? But still, if it's on, you can't help but watch the first hour of it because it's just amazing. I think. So that for me, my number one. I mean, there's some honorable mentions that we'll probably get into real quick, but the Batman, to me, is number one in terms of giving. Listen, they hadn't even finished the movie yet. It was 25. [01:04:59] Speaker B: 25 shots. You're referring to 5% fandom teaser. That's what he's referring to. That was also one of my honorable mentions. But yes. And also similar to my. My Lord of the Rings one A vibes trailer. Because. Because the vibe that Reeves puts in the teaser is the movie. Like, he's literally giving you the feel, the color palette, like, changing course for what Batman can be and will be. And he carries it all the way through the promotional. This was another one where the promotion was great because the. Each trailer teaser stuck to this idea and kept using the actual music from the film and the reds and the blacks and, like, the lack of color. Like, they kept after you. [01:05:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:05:43] Speaker B: Get you in the theater. [01:05:44] Speaker A: What are your honorable mentions? [01:05:46] Speaker B: We've met. We've covered most of them. So I had the two Star wars ones. Had the. Had the two Batman ones. Begins and the Batman. I also had the Matrix. So the Matrix that. The trailer that has the enigma. The enigma music. And like, the first time you kind of see bullet time, like, that was the other, like, eyed peeps for me, where I was like, wait, what? Like what? Like, what. [01:06:06] Speaker A: What is this? [01:06:07] Speaker B: Like, you know, that kind of thing. So. So I had that on there. You know, I can't. I looked at other ones and I ultimately didn't put them on there. Like, I. I was debating, like, should I put, like, the Terminator 2 teaser where they just show him coming off the assembly line? I was like, I didn't put it on there, but that was. It was good. I mean, I was just like, yeah, I don't put that on another one. [01:06:25] Speaker A: That was good, Brian. But it just recently came out, so I really can't. I don't know. It doesn't. Hasn't stuck with me because I'm not a fan. Not to say I'm not a fan because I don't like it, but I'm just, you know, it's. Whatever to me, but impressive. It was the how to train your dragon trainer. [01:06:43] Speaker B: Yeah, no, yeah, exactly. Live action how to train your dragon season. No, that's. That's fantastic. It is fantastic. Like it is. And especially if you've seen the Animated, you. You get every beat in that trailer and you understand what they're. What they're riffing on. So, yeah, no, it's. It is. It is pretty special in that regard. But no, there was a whole bunch that I considered, but I was like, yeah. [01:07:04] Speaker A: I thought about Infinity War and Endgame. Those. Those trailers, Brian, were like, oh, snap. You know, because we have been building towards it and those trailers were. Had a scratching. [01:07:17] Speaker B: Yeah, no, that's why I did the to the end one. To me, that one I like better. I like the way they use the music better. And I just like the retrospective. They. When you see it, it's like they literally give you a shot, a sequence from every one of the films leading up to Endgame. You just get this sense of, like, wow, the monolith has been created to where here we are, you know, 12 years later at the. At the precipice of this climax. So that was. That, for me, was the one. But, yeah, there's a whole bunch of. You know, I couldn't find an X Men, one that I thought was brilliant. Like, I actually went back and rewatched a few, but I don't think that one, you know, I don't think that one's had that. Like, maybe it'll be this. Maybe it'll be the mutant verse of, you know, the. That we're getting with Marvel, but I just don't think we've had one there that was so spectacular. There's Razor Park 1, though. I'm that one. I'm Regretting. I didn't even think about that. But that one actually should be on the list. So. [01:08:05] Speaker A: So Brian, having said, described the feeling that we get or we've had with some of these trailers. The expectation is for this trailer, Brian, is to do the same thing. This trailer cannot be. Ah. If. As soon as I see. If you hesitate. Yeah, you can hesitate, but the expression on your face has to look. You have to be amazed. And there's just no sugarcoating in terms of how successful this trailer has to be in terms of building the excitement that it needs to get for people to be ready on day one, two, three, and then the following weekend. We've talked about it over and over again, how pivotal this trailer and this movie is for the future of the dcu, because again, we have all these projects on the line getting ready to film. We have dates for other projects. Again, no mention of Batman, because if you do, that's a mistake. I'll say this. I don't know if I said I didn't send you this, but there's this YouTube channel guy that I think is Road to Superman he talked about, and he could. I. I don't know how, but the rumor is he stated that is a bit of punk rockish feeling or vibes sounds like his M.O. brian. That concerns me. [01:09:56] Speaker B: Oh, heck yes. That's not what I'd be looking for. [01:10:01] Speaker A: And I heard he also mentioned because this dude has just been. This is what. This is all he does. Road to Superman. He's only done a few epic, like, 67 episodes ever since this was announced. Because he's just been researching and just keeping up on the news and that the teaser showed my. My favorite friend, crypto, and only a few hints of Superman. All of this sounds concerning. I just hope that it isn't the case. And I hope that it smacks, because if it doesn't, it's not like I'm not gonna go see it. Who doesn't go see a super? [01:10:55] Speaker B: Who. [01:10:56] Speaker A: What's. What? Superhero, Comic book fan doesn't go see a Superman at least once. [01:11:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:11:02] Speaker A: You know, but in terms of will we see it again? I don't know if this movie doesn't hit the way it's supposed to. [01:11:12] Speaker B: Oh, again, I mean, I think, yeah, all of what you just said kind of concerns me. I think. I mean, I. Like I said, I think history would say a vibes trailer is really what you want. That's. You don't want to be long. To me, I would rather be 75 seconds or 90 seconds. Or less. But I want a Vibes trailer. Like, I want to. I want to have a sense of the world that I'm going to live in. I don't need a lot of Superman, but I think I need one Superman something. I need an effect, a hint of something that shows me visually what you have in mind. That's why I think the Zach supersonic flight is such a good idea, because you don't even see Cavill in the suit. You can't make out his face. You just know who it is from a distance. But you. But the speed, the shaky cam lets you know, like, what Zach's going for visually. And I think Gun has to. I would really hope Gun tries for something similar, which is like, this is my own version. I shot this thing in imax and I've got this hint of some visual effect for how Superman's going to operate that I want you to get just a little taste of. And then beyond that, you know, I don't need like a lot of dialogue. Quick cuts showing Lois, quick cuts showing, like, little like these individual characters. Yeah, Crypto is fine. I don't care. But yeah, I don't need a lot of like, actual contiguous scenes. I just need feel. But punk rock worries me because that feels very Suicide Squad. That feels very vintage. Gun, the stuff that we would have said would make him unsuitable to direct this kind of movie. I would. You know, I've kind of accepted these days that they kind of always remix, you know, popular songs for. For these trailers. So I'm kind of expecting with Gun's musical knowledge, we will get something like that. But, you know, I would prefer, if you're going to do that, like an epic, a more epic, heroic sounding remix of something, actually, I could even send you. There's one that's floating around. It's like a remix of Louis Armstrong's what a Wonderful World. But it's done in a way that's really epic sounding, where I'm like. And it's very uplifting. And I'm kind of like something like that where it's like I'm kind of connecting the lyrics of that song to that shot that Gun has already released of Superman. Sitting with Crypto, watching the world, right? And that idea of like, what a wonderful world, like that kind of. That's the kind of vibe I feel like I want from this. I don't want to feel like I'm going to be in some hip, snappy, like, you know, you know, like Travolta walking down the street is fever Style Superman. That's not what we're looking for. Disco Superman is not what I'm here for. But we'll see. But you're right. Look, the thing is, this thing is going to buzz. And the question is, which way does it buzz? Right? If we're. If we're. If we're doing our emergency pod and what we're talking about is Superman suit looks funny, and the feel and the vibe and the music of this feels all wrong, then I guarantee you WB is going to overcorrect the next time. And that's when we run the risk of, like, they start just firing out the footage. Now we're getting all the spoilers. Like, we don't want that. So a lot hinges on the reaction to this. If everyone's talking about, like, this looks incredible, unique, the world is ready for something that looks like this. Great. Then they can keep all the cards close to the chest. So a lot riding on this because. [01:14:32] Speaker A: If it don't work out. [01:14:37] Speaker B: It'S like Mr. Zof. Well, you have Amazon on line one and Apple on line two. [01:14:46] Speaker A: Bring me the numbers. Yeah. Yo. That's what it's gonna be. That's what it's gonna be. That's what it's gonna be. That's what it's gonna be. [01:14:58] Speaker B: By the way, you see, speaking of teasers, you did. I said I texted you about this. Did you watch the Reacher 30 second teaser? [01:15:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:15:05] Speaker B: You see the size of the dude? They got to fight him in season three. Imagine I was like, that looks like. Yeah, I was like, that's Batman and Bane right there. That's it. [01:15:15] Speaker A: There you go. [01:15:15] Speaker B: There you go. [01:15:16] Speaker A: But there you go. Easy just took. Just put something on him and that's it. That's why it is a mistake to say this guy is Batman right now. Because your Superman flops and Zaslav fast tracks Batman. You know what I'm saying? And we can't have that. And we can't have that. But I'll tell you last thing before we sign off. Let's say Batman Superman is successful. Would you say that he will do his brave in the Bold movie before he does a Superman 2? [01:16:06] Speaker B: Okay, so Superman 25, Supergirl 26 were baked. But you're saying Batman part two is end of 26, but Superman delivers. I think they fast track two, don't you think? Like, if that really delivers, like if Superman is like Top Gun Maverick, I would think they. I would think they reshuffle and put everything in on writing and getting that back to the Theater. Because at what, at that point, what is the rush for Batman, Brave and the Bold? That would be my question. Right. So we assume Batman 2 is going to be successful coming off the Penguin. If Superman is successful, why do we need DCU Batman at that point? Right away? See what I'm saying? Like, I don't see the urgency. So then I would say, let's go Superman to. As the next, like, tent pole. And then at that point, you got lanterns on tv. Like, you got, you got. You're rolling with some stuff. I, I would tend to think, yeah, that that might actually push Brave in the Bull back a little bit. Maybe I'm wrong, but that. I just don't, I just don't see, like, they have to bring Batman in if they've already got Pattinson and, and the corn sweat thing working. [01:17:26] Speaker A: It's interesting dilemma with the Batman character. We're foreshadowing future episodes, people. [01:17:36] Speaker B: But also Brave in the Bold. He's the second build character. Right. Damien's the lead. That's the. I would just point that out. Like, people who are like, that's DCU Batman. I'm like, yeah, it is, but it kind of isn't. Because, like, he's not. He's. He's. I mean, the mentor. He's the older of the. [01:17:54] Speaker A: What is. But he is the DCU Batman. Certainly the focal point is not him, but Batman can be whack no matter what capacity he's in. [01:18:06] Speaker B: No, but I'm just saying, like the movie, he's at the edge of the spotlight. He's not solely in the spotlight of Brave and the Bull. That's not the point. The point is that Damien, Damian Wayne is the part. That's why I was saying, like, not that Chalamet would do it, but like, if you're an actor, I think you want the Damian part in that movie more than you want the Bruce part, because the Damien parts where you get to go crazy and be psychotic and live on the edge of heroism and villainy. And like, the Bruce part is like, you're kind of. You're kind of the Liam Neeson mentor character, but you. [01:18:38] Speaker A: But that guy has to be the one to bring him, rein him in and form a relationship where Damian trusts him because he's only trusted the League of Shadows on whoever he's truly with. Right. So that relationship, although Batman isn't involved in terms of the day to day of Damien and whatever he's doing or trying to keep up with him or whatever the case may be, he still has to be the guy. I don't say he's going to be in every scene, but he's almost in every third or fourth. I don't know. He. You know what I'm saying? [01:19:06] Speaker B: He's. [01:19:07] Speaker A: He's there a lot because he. That's Batman's son. [01:19:11] Speaker B: Yeah, he is. But this is the thing, right? If you put him in too much, then he upstages the lead of his, you know, something like, metered out in a way that, like, this is our guy. But he's not gonna dominate this film. He's gonna whet your appetite for the other thing we're gonna do with him, where he is the star that, like the lead dog. That's the balance that I see. [01:19:36] Speaker A: There a lot of things to look forward to if Superman does do what it's supposed to do, what we expect it to do, what it has to do, because if it doesn't, it all begins. [01:19:49] Speaker B: This is it, man. This is. That's why. [01:19:51] Speaker A: Yes. [01:19:55] Speaker B: And as I said, the legacy of Superman promotion is very strong. You don't want to put your first step wrong here. [01:20:03] Speaker A: Would you agree that the creature Commandos intro with these, where there's the DCU emblem and Superman breaking is. I said that on it. I didn't put it out. But I was just trying to, you know, keep the nerd gen fans informed. But that is. That is Mickey Mouse to the dcu. Yeah, that is Mickey Mouse. And I wasn't impressed with that intro, Brian. I have to say, respectfully, I wasn't impressed. Why being this. Being this, your first outing into the dc, you and your creation and what you're showing us, that intro should have been more impressive to me. It should have been more impressive. [01:20:56] Speaker B: So DC already has the perfect intro, but they can't use it anymore. It's. It's the intro to the original Justice League cartoon. That's it. Like, where they. The way they show the original founding members in the shadows, but then kind of the way it's animated. That was the Marvel thing before Marvel did it. And they can't do it, like, anymore because it's already out there. But I'm saying that is more what you're looking for. But I thought it was. Yeah, I just thought it was odd because when the thing flashed up, I almost kept waiting for, like, other characters to be highlighted. And I was like, wow, you really want this to be all on his shoulders. You wouldn't even put Batman in this. In this sequence. It's a Superman show. It's like, it's all Superman show. That's his as. That's a dazzle thing to me. Right. Because he loves Superman. He's a Superman guy. He's not. He's more than a Batman guy. I assume that's kind of part what that is. [01:21:48] Speaker A: The thing is, also, is, like, you can't put anything else up there, because why People start talking and start wondering, start asking questions again, the. All the attention is on whatever James Gunn wants us to see and what he eventually wants us to just be taking aback. Taken aback and relish in this movie that he is. Again, he wrote, what, in two weeks or whatever. He had it written already. [01:22:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:18] Speaker A: This is his baby. [01:22:20] Speaker B: Yeah, but you're right. I mean, it's funny. There's a. There was a. There's an interview that Matt Damon gave, looking back on Ocean's Eleven, which reminds me of this whole Batman thing, because obviously Ocean's Eleven, there's a lot of stars in that movie. And he makes a reference to like, well, George, meaning George Clooney. He's like, George Clooney. And I never had any problems with the paparazzi. He said, because we would just send Brad Pitt out first. So he would go one way, we go the other. And they just follow him. And I'm like, brad Pitt is Batman. Batman goes out the door, everybody follows him. So Superman can just walk down the street, nobody notices. You know, that's it. They can't let Batman out of the barn because it becomes all about Batman. [01:23:01] Speaker A: Yeah, yo. Yeah, he knows it. And whoever else doesn't know it. Whatever. Well, again, you want to think. [01:23:07] Speaker B: I don't know if Deathstroke and Bane and Clayface are a good idea, but whose rogues gallery do they belong to? That's kind of all you need. I don't see any. I don't see any, you know, momentum for the Bizarro Metallo solo films. Right. Like, I'm just saying, like, it's one character that they want to build. This entire. Like, they want to do all these other things with Joker, all this sort of stuff. It's always Batman. [01:23:30] Speaker A: I'll say this, and then we'll sign off. The Penguin is just the beginning of an idea that I think they're perhaps thinking about and which makes sense. Let's give them a reason for why Batman should go after these guys the way the Penguin left off. We want Penguin to go. I mean, we want Batman to go get him. These other guys, Clayface, Bane or whatever the case may be. Let's see, whatever this. That they do. Hopefully it can be compelling enough, but we'll know what Batman has to contend with when he faces those guys. [01:24:16] Speaker B: Such a great point. We'll never get this. Will never get this. But when I, one of the things I thought about with the Penguin after we had seen how the Riddler was reinvented, if they, they'll never do this. But if they could ever get Reeves to do a build up to nightfall, you don't want to see his version of like bringing the rogues in and then how Bane releases all of them and Batman has to stop all of them one by one. And then you get Matt Reeves version of the Batman Bane showdown. Like I would kill to see that over decade worth of product. [01:24:57] Speaker A: It'll never do. This is what. Yeah, this is. But this is what you do. You do that movie where he goes after them. You end the movie with them about. [01:25:05] Speaker B: To fight, where he's tired, where he's totally fatigued and Bane has figured out his identity is waiting for him at the mansion. Yeah, absolutely. [01:25:12] Speaker A: That's the next movie. Yeah. But yeah, let us know in the comment section below what you guys think of James Gunn's DCU so far. And listen, hopefully this trade doesn't come out on Tuesday because usually traders come out on Tuesdays. [01:25:34] Speaker B: They're saying Thursday. I mean unless it leaks after the press screening. But we'll see. But whatever. There'll be emergency. We'll be one of them. There'll be emergency. [01:25:44] Speaker A: YouTube is going to crash. Oh snap. But yeah, let us know in the comment section below what you guys think. Please remember to hit that like and subscribe button and we'll see you next time on the Nerdy Report.

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